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How do I enable invite friends on my Facebook page?

How do I enable invite friends on my Facebook page?

Inviting friends to like your Facebook page is a great way to increase your page’s followers. Here’s how to enable the invite friends feature:

Check Your Page’s Settings

First, you need to check that your Facebook page has the invite friends feature enabled. To do this:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on the “Settings” tab in the top right
  3. Select “Templates and Tabs” from the left sidebar
  4. Under “Page Tabs,” ensure that “Invite Friends” is toggled on

If “Invite Friends” is not enabled, toggle the switch on to activate the feature.

Add the Invite Friends Tab

With the invite friends setting enabled, you now need to add the actual Invite Friends tab to your page:

  1. Go back to your page’s Settings > Templates and Tabs
  2. Under the “Page Tabs” section, click the “+” icon to add a new tab
  3. Select the “Invite Friends” tab from the popup dialog
  4. Click “Add Page Tab”

This will add the Invite Friends tab to your page. You can rearrange the order of your Page Tabs by clicking and dragging them.

Customize the Invite Friends Message

You can customize the message that gets sent with your friend invites:

  1. Click the “Edit Settings” button on the Invite Friends tab
  2. Change the default invite message if desired
  3. Click “Save” to update the message text

This allows you to add a personal note when inviting friends to like your page.

Invite Friends to Like Your Page

Now you’re ready to start inviting friends!

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click the “Invite Friends” tab
  2. Enter your friend’s name in the search bar and select them when their name pops up
  3. Customize the message if desired
  4. Click “Send Invitation”

This will send your friend a notification with an invitation to like your page. You can repeat this process to invite more friends.

Share the Invite Friends Tab

For broader exposure, you can share the Invite Friends tab on your own Facebook profile:

  1. Go to your page and click the Invite Friends tab
  2. Click the “Share” button in the upper right
  3. Share the tab post on your personal Facebook feed

This allows all of your friends to see the Invite Friends tab and like your page without receiving a personal invitation.

Track Your Invites

You can view analytics on your sent invitations and see who has liked your page:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Insights” in the top menu
  3. Select “Invites” from the sidebar

This page shows you details like:

  • How many invitations were sent
  • How many invitations were accepted
  • Which friends have liked your page

Monitoring your invitation analytics helps you see which efforts are working best. You may want to follow up with friends who haven’t yet liked your page.

Other Ways to Promote Your Page

In addition to invites, some other ways to promote your Facebook page include:

  • Posting engaging content regularly
  • Running Facebook ads targeting your ideal audience
  • Asking existing followers to share your page with friends
  • Promoting your page on other channels like your website or email newsletter
  • Using Facebook Open Graph tags to optimize sharing
  • Partnering with influencers/brands to reach new audiences
  • Analyzing your Insights to optimize your content strategy


Inviting friends is one of the easiest ways to quickly grow your Facebook page. Just enable the Invite Friends tab, customize the message, select friends to invite, and track your analytics. Combining invites with other promotion tactics will help take your Facebook page to the next level.

Here are some key tips to remember:

  • Make sure “Invite Friends” is enabled in Page Settings
  • Add the Invite Friends Page Tab before sending invites
  • Personalize the invite message for a better response
  • Share your Invite Friends tab to reach more people
  • Analyze your invitation Insights to optimize

With strategic invites and promotions, you can grow an engaged audience for your Facebook page. Best of luck!

Step Action
1 Enable “Invite Friends” in Page Settings
2 Add the Invite Friends Page Tab
3 Customize the Invite Message
4 Select Friends to Invite
5 Share the Invite Friends Tab
6 Track Invitation Analytics

Here is an overview of the key steps involved in enabling and using the invite friends feature on Facebook:

Enable Invite Friends

In your Facebook page’s settings, ensure the “Invite Friends” option is toggled on. This activates the feature.

Add Invite Friends Tab

Go to your page’s tabs and add the “Invite Friends” predefined tab. This adds the actual tab to your page.

Customize Message

Edit the default invite message to include a more personal note to your friends.

Send Invites

Search for and select friends to invite to like your page. They will receive a notification.

Share Tab

Share your Invite Friends tab post on your personal profile for broader exposure.

Track Insights

Analyze your invitation metrics to see which efforts are working and optimize your strategy.

Following these steps will allow you to effectively promote your Facebook page through invites. Pair this with other growth tactics for the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why won’t my Invite Friends tab show up?

If the Invite Friends tab is not appearing even after you enable and add it, try the following:

  • Make sure you have page admin permissions
  • Refresh the page or browser
  • Double check it is enabled in your Page Settings
  • Wait a few minutes and try again

Can I customize the invite message?

Yes, you can edit the default message that gets sent with your invitations:

  1. Click “Edit Settings” on the Invite Friends tab
  2. Change the message text
  3. Click “Save”

Customizing the message allows for a more personal touch.

How do I know who has liked my page?

To see which of your invited friends have liked your page:

  1. Go to your Page Insights
  2. Click on the “Invites” section

This shows you which friends accepted your invitations and liked your page.

How many friends can I invite at once?

There is no limit on how many friends you can invite. You can send invites to as many friends as you want to promote your page.

What’s the best way to invite friends?

Some tips for effective invites include:

  • Personalizing each message
  • Targeting friends who will genuinely be interested
  • Spreading invites out over time
  • Following up if they haven’t liked your page

Strategic, personalized inviting leads to the best results.


Inviting friends is a simple yet effective way to get more likes and followers on your Facebook page. Just make sure to have the feature enabled, customize your message, invite selectively, and analyze your metrics. Combining friend invites with other growth tactics will help take your page to the next level.