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How do I edit the About section of my Facebook group page?

How do I edit the About section of my Facebook group page?

The About section is an important part of any Facebook group page, as it allows group admins to share key information about the purpose and rules of the group. However, editing the About section can be tricky if you’re not familiar with how Facebook groups work. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for editing your Facebook group’s About section on both desktop and mobile. We’ll also provide tips for optimizing this space to attract new members and set clear expectations. Read on to learn everything you need to know!

Viewing your current About section

Before making any changes, you’ll first want to view your group’s current About section. Here’s how:

On desktop:

  1. Go to your group’s page
  2. Look for the About section on the left side of the page, below the cover photo

On mobile:

  1. Go to your group’s page
  2. Tap the About tab near the top of the page

This will display all the contents of your About section, including the description, rules, and any other added details. Review this carefully so you know what needs changing.

Editing your About section

Once you’ve identified what you want to update, it’s time to edit. Here are the steps:

On desktop:

  1. Go to your group’s page
  2. Click Manage Group on the right side of the cover photo
  3. Select Edit Group Settings from the menu
  4. Click Edit next to About

On mobile:

  1. Go to your group page
  2. Tap the More tab (with three dots)
  3. Tap Edit Group Info
  4. Tap Edit next to About

This will open your About section in editable view. You can now make changes to any of the following:

  • Description – A short summary of your group’s purpose
  • Long description – A more detailed overview of the group
  • Rules – Guidelines members should follow
  • Tags – Keywords potential members may search for

Update any of these fields as desired. When done, click Save Changes. The edited About section will now be visible to all members.

Optimizing your About section

Take advantage of your group’s About section by optimizing it to attract members and set expectations. Here are some tips:

  • Include a clear, concise group description explaining the purpose and focus of the group.
  • Use a warm, inviting tone to show members this is a welcoming community.
  • Set ground rules for conduct using bullet points to make them easy to skim.
  • Add descriptive tags that potential members may search for when looking for a group.
  • Keep text friendly and easy to read by breaking it up into short paragraphs.
  • Proofread carefully before saving to fix any typos or formatting issues.

An optimized About section plays a key role in gaining new members and maintaining a positive group environment. Be sure to review it regularly to keep it updated!

Including additional details

Beyond the core description, rules, and tags, you may want to incorporate other details in your About section. Additional information you can add includes:

  • Founder or admin bios – Help members get to know group leaders.
  • Posting guidelines – Explain requirements around post types, lengths, images, etc.
  • Member expectations – Clarify how members should interact in the group.
  • FAQs – Pre-empt common member questions.
  • Links/hashtags – Direct members to related resources.

Including supplementary content makes your About section more robust. But be careful not to make it too lengthy or complex. Stick to helpful, relevant details that aid group members.

Using tables or visuals

You can also incorporate visual elements in your About section to break up blocks of text and highlight key details. For example:

Rules in a table format:

Rule Description
Be respectful No bullying, harassment, or hate speech
No spam Do not post unsolicited or irrelevant links/ads
Follow post guidelines Adhere to requirements for post types, lengths, images, etc.

Member expectations as a bulleted list:

  • Participate actively in discussions
  • Answer other members’ questions helpfully and accurately
  • Share expertise and personal experiences constructively
  • Keep a curious, open-minded approach

Tables, bullet points, images, or other visual elements help break up large blocks of text and draw the eye to important details. Just be sure they are relevant and used sparingly.

Previewing changes

It’s easy to preview how your edited About section will look before publishing changes:

On desktop:

  1. After editing, click Preview instead of Save Changes
  2. This opens a pop-up window showing the About section with changes
  3. Close the preview window when done

On mobile:

  1. After editing, tap Preview at the top
  2. This displays the About section with changes
  3. Tap Back to return to editing

Previewing is a great way to catch any formatting issues or typos before changes go live. You can toggle between editing and previewing until satisfied.

