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How do I email Facebook support about hacked accounts?

How do I email Facebook support about hacked accounts?

Having your Facebook account hacked can be a frustrating and scary experience. Fortunately, Facebook provides ways to contact their support team directly about compromised accounts. Here are some quick answers about how to email Facebook support if you think your account has been hacked:

Should I contact Facebook support if I think my account is hacked?

Yes, contacting Facebook support is the best way to resolve account hacking issues. Facebook’s security team can help confirm if your account was compromised, secure it, and restore access to you.

What information does Facebook need to verify I’m the account owner?

To confirm you are the legitimate account owner, Facebook will ask for information including:

  • Your full name
  • Email or phone number on the account
  • Locations where you’ve logged in
  • Friends on your friends list

Providing accurate details will help Facebook confirm your identity faster.

How do I find the email address for Facebook support?

You can contact Facebook support by email at [email protected]. This email address goes directly to their account security team.

What information should I include in the email?

Your email to Facebook should explain that you can’t access your account and believe it may be hacked. Provide as many details as possible:

  • Your full name
  • Email or phone number on the account
  • When you first noticed suspicious activity
  • Any error messages you see when trying to log in

Details like locations of logins, device information, and specific activity you don’t recognize will help Facebook identify and resolve the issue.

How long does it take Facebook to respond?

Facebook aims to respond to hacked account emails within 24 hours. However, it may take up to 5 business days during busy periods.

What will Facebook do to secure my account?

Once Facebook confirms your account is hacked, they will:

  • Reset your password to revoke access to hackers
  • Remove any suspicious login locations
  • Get rid of fake pages or profiles made by hackers
  • Strengthen security by requiring two-factor authentication

Facebook will walk you through any additional steps to make sure your account is safe.

How can I regain access to my account?

As soon as your account is secured, Facebook will email you a password reset link. Click the link, create a new password, and you’ll be able to log back into your account.

In some cases, Facebook may require ID verification before you can access your account again. Follow their instructions to confirm your identity.

Can I take other steps to protect my account?

Yes, it’s smart to take proactive measures to enhance your Facebook account security:

  • Turn on two-factor authentication – Require a code from your phone or authentication app to log in, even after a password reset.
  • Change passwords frequently – Update your Facebook password every few months to stay ahead of hackers.
  • Be wary of suspicious links/logins – Don’t click sketchy links or grant account access to unfamiliar apps.
  • Review privacy settings – Restrict account access and activity visibility to give hackers less to exploit.

What if Facebook can’t recover my account?

In rare cases where Facebook can’t sufficiently confirm your identity or regain account access, you may need to create a new account and rebuild your profile.

As frustrating as this would be, it still allows you to start fresh and re-establish connections. Be sure to turn on enhanced security features right away for your protection.

Can I get help reactivating my disabled account?

If Facebook has disabled your account due to suspicious activity, you can email [email protected] for help restoring it. Provide details to show you are the legitimate account owner.

However, if Facebook disabled your account due to policy violations, you’ll need to submit an appeal through the Facebook app or website.

What’s the best way to avoid having my account hacked in the future?

The most effective way to protect your account from hackers is enabling two-factor authentication. This requires a numeric code from your phone any time someone tries to log in, stopping them in their tracks.

Also be wary of phishing attempts via email or text asking you to verify account information. Facebook will never reach out this way.

Can I get updates if Facebook is investigating my hacked account?

Absolutely. When you email [email protected], request updates on the status of your case. Facebook’s security team can provide details on their investigation and when they expect to restore your account access.

If it’s been more than 24 hours with no update, follow up again asking for a timeline. The sooner Facebook can act, the less damage hackers can potentially do.

Does Facebook offer phone support for hacked accounts?

Unfortunately Facebook does not offer phone support specifically for compromised accounts. Your best option is to email [email protected] and work with their security team by email to resolve the issue.

What if I think my friends’ accounts are also hacked?

If you see suspicious activity from your Facebook friends, report it immediately. Click the three dots next to a post or profile and select “Find Support or Report Profile.”

Facebook will investigate and take appropriate action to secure accounts that were compromised without the owner’s knowledge.

Can I get help from Facebook if I shared personal info with a hacker?

If you shared sensitive information with someone who you later realized was impersonating a friend or family member, report it to Facebook immediately. Their security team can provide guidance on protecting yourself.

You may also want to contact your bank if you shared financial information, or other companies if you gave out login details or other sensitive data.

What are some common signs my Facebook was hacked?

Some indications your Facebook may be hacked include:

  • Forgotten password suddenly doesn’t work
  • Suspicious posts on your timeline
  • Messages sent to friends you didn’t write
  • Login emails from unrecognized locations/devices
  • New friend requests sent to strangers
  • Profile photo, name, or birthday changed

If you notice any of these issues, contact Facebook immediately about regaining access.

