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How do I enable disable profile picture login on Facebook?

How do I enable disable profile picture login on Facebook?

Facebook offers users the ability to log into their account using facial recognition rather than entering a password. This feature, called Profile Picture Login, allows you to log into Facebook just by having your profile picture scanned. While some find this feature convenient, others may want to disable it for privacy or security reasons. Here is a guide on how to enable or disable profile picture login on Facebook.

What is Profile Picture Login?

Profile Picture Login, introduced by Facebook in late 2017, uses facial recognition technology to identify you and log you into your account just by scanning your profile photo. Once enabled, you can log into Facebook on mobile simply by tapping your profile picture, without having to enter your password. Facial recognition software will scan your face and log you in if it matches the profile photo linked to your account.

This feature provides a quicker, more convenient way to access your account that doesn’t require you to remember or type in a password. It may appeal to those who find entering passwords tedious or struggle to remember them. However, some privacy advocates have raised concerns about the privacy implications of facial recognition technology.

How to Enable Profile Picture Login

If you want to take advantage of the convenience of logging into Facebook using just your face, here is how to enable profile picture login:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iOS or Android device.
  2. Tap the three horizontal line menu icon in the top right.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” then tap “Settings”.
  4. Scroll down and tap “Face Recognition”.
  5. Toggle on the switch next to “Face Recognition” to enable the feature.
  6. Read the information about how Facebook will use facial recognition and tap “Continue”.
  7. Position your face in the circle shown on the screen. Move your head slowly to the left, right, up and down so your face can be scanned.
  8. Once your face has been recognized, toggle on “Automatic Face Recognition” to enable profile photo login.

The next time you go to log into the Facebook app, you can simply tap your profile picture to log in rather than entering your password. Facial recognition will scan your face and match it to your profile photo if the images are consistent.

How to Disable Profile Picture Login

If you’re uncomfortable using facial recognition for logging into Facebook, you can disable profile picture login. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the menu icon in the top right.
  2. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Settings”.
  3. Scroll down and select “Face Recognition”.
  4. Toggle off the switch next to “Automatic Face Recognition” to disable profile photo login.

With profile picture login disabled, you will have to enter your password manually each time you log into Facebook. The facial recognition feature will not be used to identify you.

Considerations Before Enabling Profile Picture Login

Before turning on profile picture login for Facebook, here are some things to consider:

  • Facebook will capture more biometric data about you by scanning your face each time you log in. This raises privacy concerns for some.
  • There is potential for false positives in facial recognition where someone else’s face could be inaccurately matched to your profile.
  • Profile photo login removes a layer of security from your account access. Your face can be seen and scanned involuntarily.
  • The feature requires you to position your face in view of your device’s camera which some may find awkward or inconvenient in public.
  • If you lose access to your profile photo or it changes significantly, it could break the facial recognition and lock you out of your account.

Weighing up convenience against potential privacy and security risks is something to think about before switching on profile picture login.

Tips for Managing Profile Picture Login

If you decide to use profile photo login for Facebook, here are some tips to better manage the facial recognition feature:

  • Use a consistent, high quality profile photo of your front face with good lighting.
  • Don’t enable profile photo login on shared devices. Only turn it on for your personal device.
  • Periodically disable profile photo login if you have privacy concerns around involuntary scanning.
  • Keep your software and Facebook app updated to ensure optimal facial recognition performance.
  • Don’t post public selfies that clearly show your face. This expands Facebook’s facial recognition database.
  • Customize your privacy settings around facial recognition in your Facebook account.

Troubleshooting Problems with Profile Picture Login

In some cases, you may run into issues using the profile photo login feature. Here are some common problems and solutions:

Face not recognized

If Facebook’s facial recognition software fails to recognize you, try the following:

  • Ensure the lighting and angle of your face is similar to your profile photo.
  • Hold the camera closer or adjust your position so your entire face is in view.
  • Stay still while the camera scans your face. Movement can interrupt facial mapping.
  • Update your profile photo to a better quality, front-facing image in good lighting.
  • Disable and re-enable Profile Picture Login to re-scan your face.

False positives/someone else recognized

If someone else’s face gets incorrectly matched to your profile:

  • Report the issue to Facebook immediately.
  • Temporarily disable Profile Picture Login for security.
  • Change your profile photo to an image that is uniquely you.
  • Don’t post selfies publicly to protect your facial identity.

Can’t enable profile photo login

If you can’t find the option to enable profile picture login, try these steps:

  • Update your Facebook app to the latest version.
  • Enable face recognition access in your device settings.
  • The feature may not be available on very old devices. Upgrade your hardware if needed.
  • Make sure your account does not have any login approvals required that obstruct facial recognition.
  • Contact Facebook support if you still cannot enable the feature.


Profile picture login makes accessing your Facebook account quicker and more convenient by replacing passwords with facial recognition. However, this added convenience also brings privacy tradeoffs to consider. Weigh up the pros and cons before deciding whether to enable the feature. Manage profile photo login settings carefully, use high quality profile images, and report any issues to maximize both security and convenience.