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How do I find groups from a specific country on Facebook?

How do I find groups from a specific country on Facebook?

Facebook groups allow people to connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is home to millions of groups on just about every topic imaginable. This makes Facebook groups a great way to connect with people from specific countries or regions around the world.

Searching for groups from a specific country

The easiest way to find Facebook groups from a particular country is to use the search bar. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and log into your account if you aren’t already logged in.
  2. Click on the search bar at the top of the Facebook window.
  3. Type in the name of the country you want to find groups from followed by the word “groups”. For example: “France groups”.
  4. Hit enter. This will bring up a list of all public Facebook groups that mention that country in their name or description.

You can scroll through the list and browse different groups that come up. When you find one you want to join, simply click the “Join Group” button.

Using filters to refine your search

If your initial search turns up too many unrelated results, you can use filters to refine the search and find more relevant groups:

  • Group privacy: Filter by public, closed or private groups.
  • Group category: Filter by category like sports, music, health & wellness etc.
  • Member count: Filter to only see groups above or below a certain member threshold.
  • Group activity: Filter by active or inactive groups.

To use filters, click on the 3 horizontal lines beside the search bar. This will open up a menu where you can select filters like privacy, category and more to customize your search.

Searching by region or city

Instead of searching for groups from an entire country, you can narrow it down by searching for specific cities or regions within that country. For example:

  • “Paris, France groups”
  • “Northern Italy groups”
  • “Seoul, South Korea groups”

This is useful if you’re looking to connect with people from a specific area rather than an entire country. The filters mentioned above can also be applied here for even more customization.

Using hashtags related to the country

Searching hashtags related to a particular country is another great way to find relevant groups. For example:

  • #Irish
  • #Aussies
  • #Japanese

When you click on one of these hashtags, you’ll be shown public posts and groups that have used the same hashtag. The search will automatically be filtered for relevance to that country.

Looking under Facebook’s “Discover” section

Facebook’s “Discover” section recommends groups, events and Pages you may be interested in joining based on your existing likes, interests and profile info. Here’s how to find country-specific groups using Discover:

  1. Go to the Explore menu on Facebook’s sidebar and click “Discover”.
  2. See if any groups from the country you’re looking for are being recommended here.
  3. If not, update your bio and add interests related to that country.
  4. Facebook will start showing more relevant Discover recommendations over time.

Searching within existing country-related Pages

Lots of location-based Facebook Pages have their own affiliated groups. For instance, a Page about “Study in France” may have an associated group for prospective students to discuss and ask questions.

When on a country-related Page, check the following areas:

  • Visit the Page’s “Groups” tab to see affiliated groups.
  • Check under the “Recommendations” section.
  • Look on the right side of the Page for suggestions under “Related Groups”.

Browsing group suggestions from friends

If you have friends who are members of the country groups you seek, Facebook may suggest those groups to you. Here’s where to look:

  • Go to the “Groups” tab on your profile and see recommendations.
  • Check the “Discover” section for suggested groups.
  • Go to friends’ profiles and browse their groups.

The more friends you have from that country and the more interactions you have around related content, the more likely Facebook will be to show you relevant group suggestions.

Joining expat/diaspora groups

Search for expat or diaspora groups related to the nationality you’re looking for. For example:

  • “French expatriates”
  • “South African diaspora”
  • “Costa Rican immigrants”

These groups are specifically for people from those countries who are living abroad. It’s a great way to connect with both expats and friends/family back home.

Searching in Facebook’s group directory

Facebook has a directory that catalogs groups across all categories and topics. You can browse or search here to find relevant groups:

  1. Go to the group directory page.
  2. Use the search bar to search by country name + “groups”.
  3. Filter by categories like “Cultural Groups” or “Expat Groups” to narrow options.
  4. Browse through categories like regions, cities, nationalities etc to find groups.

Looking at group suggestions as you join groups

Facebook will recommend similar groups for you to join as you join new groups. Take advantage of this by:

  • Join a few location-based groups related to the country.
  • Facebook will start showing other similar groups in the “Suggested for You” section.
  • Browse and join groups from this section.

