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How do I delete someone’s Facebook account that passed away?

How do I delete someone’s Facebook account that passed away?

Losing a loved one is always difficult. In the digital age, you may also be faced with the task of managing their online accounts and profiles after they pass away. This includes social media accounts like Facebook. You may want to delete the Facebook account of someone who has died for privacy reasons or to avoid getting painful reminders on your own News Feed. Here are some steps to guide you through the process of memorializing or deleting someone’s Facebook account after they have passed away.

Submit Proof of Death to Facebook

The first step is to submit proof of death to Facebook so they can memorialize or close the account. Acceptable documents include:

  • Obituary
  • Death certificate
  • Memo from a funeral home

To submit this documentation:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form on Facebook. You can find this under the Help & Support menu.
  2. Fill out the form with the deceased person’s name, your relationship to them, and contact info for yourself.
  3. Attach a scan or photo of the proof of death document.
  4. Click Send.

Facebook will typically get back to you within 24 hours regarding the request. They need to verify the death before taking any action on the account.

Choose Between Memorializing and Deleting the Account

Once Facebook has verified the death, you will have a choice between memorializing or permanently deleting the account.

Memorialize the Account

Memorializing the account sets it in a special read-only state. Here’s what memorializing does:

  • The word “Remembering” is added to the name on the profile.
  • Profile and cover photos can be changed to a memorialized version.
  • Profile stays visible to the friends and family who were connected to it.
  • No one can log into the account.
  • Memorialized accounts do not show up in public spaces like friend recommendations.
  • Content the deceased person shared stays visible on Facebook.

Many people choose this option so existing friends and family can still look back on the person’s profile and share memories. It avoids immediately deleting all the posts and photos uploaded over the years.

Delete the Account Permanently

You also have the option to permanently delete the Facebook account of someone who has passed away. Here is what happens when an account is deleted:

  • All profile photos, posts, videos, and other data are permanently erased.
  • The account profile vanishes and is no longer searchable on Facebook.
  • Friends will no longer see the account pop up as a suggestion to connect with.
  • No one can log in again with the same email or name.

Permanently deleting the account wipes the slate totally clean. This is often done for privacy reasons or if the deceased specifically did not want their Facebook presence to continue after death. But it also means all existing friends immediately lose access to anything the person had shared on their profile.

Allow Friends to Download Content from a Memorialized Account

If you decide to memorialize the account, you have the option to grant friends permission to download content such as photos or posts the deceased person shared. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Settings page from the Help menu.
  2. Toggle the switch to allow friends to request data like posts, photos, and profile info from the memorialized profile.
  3. Choose who can see the memorialized profile:
    • Public – anyone can view it
    • Friends only
    • Custom list of friends
  4. Click Save Changes.

Once enabled, the person’s friends will get a link to request a download of account data if they visit the memorialized profile. This lets them save photos, posts, videos, and info that would otherwise be erased if you deleted the account entirely.

Appoint a Legacy Contact

Facebook also gives you the ability to appoint a legacy contact for a deceased user’s account. This contact can moderate posts on a memorialized profile. They can also request the removal of tags of the deceased. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to Memorialization Settings.
  2. Enter the name of the person you want to make legacy contact.
  3. This person will get a request to be the account’s legacy contact.
  4. Once confirmed, they will have the ability to:
  • Change profile and cover photos
  • Moderate posts from friends
  • Request removal of tags

Choosing a family member or close friend as the legacy contact makes sure someone can continue managing the memorialized profile appropriately once you are no longer accessing it.

What Happens if a Deceased User Had Facebook Messenger?

If the deceased person used Facebook Messenger for chat, keep in mind that their messages remain visible in other users’ inboxes after death. However, no new messages can be sent to or from a memorialized account.

If you wish to permanently delete the messages as part of account removal, you can request to do so as part of the account deletion process:

  1. Select the option to permanently delete messages when submitting your account deletion request.
  2. Facebook will not remove them automatically, even if the account is deleted.
  3. You must explicitly request Messenger message removal.

Deleting vs. Memorializing a Deceased User’s Account

To recap, you have two options once Facebook verifies the death of one of its users:

Memorialize the account

This option allows existing friends to visit the profile, share memories, and potentially download the deceased person’s shared content. It keeps the account active but locked in a memorialized state.

Delete the account completely

Deleting the account erases all profile information and shared content permanently. Friends can no longer interact with the profile. This option is typically chosen for privacy reasons.