Adding/removing admin names

Group admins may be listed in the About section. To modify which admin names appear:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Admins in your group’s admin tools
  2. Check/uncheck the box for “Show this admin’s name in the About section”
  3. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Go to Manage Admins in your group’s admin tools
  2. Tap the switch for “Show this admin’s name in the About section”
  3. Tap Save Changes

The About section will now reflect the selected admins. Note that at least one admin’s name must be displayed.

Adding a group type

You can classify your Facebook group as one of several types, like health, sports, or jobs. Here’s how to add or change your group’s type:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Edit Group Settings
  3. Choose a Group Type from the dropdown menu
  4. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Edit Group Info
  3. Tap Group Type and select one
  4. Tap Save

Selecting an appropriate group type helps interested members find your group more easily.

Changing member permissions

You can use your About section to explain if members can post, comment, invite others, and more in your group. To edit these settings:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Edit Group Settings
  3. Expand Membership Approval and Post Approval
  4. Edit permissions as desired
  5. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Edit Group Info
  3. Tap Membership Approval or Post Approval
  4. Edit permissions as desired
  5. Tap Save

Be sure to explain any restrictions or limitations in your About section so members understand the rules.

Adding a cover photo

A cover photo appears at the top of your group profile. It helps convey the theme or purpose visually. To add or change it:

On desktop:

  1. Go to your group’s homepage
  2. Click Change Cover Photo below your current image
  3. Choose and upload a new photo
  4. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Tap your group’s current cover photo
  2. Tap Select Photo
  3. Choose a photo from your device
  4. Tap Use as Cover Photo

Opt for an eye-catching image that represents your group well. This gives members a strong visual association.

Adding a visitor or member badge

You can automatically display badges counting total visitors and members to your group. To add these:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Edit Group Settings
  3. Check the boxes for Show a member counter and Show a visitor counter
  4. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Edit Group Info
  3. Toggle on the switches for Show a member counter and Show a visitor counter
  4. Tap Save

These badges serve as social proof of your group’s size and popularity. Display them prominently!

Pinning your About section

You can pin your About section to the very top of your group feed so it’s always visible. To do this:

On desktop:

  1. Go to your group feed
  2. Hover over your About section and click the Push Pin icon
  3. The About section will now be pinned to the top

On mobile:

  1. Go to your group feed
  2. Tap your About section to expand it
  3. Tap the Push Pin icon to pin it
  4. The About section will remain at the top

Pinning the About section makes your key group info viewable at a glance.

Restricting edits to the About section

By default, any group admin can edit the About section. If desired, this capability can be restricted to just the original group creator:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Edit Group Settings
  3. Under Administrative Privileges, check the box for “Only admins added by the creator can edit the About section”
  4. Click Save Changes

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Edit Group Info
  3. Toggle on the switch for “Only admins added by the creator can edit the About section”
  4. Tap Save

Now only the original group creator can edit About section details.

Translating your About section

You can translate your About section into other languages to reach wider audiences. Here’s how:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Translate Group Info
  3. Choose the language you want to translate to from the dropdown menu
  4. Enter your translated About section text
  5. Click Review Translation, then Publish Translation

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Translate Group Info
  3. Tap Translate About
  4. Choose your translation language
  5. Enter the translated text
  6. Tap Translated Text Looks Good to publish

Users who have set their Facebook language preference will now see the translated About section.

Deleting your About section

If you ever need to delete your About section entirely:

On desktop:

  1. Go to Manage Group from your cover photo
  2. Select Edit Group Settings
  3. Click Delete next to About
  4. Confirm you want to delete the About section

On mobile:

  1. Tap the More tab
  2. Tap Edit Group Info
  3. Tap Delete next to About
  4. Confirm you want to delete the About section

Your group’s About section will disappear. You can add a new one at any time.


Optimizing your Facebook group’s About section is a great way to introduce your group to new members, explain your purpose, and set ground rules. Take advantage of options to format text, add visuals, pin it to the top of your feed, translate it, and more. A well-crafted About section plays a key role in cultivating an engaged, growing member base. Review it regularly to keep your group’s first impression appealing!