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How do I enable replies on Facebook comments?

How do I enable replies on Facebook comments?

Being able to reply to comments on Facebook can lead to increased engagement on your posts. Replying allows you to have conversations with your followers and customers directly within the comments section. If you want people to be able to respond to each other’s comments on your Facebook posts, you need to enable the reply feature.

Why should I enable comment replies on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why enabling comment replies can benefit your Facebook presence:

  • Increased engagement – When people can reply to comments, it often leads to longer threads and more back-and-forth discussion on your posts.
  • Customer service – Allowing replies makes it easy for you or your team to respond to questions or concerns raised in the comments.
  • Community building – Conversations between your followers in the comments helps drive connection and relationship building.
  • More comments – Studies show posts with replies tend to get more comments overall than those that don’t allow responses.

The bottom line is that enabling comment replies leads to more meaningful engagement on your Facebook posts. Your followers want to have conversations, so letting them respond to each other’s comments facilitates this and creates stronger connections.

How do I allow replies to comments on Facebook?

Enabling comment replies is simple to do, though the exact steps depend slightly on whether you’re using a personal profile or a Facebook Page.

Personal Profiles

For personal Facebook profiles, here’s how to enable comment replies:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the three dots in the top right corner
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click “Settings”
  3. Click on “Posts” in the left sidebar
  4. Under the “Comment Replies” section, click on “Friends Can Reply to Comments”

This will make it so any of your friends can reply to comments on your posts. You can also choose “Friends Except Acquaintances Can Reply” if you want to limit it only to close friends.

Facebook Pages

For Facebook Pages, here are the steps to enable comment replies:

  1. Go to your Page and click “Settings” in the top right
  2. Select “General” from the sidebar
  3. Click on “Page Visibility”
  4. Under “Comment Replies” choose “Allow Replies from Anyone”

This will let anyone who visits your Facebook Page reply to comments. You can also select “Allow Replies from People You Tag and Your Page’s Fans” if you want to limit it.

How do I reply to a Facebook comment?

Once you’ve enabled comment replies, responding is simple:

  1. Go to the post with the comment you want to reply to
  2. Hover over the comment and click the Reply button (shaped like a curved arrow)
  3. Type your reply in the box that appears
  4. Click Post to publish your reply

Your reply will be posted nested under the original comment for all to see. People can then reply to your response, creating threaded conversations under each post.

How do I delete or report replies on my Facebook comments?

While most reply conversations are productive, sometimes you may need to delete or report inappropriate responses.

Deleting reply comments

If you want to remove a specific reply to one of your Facebook comments, you can delete it:

  1. Click the three dots next to the reply comment
  2. Select “Delete Comment”
  3. Confirm that you want to delete the reply

This will remove the response from public view on your post.

Reporting reply comments

To report a reply that violates Facebook’s policies:

  1. Click the three dots next to the reply
  2. Choose “Report Comment”
  3. Select the option that best describes why you’re reporting the comment
  4. Click “Report Comment”

This will flag the comment for Facebook to review. Reporting replies helps keep conversations on your posts appropriate.

Can I limit who can reply to my Facebook comments?

Yes, you can customize who is able to reply to comments on your Facebook posts. Here are the options:

  • Everyone – Any Facebook user can reply to comments.
  • Friends/Page Fans – Only your friends or Page fans can leave replies.
  • Friends except Acquaintances – Friends can reply but not acquaintances you don’t interact with often.
  • Specific People/Pages/Groups – You select individual people or entities who can reply.
  • No One – Turn off comment replies entirely.

Limiting replies can be useful if you are getting unwanted responses. Friends-only replies keep your conversations private. Disabling replies altogether requires users to make normal comments instead.

Can I moderate replies on Facebook comments?

Yes, Facebook provides moderation options to manage reply conversations:

  • Pre-approve all replies – Every response must be approved by you before appearing publicly.
  • Hide inappropriate replies – Questionable replies are hidden but not deleted.
  • Filter specific words – Words you specify automatically hide replies that contain them.
  • Turn on comment review – Use AI to detect potentially abusive replies for you to review.

Enabling these filters under your Post Settings lets you keep close control over replies. Pre-approving and hiding replies allows you to maintain positive conversations.

Can I see who has replied to a Facebook comment?

Yes, Facebook shows you exactly who replied to each comment on your posts. To see who replied:

  1. Go to the post with the comment
  2. Click on the number of replies shown below the comment (e.g. “View 10 replies”)
  3. This will open a nested view showing all replies
  4. Each reply shows the name and profile picture of the user who responded

Viewing all replies to a specific comment is helpful for understanding and managing conversations stemming from your posts.

Can I get notifications when someone replies to my Facebook comments?

You can receive notifications on Facebook when someone replies to your comments:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”
  2. Click on “Notifications” in the left menu
  3. Under “Comment Replies” turn on notifications

This will send you a notification each time someone replies to a comment you left on a post. Stay on top of conversations by enabling reply notifications.


Allowing responses and participating in comment conversations leads to more engaging Facebook posts. Enable replies in your settings, respond thoughtfully when warranted, and moderate if necessary. With the proper reply features activated, you can build communities and deepen relationships with your audience right within your posts.