Think carefully about the deceased user’s preferences and whether existing friends on Facebook would value being able to see the profile in memorialized form. This will help guide your decision between these two options.

How Do I Delete a Facebook Page for a Deceased Person or Business?

The steps are similar for deleting a Facebook Page rather than a personal profile after the owner passes away. Here is what to do:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form.
  2. Enter your info and relationship to the deceased.
  3. Provide proof of death documentation.
  4. Indicate it is a Page rather than personal profile.
  5. Select to delete the Page completely if desired.

Facebook will remove the Page and its associated business data from search results. As with profiles, the content is permanently erased if you delete rather than memorialize.

Can Someone’s Account Be Deleted Without Proof of Death?

Facebook requires verified proof of death before they will delete or memorialize someone’s account.

If you cannot provide documentation like a death certificate, you have a couple options:

  • Report the profile using the Report button with the reason “Account should be memorialized”. Facebook may follow up for details.
  • Request account deletion without proof over Facebook Messenger. An agent may request additional details about the death.

Without official verification though, Facebook does not usually remove accounts on request alone due to security and privacy reasons.

How Long Does Facebook Keep Deceased Users’ Accounts?

When an account is memorialized, Facebook keeps it in that read-only state indefinitely. The profile remains visible unless someone later requests its removal.

Deleted accounts are scheduled for permanent erasure from Facebook servers within 30 days after it is deleted. Some data may remain in backup storage beyond that time, but all user information is meant to be fully purged within 30 days.

Can a Deceased Person’s Account Be Reactivated?

Once an account has been memorialized or deleted due to the confirmed death of the user, Facebook does not allow reactivating it. The process is meant to be permanent in order to protect privacy.

If you ended up deleting the account and want it restored, you would need to open a new account with the person’s same name and information. But you cannot recover a deleted Facebook account after submitting proof of the user’s death.

Are There Any Exceptions for Deleting Accounts Without Proof of Death?

In some rare cases, Facebook may delete or disable an account without official verification of death. This includes situations where:

  • News reports confirm a user has passed away.
  • Immediate family sends a deletion request.
  • Law enforcement requests account deactivation.

These requests may be approved on a case-by-case basis if evidence clearly indicates the account owner has died.

Can I Delete Someone’s Account if They Named Me in Their Will?

Being named in someone’s will does not override Facebook’s requirement for proof of death before deleting an account.

Even immediate family members need to provide documentation of the person’s passing. This policy protects against fraudulent deletion requests from individuals claiming to be family or heirs.

As executor, you can still submit the required death certificate or obituary notice to have the account memorialized or removed from Facebook.

What if the Deceased Had No Known Next of Kin?

If the deceased user has no known living relatives or partners, Facebook still requires official verification of death to remove the account. Anyone can submit the request by following these steps:

  1. Obtain proof of death such as a published obituary.
  2. Fill out the Memorialization Request Form.
  3. For relationship, write “No known next of kin”.
  4. Include your name and contact info as the person requesting deletion.
  5. Attach the death documentation.

Once Facebook confirms the death based on your submitted documents, they can proceed to memorialize or delete the account even without designated next of kin.

Other Options if No Next of Kin Exists

If you cannot find clear proof of death for a seemingly abandoned account:

  • Report the profile and select “Account should be memorialized.” Explain why in the additional details.
  • Use the Help Center contact form to request account deletion, and explain the situation.

While difficult without proof or known contacts, reporting the unmanaged account is your best option to potentially have it removed from Facebook.

Can Facebook Delete Accounts of Public Figures?

For high-profile public figures like celebrities or politicians, Facebook takes additional steps before memorializing or deleting accounts.

They do still require official proof of death. But for significant public figures, Facebook also considers:

  • Public interest in keeping the account active.
  • Input from authorized family representatives.
  • Whether the person would have wanted their account deleted versus memorialized.

The key for Facebook is balancing public expectations for accounts of celebrities or public officials with protecting privacy and following the deceased’s wishes.


Losing someone close to you is incredibly hard. In the digital world we live in, you may also be tasked with managing their online presence after death.

On Facebook, you can memorialize or delete a deceased person’s account once confirmed by proof of death. Memorializing preserves the profile while deleting it completely erases all associated information.

Take time to consider which option is most appropriate. Memorializing allows friends and family to share memories and photos. Deleting the account permanently protects the privacy some would prefer. Facebook aims to give you options to choose what is best for your situation.

With care and compassion, you can decide how to best handle someone’s Facebook account after they pass away. It can be one less burden as you process your grief and loss.