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How do I find a roommate in a new city on Facebook?

How do I find a roommate in a new city on Facebook?

Finding a roommate can be challenging when moving to a new city where you don’t know anyone. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is a great platform for connecting with potential roommates in your new hometown. This guide will walk you through the process of using Facebook to find and vet possible roommates when relocating to a new area.

Post in Local Facebook Groups

One of the best ways to find roommates on Facebook is by posting in local groups related to your new city, neighborhood, or interests. Search for terms like “Seattle Roommate Finder” or “[City Name] Roommates” to find active communities.

Introduce yourself in a post including details like your move date, budget, location preferences, and a description of your personality and lifestyle. Review other members’ posts to see if any compatibility stands out. Don’t be afraid to ask questions back and initiate conversations.

An advantage of connecting in a local group is the ability to get insider perspectives on different areas and living situations in your new hometown. Experienced group members can point you to ideal neighborhoods and rental companies.

Search Facebook Marketplace

After joining some local groups, head over to Facebook Marketplace and search “roommate wanted” listings. Marketplace has a search filter to narrow by location, price, move-in date, and more.

As you browse listings, save any that seem promising. Take note of details like rent costs, apartment amenities, roommate preferences, and neighborhood. Ask to join any relevant Facebook Groups suggested in the listings to expand your network.

If you find an appealing place, reach out to the poster right away. Ask questions and explain why you are a good fit. With Marketplace’s real identities, you can vet potential roommates more easily.

Post Your Own Listing

If your Facebook searches don’t yield the perfect room or roommate, post your own “roommate wanted” listing in Marketplace.

Include key details like:

  • Ideal move-in date
  • Maximum budget for rent and utilities
  • Prefered neighborhood or commuting distance to your office
  • Amenities you require (e.g. laundry, parking, pets allowed)
  • Personality description – Are you social or quieter?

Also upload photos to give a sense of your style and interests. This helps attract like-minded roommates.

Check messages frequently and respond promptly to incoming applicants. Ask for their full name and Facebook profile to vet them before meeting in person.

Leverage Facebook Ads

For additional exposure, try boosting your Marketplace listing as a Facebook Ad. Target the ages, locations, interests, and languages that your ideal roommates might have.

Facebook’s detailed targeting options allow you to really hone in on certain demographics. For example, try targeting:

  • Ages 22-35
  • Within 10 miles of Downtown Seattle
  • Interests like hiking, volleyball, book clubs, etc.
  • Working professionals

Monitor the ad results and engagement rate to optimize and adjust your targeting over time. The investment could really pay off with thousands more views.

Connect with Local Universities

Search for Facebook Groups associated with colleges or universities in your new city. Introduce yourself with a post highlighting your housing search.

Students and recent graduates are often looking for roommates. Partnering with one can help ease the transition of settling into a new area. many student groups will have classified sections to browse listings or promote yourself.

Off-campus and international student groups can be especially helpful, since those members tend to lack existing housing contacts. Keep an open mind about living arrangements to maximize options.

Join Alumni Groups

Tap into alumni networks by joining university alumni Facebook Groups in your new metro area. Alumni from your own alma mater, and other schools, can provide strong roommate prospects.

Introduce yourself with a post about relocating and include fun facts like your major, activities, year of graduation, and memories. Build connections by commenting on other posts and offering advice to students.

Pay attention to members looking for housing or roommates. Reach out if you notice any common interests or possible compatibility.

Post in Expat & Newcomers Groups

Another pool of roommate possibilities are people also new to the city without established social circles. Search for Facebook Groups for expats, transplants, and “New in Seattle” networks.

Share your story about moving and what neighborhoods or apartment types you are exploring. Ask for recommendations from group members already settled in the area.

Common newcomer concerns like finding housing, meeting people, and navigating the city can lead to natural conversations with roommate prospects going through the same experience.

Coordinate a Virtual Meetup

Once you’ve connected with some promising candidates, leverage Facebook Messenger or group chats to get to know each other better before meeting in person.

Chat about your personalities, interests, cleanliness standards, schedules, and other preferences. Doing a virtual hangout over Facebook video can further help gauge compatibility.

If the vibe seems right after chatting, then move forward with an in-person tour or interview. But if any red flags or dealbreakers surface, you can easily move on to other options.

