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How do I find Apps using Facebook login?

How do I find Apps using Facebook login?

Finding applications that allow you to log in with your Facebook account can be useful for a few reasons. First, it eliminates the need to create new logins and remember additional passwords for each app. Second, logging in through Facebook gives the app access to basic information from your Facebook profile, like your name, profile picture, and email address, which makes registration quicker and easier. Finally, Facebook login allows apps to pull your friend list from Facebook, helping you connect with friends already using that service.

Why Use Facebook Login?

Here are some of the main benefits of using your Facebook account to log in to other applications and services:

  • Convenience – You don’t need to create new accounts and remember additional passwords. Just use your Facebook login.
  • Speed – Registration is quick since the app can pull basic info like your name and email from your Facebook account.
  • Find Friends – Apps can access your Facebook friends, making it easy to connect with people you know.
  • Personalized Experience – Apps can use your Facebook info like interests, age, and location to customize the experience for you.

Overall, Facebook login makes signing up for new apps much faster and simpler compared to traditional registration flows. It’s easy to get started using new apps when you can log in with Facebook.

How Apps Use Facebook Login

When you see the Facebook login option on an app or website, it means that the developer has integrated with Facebook to allow for simple registration and login using your Facebook account. Here is an overview of how Facebook login works:

  • Permissions – When you first log into an app with Facebook, it will request access to share certain data from your Facebook account like your email, friends list, interests, etc. You can customize what information you share.
  • Authentication – When you grant permissions, the app authenticates through Facebook using your account credentials to log you in.
  • Data Access – The app can then access the data you permitted, allowing for quick registration and a personalized experience based on your Facebook info.
  • Ongoing Use – After initial login, the app may continue accessing certain data like your friends list to recommend connections, profile name, or profile pic for your account.

It’s important to pay attention to the permissions apps request through Facebook login and only share what you are comfortable with. But in general, Facebook login provides a smooth, simple registration process for apps.

Finding Apps that Use Facebook Login

There are a few ways you can find apps and services that allow registration and login through Facebook:

Facebook Settings

In your Facebook account settings, you can view a list of all the apps you’ve logged into with Facebook. To access:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings”.
  3. Click “Apps and Websites” in the left column.
  4. You will see a list of “Active” and “Expired” apps you’ve used Facebook login for.

This is the definitive list of apps connected to your account through Facebook.

App Store Descriptions

When browsing app stores like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, you can check the app descriptions and screenshots to see if they mention Facebook login. Phrases like “Login with Facebook” or “Connect with Facebook” indicate the app likely has Facebook integration.

App Permissions

When you install a new app, review the permissions it requests. If it asks for access to your Facebook profile, friends, or other data, then the app supports Facebook login. You can restrict the permissions if desired.

App Home Pages

Many apps will promote Facebook login on their website or app home page. Look for phrases like “Login with Facebook” or buttons with the Facebook logo. This indicates the app can authenticate directly through your Facebook account.

Google Search

You can search Google for phrases like “apps that support Facebook login” or “log in with Facebook” to find lists and recommendations of apps using Facebook for authentication and registration.

Examples of Popular Apps with Facebook Login

Here are some examples of well-known apps across various categories that allow logging in with your Facebook account:


  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Spotify
  • Reddit


  • Candy Crush Saga
  • Clash of Clans
  • Words with Friends
  • Pac-Man


  • ASOS
  • ThredUP
  • Houzz
  • Groupon

Food & Drink

  • DoorDash
  • Uber Eats
  • Starbucks
  • Epicurious


  • Airbnb
  • TripAdvisor
  • Expedia


  • Venmo
  • Robinhood
  • Mint
  • Credit Karma

As you can see, Facebook login is supported across all types of apps including social media, entertainment, retail, travel, and more. This ubiquity makes it easy to leverage your Facebook account to access new apps quickly.

Pros and Cons of Facebook Login

Below is an overview of some of the major advantages and potential downsides of using Facebook login:


  • Convenience – no new passwords to remember
  • Speed – quick registration and setup
  • Find Friends – connect with people you know
  • Works Across Devices – phone, tablet, desktop
  • Widely Supported – works with thousands of apps


  • Privacy – sharing personal data with more apps
  • Security – some risk if your Facebook account is hacked
  • Permissions – apps may request unnecessary info access
  • Ad Tracking – enables Facebook ad targeting across more apps
  • Data Control – Facebook controls your identity across services

Overall, Facebook login reduces friction for signing up for new apps, but does require trading some privacy. Be selective in which apps you allow access to your Facebook profile when logging in.

Tips for Using Facebook Login Securely

Here are some tips to use Facebook login safely and minimize risks:

  • Unique Facebook Password – Use a strong, unique password for your Facebook account that you don’t reuse elsewhere.
  • Review App Permissions – When first logging into an app with Facebook, check what info it requests access to.
  • Be Selective – Only login through Facebook on reputable apps you trust and need.
  • Revoke Access – If you stop using an app, revoke its access to your Facebook data through your settings.
  • Use MFA – Enable two-factor authentication on your Facebook account for extra security.
  • Check Connected Apps – Periodically review the apps connected to your Facebook account.
  • Watch for Suspicious Activity – If you notice odd posts or logins to your Facebook account, change your password.

Using strong unique passwords, limiting app permissions, and monitoring connected apps and account activity can help secure your account when using Facebook login.


Facebook login allows for quick, convenient access to thousands of apps and services without needing to create multiple accounts and passwords. To find apps that support Facebook login, look in your Facebook settings, app store descriptions, permission requests when installing apps, app and website homepages, and search engines.

Popular apps across all categories like social, games, shopping, food, travel, and finance allow registration and authentication through Facebook. While Facebook login makes app signups seamless, be thoughtful about which apps you connect with and limit unnecessary permissions. Reviewing app access, using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and monitoring account activity can help you use Facebook login more securely.