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How do I find high school friends on Facebook?

How do I find high school friends on Facebook?

Facebook can be a great way to reconnect with old high school friends that you may have lost touch with over the years. With over 2 billion active monthly users, chances are many of your former classmates are on Facebook too. But with so many people using Facebook, how do you easily locate and connect with friends from your high school days? Here are some tips to help you find and reconnect with high school friends on Facebook.

Search for Individuals

The most straightforward way to find high school friends on Facebook is by searching for them by name. Start by going to Facebook’s homepage and using the search bar at the top. Type in the name of the friend you are looking for. With over 2 billion users, you may get multiple results for common names, so you may need to filter by location or look at profile pictures to find the right person.

Once you’ve located your friend’s profile, you can send them a friend request or message them. Be sure to mention in your message that you are reconnecting from high school so they recognize you. If you share any common friends already on Facebook with this person, tag the mutual friend in your message too as another way to jog their memory.

Tips for Individual Searches:

  • Search for their full name and graduation year to limit results (e.g. “John Smith Class of 2010”)
  • Filter results by current city or hometown if too many matches come up
  • Browse through profile pictures carefully to confirm identities
  • Check through suggested friends after locating one high school connection to potentially find more
  • Use Messenger to message multiple friends at once when reconnecting

Join High School Groups

Many high schools have official alumni groups or fan pages on Facebook that you can join. Here current students, former students, teachers, and more will gather online. By becoming a member of your high school’s group, you gain access to the entire alumni network. You can browse the group’s members and look for familiar faces from your graduating class.

Some key groups to search for include:

  • “[Your High School Name] Class of [Your Graduate Year]” – Ex. “Springfield High Class of 1995”
  • “[Your High School Name] Alumni” – Ex. “Jefferson High Alumni”
  • “I Went to [Your High School Name]” – Ex. “I Went to Washington High”

Once you join the group, you can interact with members by commenting on discussions and posting your own content. Be active consistently to increase the chances of reconnecting with more students from your class.

Tips for High School Group Searches:

  • Make sure to answer any membership questions accurately to get approved for access
  • Engage frequently and post interesting content/memories people will react to
  • Create your own post asking if anyone from your graduating class is in the group
  • Browse old yearbooks or class photos to jog memories of names you may have forgotten

Check Your Recommended Friends List

Facebook is always working behind the scenes to suggest new friends for you to connect with. One way it does this is by looking at friends of friends and people you may have common connections with. So there’s a good chance some of your high school acquaintances will pop up in Facebook’s “People You May Know” section.

Be sure to regularly check your list of recommended friends on Facebook. When you see someone you recognize from high school, you can send a request or message them. Sometimes just one new high school friend connection can lead to the discovery of many more.

Tips for People You May Know:

  • Go through your full recommended list periodically, not just the first few suggested
  • Think back on social circles and friend groups from school that could lead to more connections
  • Change your profile location to your high school town to get more relevant recommendations
  • Respond to any suggested friends who message you first referencing your shared past

Use Facebook Search Tools

Facebook offers advanced search filters that can aid your hunt for high school friends in some cases. Here are a few worth trying:

Search by School: You can search for users who attended your high school by name. Go to Facebook and click “More” under the search bar. Select “School” and start typing your school’s name. Results with profiles that list your high school will appear.

Search by Region: Search for profiles located in the city, state, or country your high school is in. Many former classmates likely live or lived in the same general region.

Search by Year: Filter your searches by graduation year to pinpoint classmates more precisely.

These advanced search tricks help remove irrelevant results and let you focus in on the most promising friend candidates.

Tips for Search Tools:

  • Try combining filters like region and graduation year for best results
  • Perform new searches regularly as more users join Facebook daily
  • Broaden your region search outside just the city of your school if needed
  • Make use of filters like gender, workplace, or interests for commonalities

Leverage Facebook Memories & On This Day

As you continue actively using Facebook, more and more of your personal memories will be surfaced via features like On This Day and Memories. These highlight photos, posts, and events you’ve shared in the past on that same day or week. By looking back on these old memories, you may come across high school friends you had forgotten about.

Any high school friends tagged in your Facebook memories are ones you can immediately message and reconnect with. And photos of school events or groups may remind you of classmates you want to search for individually. Leverage these built-in memory features to spark high school friend ideas.

Tips for Using Memories:

  • Click through On This Day notifications in your profile religiously
  • Proactively browse your Memories section for blasts from the past
  • Save any memories featuring key high school friends you want to rediscover
  • Reminisce on old memories before doing a search for someone who appears

Join Location-Based Groups

If you still live in or near the town where your high school was located, joining some local community groups on Facebook can lead to sightings of old friends. Check out groups related to:

  • Local community events and happenings
  • Town history and memories
  • Parenting groups in your hometown
  • Hobby groups (Rec sports leagues, book clubs, etc)
  • Professional organizations in your area

Former classmates who never left town are likely active in groups like these as well. Once you join, browse the members list and participate consistently to maximize your chances of crossing paths.

