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How do I find a list of groups on Facebook?

How do I find a list of groups on Facebook?

Finding groups on Facebook can be a great way to connect with people who share your interests and hobbies. Facebook groups allow members to come together online to discuss topics, share content, and get to know one another. With millions of active groups, Facebook makes it easy to search for and discover new groups to join.

Searching for Groups

The easiest way to find Facebook groups is to use the search bar at the top of your Facebook page or app. Here are some tips for searching for groups:

  • Think about your interests, hobbies, causes, location, etc. and use relevant keywords in your search. For example, “book clubs in Chicago” or “software developers group.”
  • If you don’t have a specific group in mind, browse group suggestions that appear as you type in the search bar. Facebook will try to autocomplete your search with recommended groups.
  • You can also filter your search results by categories like location, groups your friends have joined, and recommended groups based on your interests and activity.

Browsing Groups

In addition to searching, you can also simply browse groups that you may be interested in joining. Here are some ways to browse groups on Facebook:

  • Go to the “Groups” tab on your homepage. Here you’ll see suggestions for new groups to join.
  • On the desktop site, you can browse group categories and subcategories to find specific types of groups.
  • Check out groups that your friends have joined – you may have similar interests. You can see the groups your friends belong to on their profiles.
  • Once you’ve joined some groups, you’ll get recommendations for similar groups you may like based on the group topics and your interests.

Joining Groups

When you find a group you’d like to join, click the “Join Group” or “+ Join” button. What happens next depends on the group’s settings:

  • Open groups allow anyone to join instantly. Just click join and you’re in.
  • Closed groups require admin approval before you can join. You’ll have to wait for an admin to approve your request.
  • Secret groups require an invite from a current member. You’ll have to ask someone in the group for an invite to join.

Make sure to review the group rules and description before joining. It’s also a good idea to search for posts in the group to get a sense of the type of content and engagement level.

Interacting in Groups

Once you’ve joined some groups, be an active, positive member to get the most out of the group experience:

  • Introduce yourself once you join a group so other members get to know you.
  • Engage in discussions and post relevant content like photos, videos, links, etc.
  • Comment on other members’ posts to join the conversation.
  • Ask questions if you need advice or recommendations from the group.
  • Follow the group rules and be respectful of all members.

Finding Your Groups

To revisit groups you’ve already joined, go to the “Groups” tab on Facebook. Here you can:

  • View all your joined groups in list form.
  • Sort groups to find the most active ones.
  • Search for specific groups using the search bar.
  • Discover and join new suggested groups.

You’ll also see posts from your groups directly in your News Feed. Groups with new activity will have a red notification dot to prompt you to check out new posts and discussions.

Managing Group Notifications

Since groups can generate a lot of notifications, it’s important to manage your notifications so you don’t get overwhelmed:

  • Adjust notifications for each group by going to the group and clicking “Turn On/Off Notifications.”
  • Choose if you want to receive notifications for every new post or only highlights.
  • Turn off notifications entirely if needed, while remaining a member of the group.
  • Mute a group for a set time period if you need a break from the notifications.

Leaving Groups

If you’re no longer interested in a group, you can easily leave it at any time:

  • Go to the group profile and click “Leave Group.”
  • Leaving will stop notifications and remove the group from your list.
  • You can also choose to mute a group’s notifications without fully leaving it.
  • If you leave a group by accident, you can always find it again and request to re-join.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to get the most out of Facebook groups:

  • Join groups related to your hobbies, interests, beliefs, and causes to connect with like-minded members.
  • Seek out active groups with high engagement from members.
  • Introduce yourself when you join a new group.
  • Review and follow group rules and posting guidelines.
  • Engage regularly through posting, commenting, and reacting.
  • Turn off or mute group notifications if a group is overwhelming.
  • Don’t be afraid to leave groups that are no longer a good fit.


Finding and joining Facebook groups is easy with search tools, recommendations, and the ability to browse by category. Interact regularly with your groups, manage notifications, and don’t forget to leave any groups that you no longer want to be a part of. Following group rules and engaging positively will ensure you have great group experiences.

Group Search Tips Ways to Browse Groups
  • Use relevant keywords like interests and location
  • Check search recommendations
  • Filter by categories like friends’ groups
  • Browse the “Groups” tab
  • Browse by category on desktop
  • See groups friends have joined
  • Get recommendations based on your interests
Group Privacy Settings How to Join
  • Open – anyone can join immediately
  • Closed – requires admin approval to join
  • Secret – can only join with an invite from a current member
  • Click “Join Group” or “+ Join” button
  • Wait for admin approval if group is closed
  • Ask for an invite if group is secret
Tips for Engaging in Groups
  • Introduce yourself
  • Post relevant content like photos, videos, links, etc.
  • Comment on other members’ posts
  • Ask questions to get advice from the group
  • Follow group rules and be respectful to all
Best Practices for Facebook Groups
  • Join groups related to your interests and hobbies
  • Find active groups with high engagement
  • Introduce yourself when joining a new group
  • Review and follow group rules
  • Engage regularly through posting, commenting, etc.
  • Turn off notifications if a group is overwhelming
  • Leave groups that are no longer a good fit