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How do I find an account with a picture?

How do I find an account with a picture?

Finding an account with a profile picture on a social media platform or website can be useful for identifying someone you may know or verifying an account belongs to a certain person or business. Here are some quick answers about how to find accounts with profile pictures:

  • On most social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn etc, view user profiles and their pictures are shown right on their profile.
  • You can search for names or usernames on social media sites to pull up accounts and their pictures.
  • Use the search filters if available – some sites let you search for only accounts with pictures.
  • Google image search lets you search for pictures which can help track down accounts.
  • Reverse image search using tools like TinEye or Google Images can help match a picture to accounts.
  • If you know part of the name or username, use partial search terms to locate accounts.

The steps to find accounts with pictures vary somewhat across different sites and apps, but in general involve viewing user profiles, searching by name or username, using search filters, reverse image lookup, and searching strategically.

Searching on Facebook

Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users, making it a great place to search for accounts with photos. Here are some tips for finding accounts with pictures on Facebook:

  • Go to and enter the person’s name or username into the main search bar. Accounts with profile pictures will appear in the results.
  • Use the Filters button under the search bar and check the box for “Photos”. This displays only accounts with photos.
  • Try searching for just the person’s first or last name if you don’t know their exact Facebook name.
  • View friend lists of people you know and look for the name of the person you’re searching for.
  • Use Facebook’s graph search by typing queries like “People named John Smith who live in Vancouver” to narrow down accounts.

Facebook also has facial recognition capabilities that can help identify people in photos. If you have a photo of the person, try uploading it to Facebook and see if it suggests tags.

Finding Facebook accounts through image search

If you have a photo of the person but don’t know their Facebook name, you can also use Google Images or TinEye reverse image search to potentially locate their Facebook account:

  • Go to or and upload or enter the URL of the profile picture.
  • Look through the search results for matches – it may find instances where that photo is used on Facebook.
  • Click through to the matching web pages to see if you can identify the person’s Facebook account.
  • Check if the name on an account matches the person you’re searching for.

Reverse image lookup can be hit or miss, but is worth a try for tracking down accounts based on a profile picture.

Finding Instagram accounts with photos

Here are some tips for finding Instagram accounts using profile photos as clues:

  • Search on Instagram using the person’s full name or username. Instagram profiles display the account’s photos.
  • Use hashtags and locations on photos to narrow down possible matching accounts.
  • Try searching a snippet of a photo caption if you have one.
  • Use Instagram’s filters when viewing search results to only show accounts with photos.
  • Look for the photo on public hashtag and location pages – the account may be tagged.

You can also do a reverse image search using Google Images or TinEye to identify an Instagram account associated with a particular profile photo.

Some additional options:

  • If you know followers/following of the account you’re searching for, look through those profiles to spot it.
  • Use an Instagram account finder tool by entering the person’s name.
  • Look for the photo on Twitter or Facebook – it may be cross-posted and tagged.

Searching Twitter to find accounts with photos

Here are ways to find Twitter accounts by profile photo:

  • Search on using the person’s full name or handle. Profile photos show up beside accounts.
  • On mobile apps, tap the accounts tab , then filters and select “With Photos”
  • Do a Google Images or TinEye reverse search using the profile picture to match it to a Twitter account.
  • Check tweets from major events the person attended for any photos they may be tagged in.
  • Look through lists of followers/following of similar accounts to spot them.

Some additional tips for Twitter:

  • Use Twitter’s advanced search operators like @, from:, near: to narrow your search.
  • Search for part of a tweet you may know was posted from the account.
  • Use Twitter account finder tools by entering a name, location or other details.

Twitter has over 300 million monthly active accounts, so searching strategically using photos and other clues can help track down the account you’re looking for.

Searching LinkedIn to find accounts with pictures

The main ways to find LinkedIn profiles with photos include:

  • Search by full name on LinkedIn – profile photos appear beside results.
  • Use LinkedIn’s filters to only show results with photos.
  • Do a reverse image search on Google or TinEye using the profile picture.
  • Search within groups and companies related to the person’s profession.
  • Look through connections and followers of similar profiles.
  • Use LinkedIn’s advanced search to narrow results by location, company, school etc.

