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How do I find hidden messages on Messenger?

How do I find hidden messages on Messenger?

Facebook Messenger allows users to send messages, photos, videos, and more to friends and connections. While most messages sent on Messenger are visible and straightforward, sometimes users want to hide or disguise messages for privacy reasons. There are a few different ways to hide or disguise messages on Messenger so that only the intended recipient can view the full contents.

Use Secret Conversations

One of the most private ways to message on Messenger is to use Secret Conversations. This is an opt-in encrypted messaging mode where you can set a timer to delete messages after viewing. To start a Secret Conversation:

  1. Open an existing message thread or start a new message thread with a friend.
  2. Tap on their name at the top of the thread.
  3. Tap “Go to Secret Conversation.”
  4. Confirm by tapping “OK.”

Once in a Secret Conversation, messages are end-to-end encrypted. This means the messages are secured and can only be read by you and the recipient. Facebook cannot access or read the messages. You can also set a timer to delete the messages from your devices after a certain amount of time, anywhere from 5 seconds to 1 day. This provides extra security and privacy.

Limitations of Secret Conversations

While Secret Conversations provide more privacy, there are some limitations to be aware of:

– Cannot include people in groups chats, only one-on-one.
– Does not support photos, videos, payments, or stickers. Text-only.
– Messages can only be accessed on the device they were sent from. Cannot view on other logged-in devices.
– Disappearing messages timer only applies while the chat is open.

So while Secret Conversations are more private, they have limited functionality.

Use Code Words

Another way to disguise messages is to use predetermined code words or phrases that only you and the recipient would understand. For example, you could refer to a certain friend or family member by a codename. Or use a seemingly unrelated word or phrase that actually has a different meaning to you and your message recipient.

The downside is this takes agreement beforehand on the code meanings. It also could potentially flag your messages for unusual content. But using innocuous code words can allow you to disguise the true meaning of your messages for privacy.

Use Invisible Ink

Messenger has a feature called invisible ink that allows you to hide messages until the recipient swipes to reveal them. To use it:

  1. In an existing chat, tap the smiley face icon.
  2. Choose the invisible ink icon (looks like a paintbrush).
  3. Type your hidden message.
  4. Tap “Send.”

For the recipient, the message will appear blurred out. They tap and hold on the message to reveal the hidden words.

This provides a bit of privacy, though the feature is mostly meant to be playful. The message is not encrypted or secured beyond being visually hidden.

Hide Text Behind Images

A tactic to hide text behind images involves sending an image, then using white text on top of the image to conceal a message. The recipient would need to download and zoom in on the image to reveal the text.

For example, you could send a meme or another photo, then type a hidden white text message on top of the image before sending. This can disguise messages in plain sight as just a sent photo.

However, the message is not truly secured since the photo can be downloaded, edited, and revealed. So this method is not foolproof but provides some visual obscuring of messages.

Use Symbols and Characters

You can use symbols, special characters, emojis, and deliberate typos to disguise messages on Messenger. For example:

– Insert random emojis in between words or use emojis in place of words or letters.
– Add extra spaces, dashes, dots, or other characters to obscure messages.
– Intentionally misspell words or use numbers/symbols in place of letters.
– Use obscure unicode symbols and characters.

By adding “code” into messages using these tactics, you can make messages harder to decipher at a glance. This helps provide some privacy when messaging sensitive info.

However, this approach can make messages annoying to decode for the recipient. And it may attract attention to your messages for looking unusual. So use sparingly.

Enable Disappearing Messages

Messenger has a disappearing messages feature that allows you set messages to delete after a period of time. To enable it:

  1. Open the message thread.
  2. Tap the contact’s name at the top.
  3. Tap Disappearing messages.
  4. Select a delete timer (options range from 5 seconds to 24 hours).

This prevents past messages from sticking around indefinitely. However, recipients can still screenshot or copy messages before deletion. So it’s not completely secure. But it does provide a degree of privacy by removing evidence of conversations over time automatically.

Use Third-Party Encrypted Messaging Apps

For maximum privacy and truly hidden messaging, consider using a third-party end-to-end encrypted messaging app like Signal, WhatsApp, or Telegram. These apps encrypt all messages by default and also have options for disappearing messages, preventing screenshots, anonymity, and more robust security.

While Messenger does provide some ways to hide messages, for truly private and encrypted messaging you’ll want a dedicated app designed solely for security. But enabling Messenger’s disappearing messages and Secret Conversations can provide basic additional privacy.

The Risks of Hiding Messages

While there are ways to disguise messages on Messenger, it’s important to note that this could backfire depending on your intentions. Hiding messages can seem suspicious and make others question your motives. In professional settings, it’s usually best to communicate clearly and avoid appearing sneaky.

Some risks and downsides to hiding Messenger messages include:

  • Others may think you have something to hide and lose trust.
  • The recipient may find it annoying or too much effort to decode.
  • You may forget your secret codes later and be unable to decipher old chats.
  • It can seem immature or sketchy if taken too far.

Use judgment based on who you’re talking to and the appropriateness of the relationship. With close friends and family, hidden messages can be fun if agreed upon. But in professional settings, transparency is usually the wisest approach.

How to Spot Hidden Messenger Messages

What if you suspect someone messaging you on Messenger is hiding secret communications? Here are some tips for spotting concealed messages:

  • Look for odd spacing, spelling, emojis, or character use that seems deliberately obfuscated.
  • Zoom in on any images sent to check for hidden text.
  • Swipe to reveal any blurred invisible ink messages.
  • If you have access to their device, check for any Secret Conversations.
  • Compare their messages to others to check for inconsistencies.
  • Use intuition if certain messages seem coded or suspicious.

There are also apps that claim to decrypt Messenger communications to uncover hidden meanings. However, proceed with caution using third-party apps, as they may compromise privacy or be unreliable.

If you believe someone is hiding messages from you, it’s best to have an honest conversation and ask directly. Snooping behind their back should be avoided in healthy relationships built on trust and openness.


Messenger provides built-in options like invisible ink, Secret Conversations, and disappearing messages to increase privacy. Users can also get creative by using emojis, codes, images, and more to disguise messages. However, hidden communications should be used judiciously. In most cases for healthy relationships and professionalism, clear and open communication is best. But the methods outlined above can add a layer of privacy when needed, as long as agreed upon by all participants.