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How do I find a post I just commented on?

How do I find a post I just commented on?

Finding a post you recently commented on can be tricky, especially if you are active on social media and make comments regularly. However, every platform has ways to easily locate your recent comments so you can refer back to them or continue an ongoing conversation.

On Facebook

Facebook has a few methods you can use to find posts you’ve commented on:

Activity Log

The easiest way is to use your Activity Log. This shows you all your recent activity on Facebook, including posts you’ve commented on. To access it:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner
  2. Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu
  3. You will see your recent activity, including comments, posts reacted to, and posts you’ve created
  4. You can filter the results to show only “Comments” to see only your recent comments


If you commented very recently, it may still be in your notifications. Click the globe icon in the top right corner and you will see notifications for recent activity, including your comments.


You can also search for your comment or a keyword from it. For example, if you commented “Looking forward to your event!” try searching for “looking forward” in the Facebook search bar. Posts you commented on with those words will show up in the results.

On Instagram

Instagram also makes it simple to find your recent comments:


Like Facebook, comments you made in the last day or so may appear in your notifications. Tap the heart icon in the top right corner to access these.

Your Profile

All comments you make on Instagram are visible on your profile:

  1. Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture
  2. Tap the speech bubble icon below your bio
  3. This will show all your recent comments you’ve left on posts

Post Page

If you recall the photo or know the account you commented on, go directly to the post and your comment will be there.

On Twitter

On Twitter, you can find your recent comments a few ways:


Like other platforms, check notifications by tapping the bell icon. Your comment may still be there if left within the last day.

Your Profile

View your profile and tap “Tweets & replies” to see comments you’ve left on tweets.


Use Twitter’s search to find keywords from your comment or the user you replied to.

On YouTube

YouTube stores your comment history in several places:

Comment History

Click on your profile picture, go to “Your Channel” and then “Comments”. This will show your recent comments.

Video Page

Revisit the video you commented on directly and your comment will display.

Search History

If you searched for the video, it may be in your search history. Click on your profile picture and go to “Search history”.

On Reddit

Reddit has a few ways to find your latest comments:

Your Profile

Go to your user profile and select “Comments” to see your recent comments.

Individual Subreddits

If you know the subreddit, visit it directly and sort comments by “New” – yours should be there.


Use Reddit’s search bar to search for keywords from your comment or post title.

On LinkedIn

LinkedIn shows your comment activity in a few areas:


Click the notifications icon to see your recent comments and discussions.

My Network > Comments

This page shows all recent comments you’ve made on the platform.

Profile > Activity

Your profile shows your recent activity, including comments made.

Using Browser History

If you can’t find your comment on the platform directly, check your web browser history. This will show recently visited pages, which should include the post you commented on.

On Chrome:

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner
  2. Select “History”
  3. Click “Comments” in the sidebar
  4. You will see web pages you recently commented on

On Firefox:

  1. Click the Library icon next to the address bar
  2. Select “History” > “Show All History”
  3. Use “Find” to search for keywords in your comment

Using Email Notifications

If you receive email notifications when your comments are replied to, search your email inbox for notifications related to that conversation.

The email will generally include a link directly to the post and your comment on it.

Using a Third Party App

Social media management apps like Hootsuite or Buffer allow you to schedule and publish posts across multiple networks. These tools generally have options to view your recent social activity, including comments.


Hootsuite has a “My Activity” page showing recent actions, and a search bar to find keywords from your comments.


Buffer’s “Interactions” page shows your recent comments and mentions. You can filter by platform too.


Finding comments you’ve made recently is easy once you know where to look. Every major social platform provides ways to view your commenting history through your profile, notifications and search. Browser history and email notifications can also help pinpoint your activity. Third party social media tools give you a centralized dashboard to track your comments across networks.

With all these options, you should have no trouble locating and revisiting conversations where you’ve left comments. Next time you have a great discussion but forget where it was, use these tips to retrieve it!