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How Do I Find Hidden Shortcuts on Facebook?

Facebook has a number of keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate the site more quickly and efficiently. Many users don’t realize these shortcuts exist, making them “hidden” to the average user. Here’s an overview of how to find and use some of Facebook’s most useful hidden shortcuts.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for General Facebook Navigation

Many of Facebook’s keyboard shortcuts allow you to quickly jump between sections of the site or perform common actions, like liking or commenting on a post. Here are some of the handiest general navigation shortcuts:

  • Press g then h to go to your Home page feed
  • Press g then p to go to your profile page
  • Press g then f to open the Friend requests page
  • Press g then i to open the Facebook Messenger inbox
  • Press g then n to open notifications
  • Press g then l to like a post or page
  • Press g then c to open the comment field on a post
  • Press ? to open the keyboard shortcuts menu

These shortcuts work from any page on Facebook to help you quickly jump between commonly used sections. Keep them in mind to save time instead of clicking menu links.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Feed Navigation

When scrolling through your news feed, some shortcuts allow you to take actions on posts without moving your cursor or tapping anything:

  • Press j to scroll down through the feed
  • Press k to scroll up through the feed
  • Press o to open photos or videos
  • Press r to reply to a comment
  • Press s to share a post
  • Press Enter to open a post

Using these shortcuts keeps your hands on the keyboard so you can breeze through your feed or quickly interact with posts. No more jumping back and forth between keyboard and mouse!

Keyboard Shortcuts for Creating Posts

Posting on Facebook is also faster thanks to these handy shortcuts:

  • Press p to start a new post
  • Press i to insert an emoji
  • Press m to add photos/videos
  • Press t to create a new album
  • Press Enter to publish the post

Next time you want to share something on Facebook, try these shortcuts to save time creating your post.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Messaging

Facebook Messenger has shortcuts to expedite messaging as well:

  • Press c to compose a new message
  • Press Enter to send a message
  • Press Shift + Enter to create a new line
  • Press n to go to the next chat
  • Press p to go to the previous chat

Use these to fire off messages without repeatedly switching between keyboard and mouse. It makes messaging much more efficient.

Enabling Additional Shortcuts in Settings

The shortcuts listed above work by default, but you can enable additional shortcuts in Facebook’s Settings menu:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click “Settings” in the left column.
  4. Click “Keyboard shortcuts” under the General heading.
  5. Toggle on any additional shortcuts you want to enable.

Here are some of the extra shortcuts you can switch on:

  • d – Create a group
  • e – Go to Events
  • f – Follow a page
  • m – Toggle between fullscreen and default view
  • o – Open a group
  • q – Search for friends

Enable the shortcuts you think you’ll use most for quicker access. The full list of 40+ shortcuts can be customized to suit your preferences.

Accessing All Facebook Shortcuts

If you ever forget a shortcut, press ? on any page to open a window showing all active keyboard shortcuts. You can browse them or search for specific actions.

This overlay lists every enabled shortcut in one place. Consult it whenever you need a refresher.

Shortcut Customization

Beyond toggling shortcuts on/off, you can also customize some of them:

  1. Open Settings > Keyboard shortcuts
  2. Click “Customize” next to a shortcut
  3. Delete the existing shortcut and type a new one
  4. Click “Update” to save

For example, you could change the g then h Home page shortcut to g then x. This lets you customize shortcuts to keys that are easier for you to press.

Browser-Specific Shortcuts

Some keyboard shortcuts only work in specific browsers. For example:

  • Chrome: Ctrl + Enter to publish a post
  • Safari: Cmd + Enter to publish a post
  • Firefox: Shift + Enter to publish a post

Visit Facebook’s Help Center to see all browser-specific shortcuts. The main shortcuts listed earlier work across browsers.

Shortcut Limitations

Although shortcuts can streamline Facebook navigation, they have some limitations:

  • Shortcuts don’t work in pop-up windows
  • Shortcuts only work on, not the mobile apps
  • Some shortcuts like g then o don’t work on post or page content
  • You can’t customize shortcuts on iOS devices

The shortcuts are optimized for desktop Facebook access. Mobile users will need to tap instead.


Keyboard shortcuts allow for quicker Facebook navigation once you memorize the most helpful ones. Enable additional shortcuts in Settings based on your usage preferences. Press ? to view all active shortcuts anytime you need a refresher.

Leveraging Facebook’s extensive keyboard shortcut options can save you significant time. You no longer have to click tiny targets or change between mouse and keyboard. Just use these hidden shortcuts to speed up your Facebook workflow.