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How do I find details of a Facebook page?

How do I find details of a Facebook page?

Facebook pages allow businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook. Unlike personal Facebook profiles, which are for individual users, pages enable entities to share information, promote themselves and interact with their target audience.

When you come across an interesting Facebook page that you want to learn more about, there are several ways you can dig deeper and find key details about that page. Getting more information on a Facebook page can give you insight into who’s behind it, how popular and active it is, and what kind of content and information is shared.

Some key details about a Facebook page that you may want to uncover include:

  • The name of the individual, business or organization behind the page
  • When the page was created and how long it’s been on Facebook
  • How many Likes or Followers the page has
  • How frequently the page posts content and engages with users
  • Contact information or location details for the entity behind the page

In this article, we’ll explore the various ways you can find these and other important details about any Facebook page you encounter.

Viewing the Facebook Page Itself

The most obvious place to start when you want to find out more about a Facebook page is by going directly to the page itself. There is a lot of information readily available right there on the page.

To view any Facebook page, simply search for the name of the page or visit the unique URL or web address associated with that page. For example, takes you directly to the official Facebook page for Coca-Cola.

Once you’re on the page, here are some of the key details you can look for:

Page Name and Category

At the very top of the page you’ll see the official name of the page along with any categories it is listed under, such as Company, Personal Blog, Restaurant, etc. This gives you insight into what type of entity the page represents.

Page Bio and Description

Most pages include a short bio or description right underneath the cover photo at the top. This typically provides a summary of who or what the page is for.

Page Transparency Details

On official pages for businesses and organizations, you’ll usually find a Page Transparency section that outlines who controls the page. This includes the name of the business as well as the primary country location.

Contact Info

Many pages list contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses or physical addresses. This can be found in the About section or Contact Info section.

Content from the Page

Scrolling through the page’s feed gives you a sense of how often they post, what they post about, and how they engage with users. Look for photos, videos, posts, comments and other content.

Number of Likes/Followers

The number of users who Like or Follow the page is listed and indicates how popular or well-known the page is. More followers generally means a more active and engaged audience.

Date Joined

The year the page joined Facebook is usually listed near the number of Likes/Followers, showing how long it’s been around on the platform.

So before you go digging further, be sure to explore the page itself first. Just browsing through you can quickly get a feel for the page and discover useful details.

Checking the Facebook Page’s About Section

The About section of a Facebook Page often provides more in-depth information than what you’ll find in the brief bio. Here you can look for additional details like:

  • A longer description of the business, organization, or public figure behind the page
  • Background on when the page was created and key milestones
  • Contact info such as phone, email or address
  • Links to other websites or social media pages related to the entity
  • Details on company history, mission or founding

To view the About section, look for the About tab on the Facebook page and then select Page Info or About. Spend some time here browsing through the section – there’s usually plenty to uncover about the page owner.

Checking Who Manages the Facebook Page

For Facebook pages tied to businesses and organizations, you can dig deeper into exactly who is behind them under the Page Transparency section. This shows who controls the page and includes additional details like:

  • Primary page manager names and Facebook pages
  • Any employees who are assigned as page admins
  • Confirmation the page represents an authentic business or organization

Page Transparency provides confirmation that legitimate organizations and brands are behind their official pages. To find it, click Page Transparency in the left column of the Facebook page on desktop or under About in the mobile app.

Looking at Milestones on the Page’s Activity Log

The Facebook Activity Log for a page serves as a timeline of major milestones and actions related to that page. It can provide insight into notable events like:

  • When the page was created
  • Dates when the page name changed
  • Key content the page shared over time
  • Major increases or decreases in the page’s followers
  • New page roles and administrators added

Checking the Activity Log is a great way to get more historical information about the growth and evolution of the page over time. Find it under the Insights tab for any page.

Researching the Domain or URL

For pages associated with a website or business, researching the domain name or URL can provide additional details. Viewing the page’s website and doing a WHOIS domain lookup can uncover info like:

  • Registrant and contact details for the website owner
  • The domain’s registration date and history
  • Associated sites and social media accounts
  • Hosting provider and IP address location

Often a Facebook page URL will match or be similar to the domain for the related website. So researching the domain can give you more specifics on the individuals or organization behind the page.

Searching for the Page Name on Google

Doing a quick Google search for the Facebook page name can also yield helpful findings. The search results may display:

  • The page’s official website
  • News articles mentioning or referencing the page
  • Other social media accounts associated with the same entity
  • Background info from Wikipedia or other sources
  • Products, services or locations related to the page

Reviewing this information from Google search results can provide additional context, history and details around the Facebook page owner and who they are.

Using Facebook Search Tools

There are also specialty search tools built into Facebook that can uncover specifics about a page.

Under the Facebook search bar, click on Pages and then select Page Transparency. Here you can enter the name of the page you are researching to view some quick facts like:

  • Main country location for the page
  • Date the page was created
  • Category the page is listed under

This provides a convenient snapshot of high level details about any public page on Facebook.

Checking Facebook Ads Library

For pages running paid ads on Facebook, you can look them up in the Facebook Ad Library. This shows all active ads associated with a page along with details like:

  • How much the page has spent on ads
  • Demographic targeting used for ads
  • Regions and locations targeted
  • Time periods when ads ran

Searching the Ad Library gives visibility into what kind of Facebook advertising and promotion a page is doing.

Using Facebook Graph API Explorer

Developers can dig even deeper into the data available for a Facebook page through the Graph API Explorer. This tool exposes additional details like:

  • Post content and metadata
  • Page admin roles
  • Checkins to a business location
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Events associated with the page

The Graph API opens up more advanced analytics around a Facebook page for those with the technical know-how. But it can unlock many insights not available through the regular Facebook interface.


Facebook pages contain a wealth of valuable information and details if you know where to look. Taking the time to thoroughly research a page using the methods highlighted here can uncover useful facts like who controls the page, how popular it is, the type of content it shares, and much more.

Having these context clues about the history and purpose of a Facebook page helps you better understand the entity behind it. And it allows you to gauge if it’s a page worth following, engaging with, or supporting in some way.

The next time you want to learn more about an interesting or intriguing Facebook page, try some of these tips to dig deeper into the details. By going beyond just the surface level information, you can gain helpful insight into just about any public Facebook page.

Method What it reveals
Viewing the Facebook page itself Page name, category, bio, transparency details, contact information, number of likes/followers, date joined
Checking the About section More detailed descriptions, founding and history, contact info, associated sites/pages
Viewing Page Transparency Page managers, employee roles, verification as authentic page
Looking at Activity Log Creation date, major milestones, growth history, new roles
Researching page URL/domain Registrant details, associated accounts, domain history
Searching page name on Google Official website, news mentions, other social accounts, background info
Using Facebook search tools Location, creation date, categories
Checking Facebook Ad Library Ad spending, targeting, time periods, regions
Facebook Graph API Explorer Post metadata, admin roles, events, reviews, analytics