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How do I delete posts I’ve seen on Facebook?

How do I delete posts I’ve seen on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to remove posts from your News Feed that you don’t want to see anymore. Here are some quick answers about deleting posts you’ve seen on Facebook:

Can I delete posts I’ve seen on Facebook?

Yes, you can delete posts from your News Feed that you no longer want to see. This removes the post from your view of Facebook, but does not delete the post from Facebook entirely.

How do I delete a post from my News Feed?

To delete a post from your News Feed:

  1. Click the three dots icon in the top right corner of the post.
  2. Select “Hide Post” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Confirm that you want to hide the post by clicking “Hide Post” again.

This will remove the post from your News Feed so you won’t see it again. The post will still exist on Facebook and will still be visible to others.

What’s the difference between hiding and unfollowing?

Hiding a post only removes that specific post from your News Feed, while unfollowing a person or Page will remove all of their future posts.

So if you just want to remove one annoying post, hide it. But if you want to stop seeing posts from a friend or Page completely, unfollow them.

Can I undo hiding a post?

Yes, you can undo hiding a post to restore it to your News Feed:

  1. Go to your News Feed Preferences (click the three line menu > News Feed Preferences)
  2. Go to the Hidden section
  3. Find the post you want to unhide and click the “Unhide” button

This will make the post visible in your News Feed again.

Does hiding a post unfollow someone?

No, hiding a post does not unfollow or unfriend the person who posted it. It simply removes that individual post from your feed. You will still see future posts from that person.

Can I hide multiple posts at once?

Unfortunately there is no bulk option to hide multiple posts at the same time. You have to hide posts one at a time.

Can I hide ads and sponsored posts?

Yes, you can hide ads and sponsored posts just like regular posts. Click the three dots in the corner and select “Hide Ad” or “Hide Sponsored” to remove them from your feed.

Do my friends know if I hide their posts?

No, hiding a post is private and the person who posted it will not be notified or know that you hid their post.

Can I delete posts I’ve seen on Facebook on mobile?

Yes, you can delete and hide posts on the Facebook mobile app too:

  1. Tap the three dots in the top right of the post
  2. Tap “Hide Post” or “Hide Ad”
  3. Confirm you want to hide it

The process is the same on iOS and Android apps.

Is there a limit to how many posts I can hide?

There is no confirmed limit to how many posts you can hide. You should be able to hide posts indefinitely.

What happens when I hide someone’s post?

Hiding a post removes it from your News Feed so you won’t see it again. Specifically:

  • The post will not show up in your News Feed
  • The post may still appear in searches
  • The post will not be deleted or removed from Facebook
  • Others can still see and engage with the post
  • The person who posted it will not be notified or alerted

So in summary, hiding a post just removes it from your personal view of Facebook.

Can I permanently delete a post?

No, regular users cannot permanently delete or remove a post from Facebook. Only the original poster can delete their own post entirely. Hiding a post is the only way for you to remove it from your own News Feed.

What happens if I hide someone I’m friends with?

Hiding a friend’s post does not unfriend or unfollow them. It only hides that specific post. You’ll still remain friends and continue seeing their future posts.

To prevent seeing any future posts from a friend, you would need to unfollow them rather than hide their posts.

Can I hide posts by topic or keyword?

Unfortunately there is no way to automatically hide posts based on keywords or topics. You have to manually hide posts one by one.

However, you can filter your News Feed to see more or fewer posts from specific people, Pages or Groups, which can help reduce posts on certain topics.


Deleting posts you’ve seen on Facebook is easy – just tap the three dot menu and select “Hide Post.” This removes the post from your personal view so you won’t see it again. Keep in mind hiding does not delete the post entirely or notify the original poster. It’s a useful way to curate your own News Feed experience.

Here is a summary of key points about deleting Facebook posts:

Action Result
Hide Post Removes the post from your News Feed
Undo Hide Restores a hidden post back to your News Feed
Unfollow Stops seeing all future posts from a person/Page
Hide Ad Removes sponsored posts from your News Feed

Hiding and unhiding posts is a simple yet effective way to customize what you see on Facebook. It allows you to remove annoying or irrelevant posts without unfriending people or Pages you want to stay connected with. Just tap that three dot menu on any post for the option to hide it from your personal News Feed.

Here are some other Facebook tips and tricks:

Customize Your News Feed

Prioritize the friends and Pages you care about most by adjusting your News Feed Preferences. You can choose to see more or fewer posts from specific people.

Use Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts like ‘j’ and ‘k’ let you quickly scroll through News Feed. ‘p’ will photo zoom. Use ‘?’ to see all shortcuts.

React to Posts

Tapping the ‘like’ button is the fastest way to interact with friends’ posts. You can also react with love, haha, wow, sad, or angry emoji.

Save Links

See an interesting link you want to view later? Tap the bookmark icon to save it to your saved list which you can access anytime.

Limit Old Posts

If you don’t want to see posts that are more than a few hours old, you can filter News Feed to show more recent posts first.

Discover Features

Check out the Explore Feed to discover trending posts, Pages, Groups, and more based on your interests. The sidebar also highlights top videos and events.

Use Lists

Organize friends into lists like Close Friends or Acquaintances to easily filter between them in News Feed.

Go Live

Interact with friends in real time by broadcasting live video. You can go live publicly or just with a specific group.


Hiding posts is an easy way to customize your Facebook experience. Simply tap the three dot menu on any post and select “Hide Post” to remove it from your personal News Feed. You can also undo hiding if you change your mind. Hiding a post does not delete it from Facebook or notify the original poster. Use this feature to fine tune what you do and don’t see on Facebook without unfriending people.