Searching on Facebook in the language of the country

If you speak the language used in the country you want to find groups from, do a local language search for more results. For example:

  • “gruppi italiani” for Italian groups
  • “группы русские” for Russian groups
  • “grupos mexicanos” for Mexican groups

This allows you take advantage of Facebook’s localization and find groups meant for native audiences.

Using Facebook’s multilingual search

Even if you don’t speak the local language, you can search in multiple languages using Facebook’s multilingual search options:

  1. Click on the search bar and select “Multilingual Search” from the drop down menu.
  2. Enter the name of the country in English in the first search box.
  3. Enter the country name again in the local language in the second search box.
  4. This will search for matching groups across both languages.

Finding language exchange partners

Search for language exchange groups related to the country language to find native speakers to practice with. For example:

  • “French English language exchange”
  • “Spanish English intercambio”
  • “Chinese language partners”

Join these groups and make posts introducing yourself to find language exchange partners from that country.

Joining alumni groups from the country

Search for university/college alumni groups from the country you want to connect with. For example:

  • “University of Tokyo alumni”
  • “National University of Singapore alumni”
  • “University of Nairobi alumni”

This is a great way to find educated professionals from your field in that country’s diaspora.

Using Facebook’s suggestions as you like Pages

As you like location-based Pages related to the country, Facebook will start suggesting local groups. Ways to trigger these suggestions:

  • Like popular Pages from that country.
  • Engage with Posts from those Pages.
  • Check the “Suggested Groups” section on Pages you’ve liked.

Searching for student groups

If you’re a student hoping to study abroad in a certain country, look for student groups from local universities. For example:

  • “Seoul National University students”
  • “McGill University students”
  • “University of Sydney student life”

This lets you connect with fellow students and learn more about what it’s like to study there.

Joining buy/sell groups

Search for local buy/sell groups from cities or regions within the country. For example:

  • “Buy & sell Madrid”
  • “Jakarta bazaar”
  • “Florence vendita e acquisto”

This allows you to find deals on local secondhand items and interact with locals.

Finding local hobby groups

Look for hobby/interest groups from cities and towns in the country. For example:

  • “Brisbane photography club”
  • “Nairobi chess club”
  • “São Paulo caminhada ao ar livre”

Join these groups to pursue your hobbies while interacting with locals who share your interests.

Searching neighborhood groups

Look for local neighborhood groups from areas within the country. For example:

  • “Residents of Bundang, Seoul”
  • “Locals of Centro Habana, Cuba”
  • “Hampstead Neighborhood Watch”

These hyperlocal groups allow you to get to know specific areas and interact with your would-be neighbors.

Using Facebook’s recommendation algorithm

The more you explicitly signal your interest in a particular country through likes, comments, profile info etc, the more Facebook will tune its algorithm to suggest relevant groups. Ways to fine tune Facebook’s recommendations:

  • Update your “Places lived” to include the country.
  • Like and engage with content from local businesses/organizations.
  • Follow influencers from that country.
  • Add the country’s flag to your profile photo.

Gradually tailoring your experience this way will prompt Facebook to show more groups you want to see.

Contacting group administrators directly

If you’re still having trouble finding the exact type of group you want, try contacting existing group administrators directly:

  1. Identify public groups related to the country/topic you’re interested in.
  2. Click on the group name and scroll down to “Members” or “Admins”.
  3. Select group admins and send them a direct message.
  4. Explain the type of group you’re looking for and ask for suggestions.

Administrators of existing related groups can often point you to more niche communities.

Creating your own group

If your search doesn’t yield the specific community you hoped to find, create your own group! This allows you to build the group you envision from the ground up. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the “Groups” section of Facebook.
  2. Click on the “Create New Group” button.
  3. Give your group a name and description.
  4. Customize settings like privacy.
  5. Start adding members.
  6. Engage the group to keep it active.

With time and effort, you can grow an engaged country-specific community through your own group.


Facebook’s huge global community makes it possible to find niche groups tailored to just about any interest or background. Target your search by using country names, city names, local languages and keywords indicating nationality or residence to connect with the people you seek. Leverage Facebook’s own algorithm by signalling your interests through likes, profile details, and more. If you don’t find the perfect match, build it yourself! With the right search techniques, persistence and a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to find or create the country-specific Facebook group you’re looking for.