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How do I file a complaint against a Facebook business page?

How do I file a complaint against a Facebook business page?

Facebook business pages play an important role in connecting companies with their customers. However, sometimes issues can arise that lead users to want to file complaints against these pages. If you need to submit a complaint against a Facebook business page, there are a few options available.

Why File a Complaint Against a Facebook Business Page?

There are a few main reasons you may need to file a complaint against a Facebook business page:

  • The page is posting content that violates Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • The page is posting content you find offensive, abusive or harassing
  • You believe the page is engaged in deceptive business practices or fraud
  • The page is impersonating your business or brand without permission
  • You have a privacy concern regarding how the page is handling your personal information

Facebook provides tools to report concerning pages so that violations can be properly investigated. Filing a detailed complaint is important to help Facebook understand the problem and take appropriate action if needed.

How to File a Complaint Directly With Facebook

The easiest way to file a complaint is directly through Facebook’s reporting tools:

  1. Go to the Facebook business page you wish to report
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner to access the menu
  3. Select “Give Feedback on This Page”
  4. Choose the option that best describes your issue or complaint from the available choices
  5. Use the text box to provide additional details about your complaint
  6. Click “Submit” to file your report with Facebook

Here are some of the specific complaint options you may see:

  • “Report Page” – For reporting general violations of Facebook’s policies
  • “Page Pretending to Be Someone” – For reporting fake pages impersonating your identity
  • “Page Has Inappropriate Content” – For reporting offensive, abusive or harassing content
  • “Page Not Credible” – For reporting questionable business practices or possible fraud
  • “Page Compromised My Privacy” – For reporting privacy violations

Be sure to choose the option that best matches your particular complaint and include any relevant details, links or screenshots that can help Facebook investigate.

How to File a Complaint About Facebook Business Page Scams

If your complaint involves a Facebook business page engaged in deceptive practices or fraud, you can file your report through Facebook’s Commerce scam reporting:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for the name of the Facebook page in the search bar
  3. Click the page name when it appears in the search results
  4. Click “Report” to file your scam complaint and provide details

This workflow allows you to specifically flag pages involved in scams, fraud, deception, or other commercial abuses of the Facebook platform.

How to Use the Facebook Help Center

You can also file Facebook business page complaints through Facebook’s Help Center:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for and select the article “How do I report a business page?”
  3. Click “Report Now” and follow the instructions to file your complaint

The Help Center provides guidance tailored to reporting business pages across different violation categories. This can be a helpful way to learn about your reporting options.

How to Report Impersonation Pages

If another page is impersonating your business or brand without permission, you can file a report through Facebook’s Intellectual Property form:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “A Page is Pretending to Be My Business or Organization”
  3. Search for the name of the impostor page
  4. Provide details on your official business page and why the reported page is an impersonator
  5. Click “Submit” to file your report

Facebook has a special process to address impersonation complaints and take down fake pages.

Other Ways to Report Facebook Business Pages

In addition to Facebook’s tools, you also have a few other options to file complaints about concerning business pages on the platform:

  • Report to BBB: You can file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) if the page is tied to a problematic company. The BBB can then investigate and address issues.
  • Report to FTC: For scams or clear fraud, you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and they can take action.
  • Consult an Attorney: An attorney may be able to assist with submitting formal complaints or sending cease and desist notices if you are experiencing harassment, defamation or other legal issues.

What Happens After You File a Facebook Business Page Complaint?

Once you submit a complaint report to Facebook, here is an overview of what happens next:

  • Facebook reviews the complaint and investigates the reported page
  • If violations are found, Facebook takes action based on their policies and the severity of the issue
  • Actions can include removing specific posts, disabling page functions, or completely shutting down the page
  • For minor first-time violations, the page owner may just receive a warning
  • Facebook should notify you if action is taken, but details may be limited to protect privacy
  • If your complaint is found invalid, Facebook may notify you that no action will be taken

Keep in mind Facebook aims to complete reviews promptly, but response times can vary depending on how complex the investigation process may be.

Best Practices When Filing a Complaint

To ensure your complaint is reviewed quickly and efficiently, keep these tips in mind:

  • Clearly describe your exact issue or concern with the business page
  • Provide objective examples and evidence whenever possible
  • Avoid generic complaints that lack specific details
  • Be patient and maintain appropriate expectations for resolution timeframes
  • Only file truthful reports in good faith

Submitting thoughtful, fact-based complaints increases the chances of a satisfactory outcome. Facebook depends on actionable input from users about policy violations.

Limits to Facebook’s Enforcement Abilities

While Facebook provides these complaint options, keep in mind the platform does have limits in its enforcement capabilities:

  • Facebook may not take action if reported content or behavior, while objectionable, doesn’t clearly violate their rules
  • Making determinations often involves nuance and subjective judgement calls by reviewers
  • Facebook receives an extremely high volume of complaints to investigate
  • Resources are finite and Facebook cannot evaluate every user complaint with equal depth

If Facebook declines to take action on your specific complaint, you may need to consider alternative resolution options or reassessing your expectations.

Appealing Rejected Complaints

If Facebook rejects your initial complaint, you do have options to appeal:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s response for information on why your report was rejected
  • Gather additional evidence you may not have provided originally
  • Clearly explain how the new information shows a violation of Facebook’s standards
  • Submit your appeal, emphasizing the supplemental facts

Continued persistence with the same information is unlikely to achieve different results. New evidence helps Facebook reassess whether their initial decision was appropriate.

When to Hire a Social Media Lawyer

In certain cases, you may want to consider consulting a social media lawyer to assist with complaints against a Facebook business page, such as:

  • You are experiencing severe or ongoing harassment, threats or defamation
  • The page has stolen or compromised sensitive personal information
  • You suffered clear financial loss due to page scams or fraud
  • Facebook complaint processes have not resolved your issue

A lawyer experienced in social media issues can provide guidance on legal options, assist with filing detailed complaints, send cease and desist notices and represent you if court action becomes warranted.


Facebook business pages provide valuable connections between companies and customers. However, when serious issues emerge, users have options to file complaints directly through Facebook’s reporting tools or seek additional support. Ensuring your complaint provides objective details on concrete violations or harms increases the chances of satisfactory resolution. With persistence and factual evidence, many concerning Facebook business pages can be held accountable for inappropriate behaviors and content.