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How do I delete sent friend requests history on Facebook?

How do I delete sent friend requests history on Facebook?

Facebook’s friend request feature allows you to connect with new friends on the platform. When you send a friend request to someone, it will show up in your sent requests folder until the recipient either accepts or ignores it. Sometimes you may want to delete your sent requests history for privacy reasons or to clear up your pending requests list. Fortunately, Facebook provides a way to remove your sent friend requests from your account.

Viewing Sent Friend Requests

To view your pending sent friend requests on Facebook:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Friends” from the menu.
  3. Click on “Sent Requests” in the left sidebar.

This will display a list of all the friend requests you have sent that are still pending. The list shows the name and profile picture of each pending request. From here, you can choose to delete any request.

Deleting Individual Sent Requests

To delete a single pending sent friend request:

  1. Click on the “Sent Requests” link in the left sidebar of the Friends page.
  2. Hover over the name of the person whose friend request you want to delete.
  3. Click on the “Cancel Request” button that appears.
  4. Confirm that you want to withdraw the friend request by clicking “Cancel Request” in the pop-up.

This will immediately withdraw your friend request to that person. They will no longer see it pending on their end. Use this method to delete individual friend requests from your sent requests list.

Deleting All Sent Requests at Once

Rather than withdrawing requests one by one, you can delete your entire sent requests history all at once. Here is how:

  1. Go to your Facebook sent friend requests list.
  2. Click on the “More Options” button at the top right of the list.
  3. Choose “Withdraw All Sent Requests” from the menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to withdraw all requests by clicking “Withdraw” in the pop-up.

This will instantly delete your entire sent requests list. All the friend requests you’ve sent that are still pending will be canceled and removed.

Preventing Future Sent Requests from Appearing

Withdrawing current sent requests only deletes your existing history. Any new requests you send going forward will continue to be added to your sent requests list. To prevent future sent friend requests from being tracked:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings page.
  2. Click on “Privacy” in the left sidebar.
  3. Go to the “Your Activity” section.
  4. Deselect the toggle next to “Friends.”

This will stop Facebook from keeping a log of your future sent friend requests. New requests will no longer appear in your sent folder. You can re-enable it at any time to start tracking again.

Using Facebook’s Data Settings

In addition to the above methods, you can also use Facebook’s “Data Settings” to manage your sent friend requests history:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then click “Settings.”
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  3. Select “View All Data Settings.”
  4. Go to “Things You’ve Shared > Sent Friend Requests.”
  5. Click “Not Storing This Data” and confirm.

This will prevent Facebook from storing your sent friend request data from now on. However, it will not delete your existing sent requests list. You’ll still need to manually withdraw all requests or choose “Delete Sent Friend Requests” in your data settings to remove your current history.

Does Deleting Sent Requests Also Delete the Message?

When you send a friend request on Facebook, you have the option to include a personalized message along with the request. Deleting a sent friend request does not also delete this accompanying message.

The message will remain in the recipient’s inbox even after you delete or cancel the request itself. Withdrawing the request simply cancels it from being displayed in their pending requests list. To remove the message, you will need to specifically recall or delete the message itself.

Can You View Deleted Sent Friend Requests?

Once you delete pending sent friend requests, they are permanently removed from your account and inaccessible. There is no Facebook feature that lets you view withdrawn requests.

However, the recipient may still have a notification about your canceled request in their inbox. And if they accepted your request before you deleted it, they will remain friends with you even after you withdraw the request.

Does Deleting Sent Requests Delete Accepted Requests?

No, deleting your sent friend requests only cancels requests that are still pending. It does not unfriend people who already accepted your request.

Once a recipient accepts your friend request, it moves your connection status from a “pending request” to confirmed Facebook friends. At that point, withdrawing the original sent request no longer affects the friendship.

To remove a connection with someone you are already friends with, you will need to specifically unfriend that person. This can be done from your Friends list under their profile. Unfriending and deleting sent requests are separate actions.

Can You See Who Deleted You as a Friend?

