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How do I find a local book club to join?

How do I find a local book club to join?

Joining a local book club can be a rewarding way to meet new people in your community who share a love of reading. Book clubs provide opportunities for stimulating discussion, expanding reading horizons, and making new friends. However, finding the right book club that fits your interests and schedule can take some research. Here are some tips to help you find a local book club to join.

Check with your local library

One of the best places to start your search is at your local public library. Many libraries sponsor their own book clubs or keep lists of other book clubs that meet in the community. Simply call or visit your library’s reference desk and ask about book clubs. The librarians will likely know about various groups that use the library’s meeting space or regularly check out large numbers of copies of the same title. Sometimes these clubs have general reading interests, and sometimes they focus on a specific genre, like mysteries or science fiction. If the library doesn’t sponsor its own club, the reference librarian may be able to connect you with outside groups looking for new members.

Benefits of joining a library book club

There are several advantages to joining a book club at your local library:

  • Library book clubs often have an established membership you can join easily.
  • The library likely handles logistics like reserving meeting space.
  • Library resources like books and databases help select reading material.
  • Librarians can offer reading recommendations and facilitate discussion.
  • Membership may be casual and drop-ins welcome.

A library book club is a great option for new members because everything is handled for you. All you have to do is show up and discuss the book! Many library clubs are open to new members stopping in at any time too.

Search online communities and websites

Your local library’s website may list book clubs that meet in the community. But if not, your next step is searching online yourself. Try these strategies:

Use social media

Posting on neighborhood social media groups like Nextdoor or Facebook is an effective way to find book clubs seeking new members. Simply write a post describing your interest in joining a local book club, the types of books you enjoy, and your availability. This casts a wide net in your immediate community. Members of book clubs looking for new blood will likely respond with information about their group.

Search lists local groups that have in-person meetups for all kinds of interests, including book clubs. Browse book club Meetup groups in your city, or search for terms like “women’s fiction book club” or “historical fiction book club” to find one that fits your reading tastes. You can message group organizers to ask questions before joining.

Use is an online community specifically for book club members and leaders. You can search for book clubs by location. Narrow your results by categories like the gender makeup of the group, meeting frequency, and types of books read.

Look on has a listing of thousands of book clubs worldwide. Search by your zip code and filter by location range to find book clubs near you. You can also browse clubs focused on specific topics or genres that interest you, like feminist book clubs or clubs that read literary fiction.

Check community bulletin boards

Look for physical bulletin boards around your community to find fliers advertising book clubs seeking members. Grocery stores, cafes, libraries, bookstores, colleges, churches, and community centers often have bulletin boards. Scan for any book club postings and contact them about joining.

Where to find community bulletin boards

  • Grocery stores
  • Coffee shops and cafes
  • Libraries
  • Bookstores
  • Churches
  • Community centers
  • Laundromats
  • Gyms and spas
  • Office buildings
  • College campuses

Keep your eye out for any bulletin boards around town and check them periodically for new book club postings. Leaving your own “Seeking local book club” notice with your contact info is another possible strategy.

Search newspaper classifieds

The classifieds section of local newspapers often contains notices about community groups like book clubs. Pick up a copy of your local newspaper or visit their website to browse classified listings. Search for terms like “book club” or “reading group.” Results may be listed under Community, Clubs, or Classes. Calling about an ad is a proactive way to find established book clubs looking for new members in your area.

Tips for searching classifieds

  • Look in both print and online classifieds for your city or region.
  • Search terms like “book club,” “reading group,” or “literature circle.”
  • Check the Community, Clubs, or Classes sections.
  • Browse new listings weekly for the latest book club ads.
  • Call right away if you find an interesting ad.

Ask friends, family, and neighbors

Don’t underestimate networking through your own personal contacts! The best referral often comes through word of mouth. Ask friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors if they know of any fun book clubs that meet locally. Even if they are not members themselves, they may have heard of book clubs that get together in your area. This is an easy place to start your search.

Who to ask about local book clubs

  • Friends who share your reading tastes
  • Coworkers
  • Classmates from school
  • Other parents at your kids’ school
  • Neighbors
  • Your local barista or bartender
  • Members of other social clubs or groups you belong to
  • Family members

Leverage your community connections to find a book club through personal recommendations. Even if those you ask are not readers themselves, they may have heard of local book clubs through others.

Where to look for book club flyers

In addition to community bulletin boards, keep an eye out for book club advertisements in other public places. Clubs trying to recruit new members often post flyers or leave pamphlets in high-traffic areas around town. Here are places you may find notices promoting a local book club seeking members:

Location Example Flyer Spot
Library Bulletin boards, front desk
Bookstores Bulletin boards, shelves, front counter
Cafes and coffee shops Bulletin boards, table tents
Community centers Bulletin boards, front desk
Grocery stores Bulletin boards, entrance

Keep your eyes open when you are out and about around town. An eye-catching flyer at the local cafe or library is a great way to discover a book club you can join.

Join an online book club

Can’t find an in-person book club that fits your schedule or interests? Consider joining an online book club. These virtual groups meet via video chat or online discussion forums to talk about books. Here are some benefits of online book clubs:

Pros of online book clubs

  • Access to more options outside your geographic area
  • Convenient for busy schedules or mobility issues
  • Wide variety of niche genres and interests
  • Easy to try out different groups

Popular online book club platforms include Goodreads, Reese’s Book Club x Hello Sunshine, the PBS NewsHour-New York Times book club, and more. There are also active book discussions on platforms like Reddit and Discord.

Look for book clubs at your job

Your workplace may have its own book club for employees. These in-house book clubs build community and offer a fun shared activity outside regular work. To find them:

How to find a book club at work

  • Check company newsletter or intranet site
  • Ask coworkers if they know of one
  • Contact Human Resources
  • Look for signs in break rooms or lounge areas

A workplace book club is a convenient option. You have a built-in community and no commute to meetings. If your employer doesn’t have one yet, consider starting your own!

Check bookstores for reading groups

Independent bookstores often sponsor their own book clubs or host meetings for other community groups. These in-store book clubs feature new releases and employee recommendations. Call your local indie bookstores or check their events calendars to see if they have a book club you can join.

Benefits of bookstore book clubs

  • Meet where all the books are!
  • Store ambiance enhances discussion.
  • Support a local business.
  • Get the scoop on new books and deals.

Bookseller-led discussions offer insider perspective. And you’ll be surrounded by exciting reads to add to your TBR list!

Start your own book club

If you’re struggling to find a book club that suits your needs, consider starting your own. This lets you shape the club to fit your own interests, schedule, and reading tastes. To begin:

Tips for starting a book club

  • Decide format (in-person, virtual, or hybrid)
  • Pick genre focus or theme
  • Set schedule for meetings
  • Choose platform like Facebook or Meetup to organize
  • Invite friends and community members to join

Starting your own club does take dedication. But nurturing a book club from scratch can be very rewarding! You’ll be able to cultivate the type of bookish community you want.


Joining a local book club introduces you to new reads and interesting people who share your love of literature. Look in community spaces like libraries, bookstores, and bulletin boards for existing clubs seeking members. Ask friends and neighbors for referrals. Search websites like for bookish gatherings nearby. If you can’t find a club that suits you, start your own to craft your ideal bookish community.