Tips for Local Groups:

  • Answer member questions fully when requesting to join
  • Add your high school and graduation year to your profile when applicable
  • Post fun throwback photos or memories related to your hometown
  • Keep an eye out for familiar last names in group member lists

Advertise Your Search Efforts

Another approach is to advertise your search attempts to your existing Facebook connections. You never know who might see your posts and be able to get you back in touch with lost high school friends.

Some ideas include:

  • Posting a status update asking if anyone knows certain classmates
  • Sharing a list of specific friends you are trying to find
  • Uploading old photos or yearbooks asking for tags
  • Making Facebook Live videos reminiscing about school days

The key is getting the word out to your network. Even if some of your Facebook friends didn’t go to your school, they may still be able to assist your search through their own connections.

Tips for Advertising Your Search:

  • Tag friends who are most likely to remember classmates in posts
  • Offer rewards or incentives for anyone who can help you reconnect
  • Ask friends to share your search posts/status updates to widen the reach
  • Follow-up with mutual connections who interact with your outreach

Attend In-Person Reunions & Events

While Facebook can be great for finding high school friends online, don’t underestimate making in-person connections as well. Track down the dates for any upcoming high school reunions or events and make plans to attend. These types of gatherings will have your former classmates all in one place.

You can also check social media to see if more informal reunions are being discussed among your graduating class. Some may be planning mini meet-ups locally or group trips for alumni. Don’t miss the opportunity to reconnect face-to-face.

Tips for In-Person Events:

  • RSVP early so organizers can plan accordingly
  • Reach out ahead of time to friends you hope will be there
  • Create printed cards with your Facebook/contact info to hand out
  • Take lots of photos and videos to share on Facebook after

Join Facebook Alumni-Specific Groups

Along with school and hometown groups, there are general Facebook groups specifically for alumni of all kinds to connect. Here are some to look for:

  • Alumni Nation
  • Alumni Networking Group
  • Alumnifire
  • Alumni Class Search

These bring together alumni from all schools, states, graduation years, and backgrounds. Join these groups, share about your background, and browse member directories to potentially uncover lost high school friends.

Tips for General Alumni Groups:

  • Complete your education/work sections fully on your profile
  • Engage consistently with group members through commenting and liking
  • Make posts specifically asking about your high school and graduating class
  • Connect your Facebook profile to your LinkedIn account to expand your network

Create a Classmates List on Facebook

As you being reconnecting with more and more classmates through your search efforts, add them to a custom list on Facebook called “High School Classmates.” This keeps all your friends organized neatly in one place for easy access.

When you have a solid foundation of high school friends on your list, it becomes simpler to discover even more. You’ll start seeing many additional recommendations for classmates based on the connections you’ve made. Plus, you have an easy list to reference when wanting to browse profiles or message multiple people at once.

Tips for Managing Your Classmates List:

  • Add friends immediately once reconnected instead of waiting
  • Use last names, initials, or nicknames to jog your memory on who is who
  • Send messages to the entire list announcing major life updates
  • Remove inactive classmates over time who you have lost touch with again

Join Your Class Year Facebook Page

Similar to an alumni group, there are also general Facebook pages you can join that are focused on specific graduation years. Search for a page called “Class of 19XX” filling in your own graduating year.

Here you’ll find a community of classmates from schools all over the country and world who finished the same year as you. Introduce yourself to the group, share where you went to school, and see if anyone else from your high school participates here.

Tips for Finding Classmates on Year Pages:

  • Answer member questions fully when requesting to join
  • Add your graduation year to your Facebook bio or profile intro
  • Proactively browse member lists and send messages to likely classmates
  • Post old school photos on the page asking for tags and comments

Follow Hashtags from Your School

Tracking hashtags related to your high school on Facebook is another simple but effective discovery method. Follow or search hashtags like #YourSchoolName, #YourMascotName, #ClassOfYourYear, etc.

When classmates post old yearbook photos, school event pics, or anything else with these hashtags, you’ll see them. You can like the photos, comment with reminiscing, and message the old friends you spot.

Tips for Leveraging Hashtags:

  • Test different versions of hashtags until you find the most active one
  • Contribute your own #ThrowbackThursday pics to increase engagement
  • Click “Follow Hashtag” for weekly updates on top posts
  • Search hashtags on Instagram too and connect with photo posters


Finding and reconnecting with people from your past takes effort, but can be incredibly rewarding. Following this advice, you should have multiple effective strategies for locating long lost high school friends on Facebook. Be patient but persistent.

The more times you browse friends lists, engage with Facebook groups, advertise your search, and tap into memory triggers, the more likely you’ll eventually have that exciting moment seeing an old familiar face pop up. Use Facebook’s tools but also take it offline when you can.

Soon you’ll have a solid foundation of high school classmates on your Facebook friends list. From there you can continue growing your network as you support and follow each other’s life journeys. Stay proactive and consistent, leverage every resource possible, and enjoy rediscovering bonds from the past.