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How do I find a comment I made on someone else’s post on Facebook?

How do I find a comment I made on someone else’s post on Facebook?

Quick Answer

To find a comment you made on someone else’s Facebook post:

  • Go to the post you commented on
  • Scroll through the comments until you see your comment
  • Click on your comment

Your comment will be highlighted when you click on it, making it easy to find. You can also use Facebook’s search bar to search for keywords from your comment.

Finding Your Comment by Scrolling

One of the easiest ways to find a comment you made on someone else’s Facebook post is to simply scroll through the comments on the post until you see the one you’re looking for. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Facebook post you commented on. You can get there by going to the person’s timeline/profile who made the post and looking for the post.
  2. Scroll down to the comments section below the post. This is where all the comments on that post will be.
  3. Start scrolling through the comments, looking for your name and profile picture.
  4. When you see a comment you made, click on it. This will highlight your comment so it’s easier to see.

Scrolling through comments works well if there aren’t too many comments on the post or if your comment was recent. However, if there are hundreds of comments, it can be tedious to locate your specific one. In that case, using Facebook’s search feature would be better.

Searching for Your Comment

You can use Facebook’s search bar to search for keywords or phrases from your comment. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the post you commented on and click in the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. Type in a unique keyword or phrase from your comment. This could be a name, place, emoji, etc.
  3. Hit enter. This will search all the comments on that post for matches.
  4. Scroll through the search results to find your comment. Click on it to highlight it.

Searching with unique keywords makes it easy to locate your comment even if there are thousands of others. You’ll immediately see where your comment shows up in the search results.

Tips for Comment Searching

Here are some tips to make finding your comments easier:

  • Use unique phrases or keywords you wouldn’t expect others to use.
  • Put your comment in quotes to search for the exact phrase.
  • Try searching for names, emojis, slang, etc.
  • You can also search from your own profile by using “Comments by me” filter.
  • Use Facebook’s activity log to see your comment history.

Using the Activity Log to Find Comments

Facebook keeps a log of all your activity, including your comments. You can use this to locate comments you’ve made:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Select “Activity log” from the dropdown menu.
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Comments”.
  4. This will show all recent comments you’ve made. Scroll to find the one you want.
  5. Click on the comment to go directly to it on the post.

The activity log makes it easy to see your comment history in chronological order. You can use the filters to narrow it down by date range or search for keywords.

Viewing Comments You’re Tagged In

If someone tags you in a comment on Facebook, you’ll get a notification. You can view all the comments you’re tagged in:

  1. Go to your profile and click on your name in the cover photo.
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Comments you’re tagged in.”
  3. This will display all comments where someone tagged your name.
  4. Click on a comment to jump directly to the post it’s on.

So if you remember someone tagged you in a comment, this is the easiest way to find it again.

How to Find a Deleted Comment

If you made a comment and then deleted it, is there still a way to find it? Unfortunately, once you delete a Facebook comment, it’s gone for good. There’s no way to retrieve it. Facebook removes deleted comments from its servers.

However, there are a couple things you can try:

  • Check your email notifications – Facebook may have emailed you about reactions to your comment before you deleted it.
  • See if the post was cached in Google – search the post URL on Google to see if your comment shows up.
  • Ask the person who made the post if they have a screenshot.

But beyond these long shots, a deleted Facebook comment is likely gone permanently. Always think carefully before commenting, as it’s impossible to fully take it back once posted.


Finding a Facebook comment you made on someone else’s post is easy as long as you haven’t deleted it. The best options are:

  • Scrolling through the comments
  • Searching keywords
  • Checking your activity log
  • Viewing comments you’re tagged in

Using unique phrases in your comments makes them easier to search for later. Be thoughtful about what you post, as deleted comments can’t be recovered. With over 5 billion comments posted per day, make sure yours stands out in a positive way.