Conduct Video Interviews

To screen applicants thoroughly while physically distanced, consider conducting the first interview over Facebook video chat instead of meeting up. Discuss:

  • Career and schedule
  • Cleanliness and guest preferences
  • Budget and rent payment plan
  • Any pet allergies
  • Smoking and substance policies

Observe their communication style and how politely they interact. Do they ask thoughtful questions and seem reliable? A video chat can reveal a lot before committing to an in-person meeting.

Meet in a Public Place

Once you’ve narrowed down the options after virtual chatting, schedule in-person meetings at a public place like a coffee shop or park. This allows you to get to know each other safely and comfortably.

Observe if they show up on time and their friendliness face-to-face. Do you seem compatible as housemates? Discuss any other logistics like timeline, lease terms, security deposits, and furniture.

Let a friend know where you’ll be and consider having them call you 30 minutes into the meeting as a check-in. For extra precaution, you could also do a quick video call to introduce them to your potential roommate before meeting.

Request References

Before deciding, ask prospects to provide 2-3 references from past roommates, landlords, co-workers, or long-time friends. Reach out to references by phone or Facebook Messenger to ask about their experience living or working with this person.

Get a sense of their personality, reliability, cleanliness, and considerateness as a roommate. Flag any negative feedback, late rent payments, or interpersonal issues.

Having candid third-party perspectives can prevent winding up with an incompatible or problematic roommate. Do your diligence now to avoid issues later on.

Search Public Profiles and Posts

Using the full name of any potential roommates, search their public Facebook profile and posts to look for any red flags. Do their interests, lifestyle, career, education, and relationships seem compatible with what you are looking for?

Scan recent posts and comments to ascertain their character, views, and how they interact with others. This public information can give peace of mind or reveal dealbreakers before rooming together.

You can also do a quick public records search using or to uncover past addresses, criminal records, and other details.

Add as Friends

Once you’ve selected the perfect roommate, send a friend request on Facebook. This allows you to stay connected, coordinate move-in plans, share apartment listings, and establish an open line of communication.

Build rapport by tagging each other in relevant posts and photos from your moving experience. Create a Messenger group chat to loop in any other new roommates and coordinate logistics.

After moving in together, keep strengthening your connection with casual check-ins over Facebook chat. Share funny moments, local recommendations, or invitations to neighborhood events.

Join a Local Co-Living Facebook Page

If you’re open to a communal housing or co-living setup, search for related Facebook Groups in your new city.

Co-living spaces have multiple residents sharing common areas like kitchens and living rooms. Private bedrooms afford some separation. Many feature community events like dinners, yoga, or talks to encourage bonding between housemates.

Browse member profiles and available rooms to see if any co-living situations appeal to you. Reach out to confirm move-in dates, costs, amenities, and house rules before committing.

Joining an existing co-living page allows you to meet many like-minded roommates at once and hit the ground running socially in a new place.

Have an Onboarding Conversation

Once you’ve officially decided on a place and roommates, schedule an onboarding discussion via Facebook video chat before moving in. Clarify:

  • Rental payments and due dates
  • Cleaning schedule and shared duties
  • Guest policies
  • Noise and alone time expectations
  • Sharing household items and groceries
  • Communication preferences and pet peeves

Getting aligned ahead of time on house rules and logistics can prevent tension down the road. Discuss any other concerns to start the relationship off right.

Join a Local Housing Facebook Group

Even after finding immediate roommates, continue engaging in local housing Facebook Groups. These provide an ongoing source of leads for better apartments or roommates down the road.

Stay updated on new openings, listings, and people in your area. Build your local network by regularly commenting and offering insights to newcomers.

Over time, you may decide to change apartments, get your own place, or have a roommate move out. The connections made in housing groups provide long-term resources to find future roommates and recommendations.


Relocating to a new city and establishing a new social circle can be daunting. But leveraging Facebook effectively presents many promising options for finding ideal roommates among engaged local communities.

Post in relevant groups, search Marketplace, and use Messenger to connect safely and conveniently. Screen candidates thoroughly and align on expectations before deciding.

Approaching the roommate search as a chance to embrace your new hometown can lead to meaningful relationships, insider tips, and a built-in support network in your new home.