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How do I disconnect Facebook messages from my email?

How do I disconnect Facebook messages from my email?

Many Facebook users connect their Facebook accounts to their email accounts so they can receive Facebook notifications via email. This can be useful for staying on top of Facebook activity when you aren’t logged into the platform. However, having Facebook notifications sent to your email can also become overwhelming and clutter up your inbox. If you want to turn off Facebook’s email notifications, it’s a relatively simple process. Here’s an overview of how to disconnect Facebook messages from your email inbox.

Should I disconnect Facebook messages from email?

Before diving into the steps to disconnect Facebook from email, it’s worth considering whether you actually want to disable this integration. Here are some pros and cons of having Facebook notifications go to your email:


  • Get notifications even when not logged into Facebook
  • Messages won’t get buried in Facebook notifications and will be easier to find in email
  • Stay up-to-date on Facebook activity when away from the platform
  • Email provides a record of Facebook notifications


  • Too many notifications can clutter your inbox
  • You may miss notifications if you don’t check your email frequently
  • Scammers can more easily access your email address
  • It can enable procrastination by providing alerts outside of Facebook

Whether the pros outweigh the cons depends on your personal preferences and communication habits. If you find Facebook notifications in your email are more distracting than helpful, then turning off this integration can help declutter your inbox. But if you rely on email notifications to stay up-to-date with Facebook, you may want to keep it enabled.

How to disconnect Facebook from email

If you’ve decided to disable Facebook’s email notifications, here is a step-by-step guide on how to disconnect Facebook messages from your email:

On desktop:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings”
  3. On the left sidebar, click “Notifications”
  4. Under the “Email” section, click “Edit” next to “Notifications about your account”
  5. Uncheck all boxes for email notifications you want to turn off
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom

This will stop those selected Facebook notifications from going to your email inbox.

On mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the three-line menu icon
  2. Scroll down and choose “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Go to “Settings” and tap “Notifications”
  4. Tap “Email updates from Facebook” to view your email notification settings
  5. Toggle off any email notifications you want to disable

These steps will prevent the notifications you toggled off from reaching your email, while keeping them visible within the Facebook app.

Other Facebook email settings

In addition to notifications, there are a couple other Facebook email settings you may want to review:

Email address confirmation:

When this is enabled, any time you add a new email address on Facebook, a confirmation email will be sent to verify that email. This helps protect your account security. To manage this setting:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click “Security and Login”
  3. Under “Use Two-Factor Authentication and Login Alerts,” click “Edit” next to “Email Address Confirmation”
  4. Toggle on or off based on your preferences

Login notifications:

Facebook can send you notifications when your account is accessed from a new location or device. Having this enabled can help alert you to suspicious activity. To manage:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click “Security and Login”
  3. Under “Use Two-Factor Authentication and Login Alerts,” click “Edit” next to “Login Notifications”
  4. Toggle email notifications on or off as desired

What happens when Facebook is disconnected from email

When you disconnect Facebook notifications from email, those notifications will simply stop appearing in your email inbox. They won’t be deleted from Facebook – you just won’t get the emails.

Here are a few key things to note about how disconnecting Facebook from email impacts your accounts:

  • Facebook notifications will only be visible within Facebook – you won’t get alerts in email
  • Messages will only be accessible by logging into Facebook – they won’t appear in your email
  • You’ll need to log into Facebook more frequently to check for notifications
  • Disconnecting prevents spam and scam messages from reaching your email
  • Important notifications could be missed if you aren’t active on Facebook
  • Memories and reminders dependent on email will stop being received

Essentially, disconnecting Facebook removes that integration and linkage between the platforms. Notifications stay within Facebook rather than crossing over to your email account.

Pro tips for managing Facebook notifications

In addition to disconnecting Facebook from email, there are a few other tips that can help you control Facebook notifications:

  • Mute specific people or groups if their notifications are overwhelming
  • Adjust notification frequency for different types of notifications
  • Turn off push notifications from the Facebook app
  • Set up Facebook time limits if you get distracted by notifications
  • Use an extension or app like Unroll Me to manage subscriptions
  • Opt for summaries instead of individual notifications in your settings

Fine-tuning your settings is crucial to manage notifications. Facebook lets you customize notifications for specific features and apps, so you get only what’s useful.

Other apps that integrate Facebook messages with email

While you can stop Facebook’s official notifications from reaching your email, some third-party apps also integrate Facebook messaging into email. Here are a few to be aware of:

Social media management platforms:

  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social
  • Buffer
  • AgoraPulse

These tools for managing multiple social media accounts from one dashboard often include email integration for notifications and messages.

Email apps:

  • Boomerang
  • Mixmax
  • Frontapp
  • Any email app with an integration/extension for Facebook

Some email apps and tools provide Facebook integration directly within your email inbox.

You’ll need to adjust the settings within each individual third-party app to disable email notifications from Facebook. The core Facebook platform notifications won’t reach your email, but messages may still come through via integrated apps.

Should I fully deactivate my Facebook account?

If the idea of disconnecting Facebook from your email has you considering deactivating your Facebook account entirely, that is certainly an option. Here are a few key things to know:

  • Deactivating temporarily disables your account – you can easily reactivate it later
  • No one will be able to search for or view your deactivated profile
  • Your data isn’t erased, but isn’t accessible while deactivated
  • Deactivating for more than 30 days deletes some data like unsent messages
  • Permanently deleting your account erases all data and cannot be undone

Deactivating can give you a break from Facebook while still allowing you to rejoin easily later. However, keep in mind it doesn’t completely remove or disconnect your data. Fully deleting your account permanently severs all integration and destroys all associated data.


Having your Facebook notifications constantly delivered to your email inbox can quickly become annoying and overwhelming. Luckily, disconnecting Facebook messages from email only takes a few steps in your settings. Just toggle off the notifications you don’t want reaching your email address.

Remember that Facebook notifications will still exist – they just won’t be pushed to your email. You’ll have to log into Facebook more frequently to manually check them. But for many people, not having those constant email interrupts leads to improved productivity and concentration.

Fine-tuning your notification settings is crucial for controlling your digital experience. Facebook allows you to customize notifications to suit your preferences. Take the time to tailor Facebook’s email integrations based on how much engagement serves you best.

Disconnecting Facebook from email can help declutter your inbox and prevent distraction. But if you rely heavily on Facebook notifications, keeping some form of email integration enabled can ensure you don’t miss important activity and messages. Consider your personal communication style and digital habits when deciding how to manage Facebook’s relationship with your email.