Can I get help if my account was hacked a long time ago?

Yes, Facebook will still help even if your account was compromised months or years ago. Email [email protected] explaining when/how you lost access. Facebook will do their best to confirm your identity and restore your account.

However, the longer an account is hacked, the more difficult it becomes to undo the damage. So act as soon as possible for the best results.

What steps can I take if Facebook is unable to help?

If Facebook is unable to sufficiently verify your identity and regain access to your hacked account, some options include:

  • Submitting additional identity verification documents to Facebook such as a photo ID
  • Filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
  • Reporting the hacking issue to the Federal Trade Commission
  • Consulting with a private attorney about legal action
  • Creating a new Facebook account and actively communicating with friends to explain you were hacked

Continuing to follow up with Facebook support can also help resolve identity issues delaying account recovery.

Is there a way to contact Facebook support by phone or chat?

Unfortunately there is no direct phone number or chat option specifically for hacked account issues. The only way to contact Facebook is by emailing [email protected].

However, once Facebook responds by email, you may be able to continue an email conversation asking follow-up questions to their security team.

Can Facebook help if I don’t have access to my old email anymore?

If you can’t access the email associated with your Facebook account, contact Facebook support with as much identifying information as possible. Details like your full name, birthday, hometown, devices used, and friends list can help verify your identity.

Without access to the account email, recovering your Facebook access may be more difficult. But providing ample supplemental details gives you the best shot.

What should I do if someone demands money to regain access to my account?

If a hacker tries to extort money from you in exchange for account access, do not pay anything. Report the extortion attempt immediately to Facebook and law enforcement officials.

Facebook will work to secure and restore your account for free if you email [email protected]. Paying ransoms gives more incentive for future hacking attempts.

Can Facebook tell me who hacked my account?

For privacy reasons, Facebook cannot reveal details to you about who may have accessed your account without authorization. However, their security team takes appropriate behind-the-scenes action.

Focus your efforts on regaining access and strengthening account security rather than identifying the hacker. Preventing future compromises is more important than punishing the culprit.

What are some best practices for Facebook account security?

Some top Facebook account security tips include:

  • Enabling two-factor authentication
  • Being cautious of phishing attempts
  • Using strong, unique passwords
  • Updating passwords frequently
  • Using Facebook Alerts for suspicious activity
  • Limiting third-party app permissions
  • Securing devices used to access Facebook
  • Keeping software updated on all devices

Taking preventative measures greatly reduces your risk of being hacked. But remain vigilant and act quickly if you notice any unusual behavior.

Can Facebook provide data on who accessed my account?

When you regain access to your compromised Facebook account, you can view some account activity history under Settings > Security and Login. However, Facebook doesn’t disclose detailed forensic data to users.

If you have legal reasons requiring more in-depth access logs, you would need to pursue formal legal channels for that level of data.

What legal action can I take if Facebook is unable to help?

If Facebook is unable to sufficiently assist you in regaining access to your hacked account, some legal options may include:

  • Filing a complaint with the FTC citing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
  • Reporting Facebook to the Better Business Bureau
  • Consulting a private attorney about a potential class action lawsuit
  • Reporting the incident to your local law enforcement agency for criminal investigation

However, legal routes can be time-consuming and complex. Work diligently with Facebook support before pursuing extreme legal measures.


Having your Facebook account hacked can be stressful, but contacting Facebook support promptly gives you the best chance of regaining access. Be prepared to provide ample details proving you are the legitimate account owner. Enable two-factor authentication as soon as possible after restoring access to prevent future hacking.

Act quickly when noticing suspicious activity and follow Facebook’s recommendations. With their help, you can recover from hacking attempts and strengthen your Facebook security.

Signs of Hacked Facebook Account Steps to Regain Access
  • Forgotten password not working
  • Strange posts or messages
  • Profile changes
  • Unfamiliar logins
  1. Email [email protected]
  2. Provide identity details
  3. Follow Facebook instructions
  4. Reset password

Dealing with a hacked Facebook account can be frustrating, but a few proactive steps will get you back on track:

  1. Contact Facebook immediately at [email protected] when noticing suspicious activity.
  2. Provide as much identifying information as possible to prove you are the account owner.
  3. Follow all steps recommended by Facebook to secure and restore access.
  4. Change your password and enable two-factor authentication.
  5. Report any unusual posts or messages to Facebook for clean-up.

The quicker you act, the less damage hackers can potentially do. But even long-term hacking issues can often be resolved by diligently working with Facebook support.

A compromised Facebook account is never a pleasant experience. But Facebook provides resources to help restore your access, remove fraudulent activity, and take preventative security steps. With their assistance, you can recover your account and stop worrying about hackers in the future.