Some additional tips:

  • Pay for a LinkedIn premium account to enable more advanced searches and filters.
  • If you don’t know their name, try searching by job title and company.
  • Look for people with the same last name in the same location or industry.

With over 740 million members, LinkedIn is a key platform for locating professional accounts with profile photos.

Searching Google+ for accounts with photos

While use of Google+ has declined, here are some ways to find accounts with photos:

  • Search Google+ for the person’s full name or username.
  • Use Google+ advanced search operators like location, employer, school for more precision.
  • Reverse image search the profile picture on Google Images or TinEye.
  • Look through posts in Google+ communities related to the person’s interests.
  • Browse followers and connections of similar accounts.

Some additional tips for Google+:

  • Check if the name appears in suggestions as you type it.
  • If you know where they worked or went to school, search those pages.
  • Use search engines to find instances of the photo on blogs, sites.

Since Google+ is tightly integrated with Google services, search engine lookups can also help identify matching accounts.

Searching YouTube to find accounts with channel icon

To find YouTube accounts using the channel’s icon or profile picture:

  • Search YouTube directly by entering the channel name.
  • Do a Google image search using the channel icon to match it to an account.
  • Browse through and search within related channels by topic for the icon.
  • Use YouTube filters like channel type, features, sort to refine results.
  • Search YouTube video titles related to the channel topic.

Some additional YouTube search tips:

  • Try searching part of the channel name if unsure of the full name.
  • Use exact search operator like “John Smith channel” in YouTube search.
  • Look through playlists related to the channel subject.
  • Search video tags or descriptions referencing the channel name.

YouTube makes it easy to identify channels by their profile icon, but searching video content can also help match a channel when you only have limited information.

Best practices when searching for accounts with photos

Here are some key tips for your search:

  • Use the platform’s own search features first before resorting to reverse image lookup which can be slower.
  • Take advantage of search filters available to only show results with photos.
  • Try various name spellings and username variations.
  • Perform searches both on desktop and mobile since results may vary.
  • If you hit dead ends on one platform, expand your search to others where accounts may be cross-posted.
  • Refine searches using location, company, school and other filters.
  • Browse through connections and followers of similar accounts.

And keep in mind:

  • The more common the name, the more challenging it may be to locate the account.
  • Not everyone uses a recognizable profile photo of themselves.
  • Accounts may be set to private so the profile picture isn’t visible.
  • Conduct searches ethically and avoid harassment.

With billions of accounts across social platforms, locating the exact one you want can take persistence, creativity and care.

When you still can’t find the account

If you still can’t locate an account with the profile photo after exhaustive searching, some possibilities include:

  • The account may have been deleted or deactivated.
  • The person may not have accounts on the platforms you searched.
  • The photo may be outdated and not match their current profile picture.
  • The account privacy settings don’t permit viewing the photo.
  • Reverse image lookup services may not have indexed the image yet.
  • Your information about the person’s name, username or photo is inaccurate.

At a certain point, you may need to accept that the account you’re looking for can’t be found or doesn’t exist. Other options in that case:

  • Post the photo on your own account and ask friends/followers for help identifying it.
  • Join online communities focused on finding people and request assistance.
  • Hire a private investigator if trying to locate someone for a legal matter.
  • Report the photo to the platform if you have reason to believe it violates policies.

But the most ethical and responsible choice may be to let it go and discontinue searching for an account that the person likely intends to keep private for their own reasons.


Searching for online accounts with profile photos can be challenging but is possible through a combination of platform-specific lookup tools, reverse image search, and strategic thinking. While technology opens up many avenues for identifying accounts, restraint and respect for privacy must be exercised, especially when the reason for a search is strictly personal and the account owner’s consent hasn’t been given. But in cases where there are legitimate reasons to need to verify an account owner’s identity, a persistent approach using search features and filters across multiple social networks can eventually help narrow down profile photo matches and lead you to the correct person’s account.