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How do I edit my custom location on Facebook?

How do I edit my custom location on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to set a custom location that is displayed on their profile instead of their actual location. This can be useful for maintaining privacy or specifying a location that is more meaningful to you. Editing your custom location is easy to do right from the Facebook website.

Why would I want to edit my Facebook location?

There are a few key reasons you may want to edit your Facebook location:

  • Privacy – Displaying your precise location on your profile allows anyone viewing your profile to see exactly where you live or work. Setting a more general custom location gives you more privacy.
  • Accuracy – If you’ve recently moved, your profile may show an outdated location. You can set a custom location to reflect your new city.
  • Preference – You may want your profile to show a location that has more meaning to you personally, like your hometown or a city you identify with.

How do I edit my custom location on Facebook?

Editing your custom Facebook location is a simple process that can be done right from the Facebook website:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on the About section.
  2. Click on the current location below your introduction. This will open up the custom location pop-up.
  3. Start typing in the new custom location you want displayed.
  4. Select the appropriate location from the drop-down list of suggestions that appears.
  5. Click Save Changes at the bottom to update your custom location.

Your new custom location should now be displayed on your profile page.

Can I reuse an old custom location?

If you want to revert to a custom location you’ve used previously, you can select it from the list of your past locations:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to access the custom location pop-up.
  2. Click on the Past Locations link at the top of the pop-up.
  3. Select the desired past custom location from the list.
  4. Click Save Changes.

This will reapply that old custom location to your profile.

What locations can I use as a custom location?

You can use most cities, states, and countries as your custom Facebook location, along with some other geographical places like landmarks. However, custom locations are subject to the following rules:

  • You cannot set your location to a business, organization, or non-geographical entity (like “on the moon”).
  • You cannot use multiple location names like “Paris, France”. It needs to be a single location.
  • Regions and informal locations like “West Coast” or “the boondocks” cannot be used.
  • The location must be 15 characters or less.

Stick to standard city, state, and country names and your custom location should save successfully.

Can I opt out of showing my location completely?

If you want to remove your location entirely from your profile, you have two options:

  1. Set your custom location to something very general like a country or region name.
  2. Go to your About section and click the X icon next to your current location to remove it.

Just remember that having no location or a very general location showing on your profile loses the benefits of letting people know specifically where you are from.

Is my custom location used for anything besides my profile?

Your custom Facebook location also serves some secondary purposes:

  • It geotags posts you make from the Facebook mobile apps by default.
  • Facebook uses it to customize the Find Friends section and recommend local events and groups to you.
  • Advertisers may see your general location (like city and state) to target ads to you.

So even if you use a custom location for privacy, keep in mind it still has some visibility and effects on your Facebook experience.

Can I set multiple custom locations for different audiences?

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow you to set multiple custom locations that are visible to different friends lists. Your location is the same across your entire profile.

If you want certain friends to see your real location and others just a general region, you would need to create friend lists and set your profile visibility accordingly. But managing two different locations is not possible.

Is there a way to temporarily hide my location?

While you can’t easily toggle multiple custom locations, you can temporarily hide your location from your profile:

  1. Go to your About section.
  2. Click the down arrow next to your current location.
  3. Select Hide Temporarily to remove the location.

When you are ready to show your location again, just re-select it in your About section.

This lets you quickly remove your location for certain periods when needed for privacy reasons.

Can I edit my location from the mobile app?

Facebook does not allow you to define a custom location from the mobile app. You can only view and edit your custom location from the main Facebook website.

However, you can use the app to temporarily hide your location by going to your profile, tapping on your location, and selecting Hide Temporarily.

Is my location visible to the public?

Your Facebook location is part of your public profile info visible to anyone by default. However, you can customize who sees your location:

  • For friends only – Adjust your profile privacy settings.
  • For no one – Temporarily hide your location.

Unless you change the defaults, your custom location will be public on your profile.

What happens if I enter an invalid location?

If you try to save an invalid custom location like a business name or informal region, Facebook will show an error explaining the rules. You will need to enter a proper city, state, or country name for it to save.

Locations that are too long will also be rejected. Try shortening your entry if you get an error when saving.

Can I tag my posts and photos with my custom location?

When you create posts, your current custom location will be available to tag them with your location. However, keep in mind:

  • Tagging uses your precise GPS coordinates, not the name of your custom location.
  • Others will see the actual GPS coordinates tagged, not your custom label.

So use location tagging carefully to avoid revealing your exact location if privacy is a concern.


Setting a custom Facebook location is easy to do right from your profile’s About section. Just select from past locations or type in a new city, state or country. Remember your custom location is publicly visible by default, so change your privacy settings if you want more control over who sees your location. Use location tagging sparingly to avoid sharing your precise coordinates. With a custom location, you can show a more meaningful place while still enjoying localized features on Facebook.

Section Key Points
Why would I want to edit my Facebook location?
  • Privacy
  • Accuracy
  • Preference
How do I edit my custom location on Facebook?
  1. Go to About section
  2. Click current location
  3. Type new location
  4. Select from suggestions
  5. Save Changes
Can I reuse an old custom location?
  • Access location popup
  • Click Past Locations link
  • Select desired location
  • Click Save Changes
What locations can I use as a custom location?
  • Cities, states, countries
  • No businesses or organizations
  • No informal regions
  • 15 character limit
Can I opt out of showing my location completely?
  • Set very general custom location
  • Remove location in About section
Is my custom location used for anything besides my profile?
  • Geotagging posts
  • Local recommendations
  • Ad targeting