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How do I find my comments in Facebook?

How do I find my comments in Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2023. With so much user engagement happening on Facebook daily, you may have a hard time keeping track of all the comments you’ve made on posts, pages, and in Facebook groups.

Fortunately, Facebook provides users with easy tools to view, find, and manage comments they’ve made across the platform. Whether you want to review conversations you’ve had with friends or find comments you’ve left on a business page, Facebook’s filters and search functions allow you to browse and search your comment history with just a few clicks.

Viewing All Comments You’ve Made

The quickest way to see all the comments you’ve made on Facebook is to visit your comment history. This page serves as a feed of all your comments, allowing you to scroll through and read them.

To access your comment history:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click “Comments” in the left sidebar.

You will now see your comment history page, which displays a chronological feed of all comments you’ve made across Facebook. The most recent comments are at the top. You can scroll down to go farther back in your history.

This page shows comments you’ve made on any public posts, such as posts in Groups, and comments you’ve left on Pages. Comments made on friends’ private posts will not show up here. We’ll go over how to find those later.

Filtering Comments

If you’ve used Facebook for many years, your comment history can be quite long. Luckily, you can filter the page to show just the types of comments you’re looking for.

To filter your comment history:

  1. Click on “Filters” at the top of the page.
  2. Select one or more filters:
    • Posts – Comments you’ve left on posts.
    • Photos – Comments left on photos.
    • Videos – Comments on videos.
    • Ads – Comments you’ve made on ads.
    • Pages – Comments left on Pages.
    • Groups – Comments in Groups.
    • Facebook Stories – Comments on Facebook stories.

Filtering makes it easy to narrow down your comment history and quickly find comments related to a specific post, Page, Group, or other area. You can select multiple filters if needed.

Searching for Specific Comments

If you’re looking for a specific comment or conversation, use the search bar at the top of your comment history page to quickly find it.

For example, you can search:

  • Words that appear in the comment
  • The name of the person you replied to
  • The Page or Group where you commented
  • A phrase you think was in the comment

Facebook will display results matching your search query. You can then click a comment to open and read the full conversation.

Finding Comments You’ve Made on Friends’ Posts

Comments you’ve made on your friends’ private posts won’t appear in your main comment history page. To find these:

  1. Go to your friend’s profile page.
  2. Click “Posts” below their cover photo.
  3. Scan their posts to find ones you’ve commented on. You’ll see your comment beneath the post.
  4. Click “View more comments” on posts that have a lot of engagement to open the comment thread.

You can also go to your News Feed and look for posts you’ve interacted with in the past. If you’ve commented, you’ll see your comment when opening the post.

Using Facebook’s search bar is another quick way to find comments you’ve left on friends’ posts:

  1. Go to the search bar at the top of Facebook.
  2. Search the friend’s name plus keywords from your comment.

For example, search “Sarah happy birthday” to find your “Happy birthday!” comment on your friend Sarah’s post.

Managing Your Comments

Now that you know how to find any comment you’ve made, you can review conversations, see how people interacted with your comments, and delete or edit comments if needed.

Editing Comments

You have the ability to edit comments you’ve left on public posts, such as in Groups:

  1. Go to your comment history page and find the comment.
  2. Hover over the comment and click the pencil icon.
  3. Edit the comment text.
  4. Click “Save” to update the comment.

Comments on friends’ private posts or Pages cannot be edited, but you can delete them.

Deleting Comments

To delete a comment:

  1. Go to your comment history or find the comment on a post.
  2. Hover over the comment and click the “X” icon.
  3. Click “Delete” to confirm.

The comment will be removed from Facebook.

Turning Off Comment Notifications

If a post has a long comment thread, you may get notifications every time someone interacts with the post. You can turn these off:

  1. Go to the post and find your comment.
  2. Hover over your comment and click the ellipsis icon.
  3. Select “Turn off notifications for this post.”

This stops notifications related to that specific comment thread while keeping your overall Facebook notifications on.


Facebook makes it simple to look back through your comment history, search for specific comments, and manage comments you’ve made across the platform. Using your comment history page and Facebook’s filters, any comment you’ve ever made is just a few clicks away.

A few key things to remember:

  • Visit your comment history page to see all comments chronologically.
  • Use filters to narrow down comments by type, like Pages or Groups.
  • Search your history for keywords or names to find specific comments.
  • Edit or delete comments from your history page.
  • Turn off notifications for lengthy comment threads.

Next time you need to find a comment or have a conversation to refer back to, you’ll know exactly how to search and access your Facebook comment history.