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How do I enable checkout on Facebook and Instagram?

How do I enable checkout on Facebook and Instagram?

With social media now being used for so much more than just sharing photos and updates, many businesses are looking to integrate their online stores directly into platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Allowing customers to checkout and purchase products directly within these apps creates a seamless experience that can help drive more sales.

Enabling checkout on Facebook and Instagram does require some setup, but it’s a relatively straightforward process. Here’s what you need to know to get checkout enabled for your business on these popular platforms.

Facebook Checkout

Facebook checkout allows customers to purchase products directly within Facebook, without being redirected to an external website. To enable Facebook checkout:

  1. You need to have an existing Facebook business page and Facebook shop setup. If you don’t have these yet, start by creating a Facebook business page and then adding a shop section where you can list your products.
  2. Download the Facebook commerce manager app. This is used to manage your catalog and checkout settings.
  3. In the commerce manager, ensure your product catalog is up to date. All products you want available for checkout need to be loaded into the catalog, along with product descriptions, pricing, images etc.
  4. Configure your checkout settings. In the settings section of commerce manager, choose whether you want to use Facebook’s checkout functionality or your own checkout system. If using Facebook’s, enter any other business info like payment details that need to be integrated.
  5. Enable checkout in commerce settings. Toggle the “checkout” option on so that the checkout button appears on applicable Facebook surfaces.
  6. Consider toggling “pay now” as well if you want customers to be able to purchase from product tags without going to your shop.

Once checkout is enabled, a “Checkout” button will appear on any product tags or collection ads you have running that will take customers directly to a checkout screen to finalize their purchase. All payments, order processing, and receipts are handled directly within Facebook.

Instagram Checkout

Instagram checkout similarly allows in-app purchases, but the setup process is a bit different than Facebook:

  1. Have an existing Instagram business profile and product catalog setup already. Your products need to be loaded into your Instagram product catalog first.
  2. Submit an application to access Instagram checkout. You can apply via the settings section in your Instagram business profile.
  3. Get approved for checkout. Instagram reviews all checkout applications and enables this feature for select businesses. Approval decisions are based on account history, audience location, product types, and more.
  4. Enable checkout if approved. Once approved, toggle on checkout in your settings. You also need to connect your Facebook page and commerce manager.
  5. Tag products eligible for checkout. Add tags in your Instagram posts denoting which products in that post can be purchased directly via checkout.

Once enabled, users will be able to click the tagged products in your Instagram posts and stories to reveal a checkout button. Tapping this will take them to a checkout screen within Instagram to complete the purchase.

Tips for Enabling Checkout

Here are some additional tips for getting checkout enabled and running smoothly on Facebook and Instagram:

  • Keep your product catalog complete and up to date. Customers will see exactly what is listed in the catalog, so be sure details and inventory levels are current.
  • Consider free shipping thresholds to encourage more purchases via checkout.
  • Promote products available for checkout with tags or posts letting customers know about the feature.
  • Ensure accurate business info like addresses and contact details are entered for the checkout process.
  • Review commerce manager notifications and insights about checkout usage and performance.
  • Follow best practices for product images, descriptions, pricing and presentation across both platforms.

Managing Orders and Fulfillment

When you receive an order via Facebook or Instagram checkout, order management and fulfillment works the same as any ecommerce order:

  • Orders will show up in the connected commerce manager, with details on the customer, products purchased, and any special instructions.
  • Process and confirm orders just like any online purchase, ensuring inventory is deducted and order details are accurate.
  • Fulfill orders via your standard process. Pack orders, generate shipping labels, and deliver to customers.
  • Issue refunds if needed through the commerce manager.
  • Facebook and Instagram both allow for tracking order status and letting customers know when their order has shipped or is out for delivery.

Pros and Cons of Social Commerce

Some key advantages and potential disadvantages of offering checkout on social platforms:

Pros Cons
– Increased conversion rates from eliminating steps in purchase process – Need to manage an additional sales channel
– Greater exposure from social users seeing and buying products directly – Potential for lower average order values compared to site purchases
– Improved brand loyalty through more seamless experience – Requires devoting resources to product catalogue management
– Valuable advertising and product testing opportunities – Lower margins if have to account for selling fees


Checkout on Facebook and Instagram removes friction from the path to purchase, enabling social media users to easily buy products they discover. While it does require some setup, businesses that meet the requirements can benefit from higher conversion rates and expanded reach by enabling these capabilities.

Be sure your product catalog and inventory systems are primed before activating checkout. And take advantage of features like special offers and prominent tagging to highlight which products are available for direct, in-app purchase. Social commerce is only growing, and checkout gives businesses big opportunities to drive more sales through owned social channels.