When someone deletes you as a friend on Facebook, you will not get notified about it or be able to see that they withdrew their friend request. The connection will simply disappear from your friends list.

However, you may be able to tell if someone deleted you if you had any recent interactions or exchanges with that friend. Their comments on your posts and messages between you would also disappear when they delete you.

Should I Remove Sent Requests from People I Know?

It’s generally fine to keep pending sent friend requests to acquaintances, family members, and friends you know in real life. There is no need to delete requests sent to people you have an existing relationship with.

However, if you have sent friend requests to strangers, distant acquaintances, or anyone else you don’t know very well, it’s often better to withdraw these requests. Deleting unnecessary requests helps keep your profile more private.

Can I Resend a Deleted Friend Request?

Yes, if you change your mind after withdrawing a friend request, you can send another request to that same person again. To do so:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile page.
  2. Click “Add Friend” below their cover photo.
  3. Optional: Include a message with your new request.

This will resend a friend request as if you had never deleted the original one. You can continue sending requests until the person accepts your invite.

Should I Delete Sent Requests That Were Ignored?

If you notice friend requests that have been ignored for a long time, it’s generally best to delete them. Having many pending requests can appear desperate and clutter up your sent requests list.

Withdraw requests that have been ignored for over two weeks. You can always resend a new request later if you want. Deleting old requests simply keeps your account looking tidy.

What’s the Benefit of Deleting Sent Requests?

Here are some of the benefits of cleaning up your Facebook sent requests folder:

  • Keeps your account looking less desperate and overeager when meeting new people.
  • Removes requests sent to strangers or vague acquaintances.
  • Frees up space if you’re nearing your 5000 friend limit.
  • Makes it easier to manage your active notifications.
  • Lets you present a curated friends list.
  • Improves privacy by reducing your online footprint.

Should I Periodically Cleanup My Requests?

Doing an occasional sent friend request cleanup can be beneficial. Here are some good times to withdraw old requests:

  • Every few months or so.
  • When you’re done with a social event or trip where you sent many requests.
  • Before an important occasion where impressions matter.
  • When preparing for a Facebook background check by a school or employer.
  • When you haven’t heard back from someone in weeks.

Aim to keep your pending requests list tidy and current. Don’t let old requests linger forever.

Can Someone Re-Request You After You Delete Them?

Yes, deleting a friend request only prevents that specific request from being active. It does not block the person from sending you another friend request in the future.

After you withdraw someone’s friend request, they are still able to send you a new request. The two of you can continue requesting and deleting each other indefinitely.

To permanently block someone from sending you requests, you must use Facebook’s block feature. Blocking prohibits all interactions from that person.

Should I Delete People I Don’t Talk To Anymore?

It’s generally wise to do an occasional Facebook friends list purge and unfriend people you no longer interact with in real life. Reasons you may want to delete old friends include:

  • You haven’t actually spoken to them in years.
  • They are distant childhood friends you no longer have much in common with.
  • You want to keep your friend list focused on current friends and family.
  • You are tightening privacy by deleting inactive connections.
  • The person has different interests or values than you now.

Use good judgment when removing old friends. But keeping your friends list fresh and active can be beneficial.

Should I Delete Sent Requests on Other Social Networks?

Maintaining your sent requests list applies not just to Facebook but to other social networks as well. Here are some guidelines for managing sent requests on other popular platforms:

  • Instagram – Withdraw follow requests that have been ignored for over a week. Unfollow people you no longer interact with.
  • Snapchat – Delete old added friends who you haven’t snapped in a long time.
  • LinkedIn – Cancel connection requests that have been left pending for too long.
  • Twitter – Unfollow accounts that are no longer relevant to your interests.

Keeping your social media circles fresh helps present an accurate portrait of your current connections and interests.


Managing your sent Facebook friend requests and deleting old ones is an important part of curating your profile and maintaining privacy. Withdraw pending requests that have been ignored and unfriend people you no longer interact with. You can instantly delete all pending requests at once or selectively remove individual ones. Cleaning house periodically keeps your friend list organized and up-to-date.