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How do I enable layout in Facebook post?

How do I enable layout in Facebook post?

Enabling a more visual layout for your Facebook posts is easy and can help make your posts stand out in the news feed. Facebook offers some simple formatting options to add visual interest and structure to your posts without needing to know HTML or code.

Use Line Breaks

One of the easiest ways to format your Facebook posts is to use line breaks to space out your text into paragraphs or highlight key points. On desktop, you can press Shift + Enter to add a line break. On mobile, you can press Return/Enter to move to a new line.

For example:

Here is some text for the first paragraph explaining line breaks.

Press Shift + Enter to move down to a new line for the next paragraph. You can add as many line spaces as you want.

This helps break up big blocks of text and makes it easier to read.

Add Lists

Creating lists within your Facebook posts is another great way to organize information and make your posts more scannable. To add a list:

– Start each list item with a dash (-) followed by a space
– Press Enter/Return after each list item

– The dash will convert to a bullet point

For example:

– First list item here
– Second list item here

– Third list item here

You can also nest lists within lists by indenting nested items with two spaces before the dash.

Use Headers

Adding headers to your longer Facebook posts helps break up sections and highlight key points. You can make text into a header by:

– Placing the # symbol before the text you want formatted as a header

– Include a space after the # symbol
– The more # symbols you use, the smaller the header size

For example:

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

Emphasize Text

To emphasize key words or phrases in your Facebook posts, you can make text bold or italicized. Use these symbols around the text you want to format:

– *text* for italicized text

– **text** for bold text

For example:

This is text with *italicized words* and **bold words** for emphasis.

Add Images and Videos

Including visual media like images, animated GIFs, and videos in your Facebook posts helps capture attention in the news feed. You can easily embed or upload images and videos right within your posts.

To add an image or video:

– Click the Photo/Video icon when creating your post

– Select an image/video from your computer or Facebook photos to embed
– The media will be included inline with your text post

Use Colorful Backgrounds

If you want part of your text to really stand out, you can add a colored background behind it. This is great for highlighting key points, text, quotes, or creating contrast.

To add a background color behind text, use the following code on either side of the text:

<font color=”#DDD”>Colored text</font>

Where #DDD is the hex code for the color you want to use. For example:

<font color=”#0000FF”>Blue text</font>

Add Tables

Tables allow you present information in clear, organized rows and columns. This is ideal for sharing schedules, comparison charts, pricing matrices, and more visually structured data.

To add a table to your Facebook post:

– Type

to start the table
– On each new line, type to start a new row

– Then

and the table with

to start each data cell in that row
– Close the row with

For example:

Row 1 Cell 1 Row 1 Cell 2
Row 2 Cell 1 Row 2 Cell 2

You can add as many rows and cells as needed to structure your data.

Use Horizontal Dividers

Adding horizontal divider lines in your posts visually separates sections of text. To add a horizontal line, use three hyphen/dash symbols: —

For example:

Here is some text above the divider.

And here is some text below the divider line.

Add Quotes

Quotes help call attention to key statements or testimonials within your Facebook posts. You can format text as a quote using > at the start of each new quoted line. For example:

> Here is some quoted text in the Facebook post.
> This text will appear slightly indented and italicized.


Using these basic formatting tips, you can create Facebook posts that are visually engaging and easier to parse. Structured posts perform better as users are more likely to read the content. Headings, lists, images, color contrasts, and quotes help break up big blocks of texts and highlight important information.

Keep your audience in mind when formatting posts. Use these elements purposefully to enhance the content experience. With practice, you can develop engaging Facebook posting styles that drive reactions and shares.

Benefits of Structured Facebook Posts

Here are some of the benefits of using text formatting in your Facebook posts:

  • Improves readability – More scannable for users
  • Boosts engagement – Gets more reactions and comments
  • Increases reach – Stands out so more users see it
  • Enhances storytelling – Guides the reader through your content
  • Highlights important info – Draws attention to key points
  • Looks more professional – Shows you put effort into content

Formatting Tips for Different Post Types

Certain text formatting options work better for different types of Facebook posts:

Post Type Recommended Formatting
Blog/article summaries Headings, numbered lists, quotes
How-to’s Numbered instructions, bullet lists
Product announcements Bold emphasis, images
Events Color blocks, divider lines

Top Formatting Tips

Keep these top tips in mind when formatting Facebook posts:

  1. Use line breaks sparingly – avoid big walls of text
  2. Highlight important phrases in bold
  3. Break up sections with header formatting
  4. Make key points stand out with colored backgrounds
  5. Add images/videos to Visualize concepts
  6. Include tables for structured data like schedules
  7. Use quotes to support claims or data points

Common Facebook Post Formatting Mistakes

Watch out for these common formatting faux pas:

  • Overusing formatting – can seem spammy
  • Inappropriate formatting – doesn’t fit the content
  • Inconsistent formatting – changes randomly throughout
  • Over-abbreviating – hurts readability/engagement
  • Too many images – buries key info
  • Complex tables – confuses more than clarifies
  • Colored text on colored background – reduces legibility

Formatting Considerations by Device

Keep in mind how formatting displays on different devices:

Device Considerations
Mobile – Smaller screens so use shorter paragraphs and lists
– Tap to expand long posts
– Ensure color contrasts are readable
Desktop – More screen real estate so can include more text
– Images and videos very visible
– Tables require horizontal scrolling on smaller monitors

Tools to Help Create Formatted Posts

These tools can help streamline formatting Facebook posts:

  • Buffer – Schedule and manage posts with formatting
  • Hootsuite – Plan posts in advance with text styling
  • Bitly – Customize shortened URLs for posts
  • Canva – Create visuals like images, videos, and quotes
  • Gramblr – Auto-schedule Instagram posts from desktop

With practice and experimentation, you can develop your own distinctive Facebook posting style that engages your target audience. Formatting is key for optimizing reach and engagement. Use this guide to enhance your Facebook content from basic text-only posts to visually-appealing stories.