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How do I Delete my story?

How do I Delete my story?

Deleting a story you have published on Wattpad can be done fairly easily through the platform’s interface. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before deleting a story.

Can I delete stories on Wattpad?

Yes, it is possible to delete stories you have published on Wattpad. As the author of the story, you have full control over your content and can choose to remove a story at any time if you wish.

Some key things to know about deleting Wattpad stories:

  • Deleting a story will permanently remove it from your profile and the Wattpad platform. The story cannot be recovered once deleted.
  • If your story has been read or has received votes/comments, the read counts, votes and comments will also be deleted when you delete the story.
  • Any users who have your story in their library or reading lists will have it removed once deleted.
  • You can delete both completed and on-going/unfinished stories.

So in summary – yes, story deletion is allowed on Wattpad and will fully remove your content from the site.

How to delete a story on Wattpad

Deleting a Wattpad story is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Login to your Wattpad account and go to your profile page.
  2. Find the story you want to delete and click on the three dots icon next to the story title.
  3. A dropdown menu will appear. Select ‘Delete story’ from the options.
  4. A popup will appear asking you to confirm deletion. Click on ‘Yes, delete this story’.
  5. The story will now be removed from your profile and deleted from Wattpad.

And that’s it! The story will no longer be accessible to any readers searching Wattpad.

What happens when you delete a Wattpad story?

Here’s an overview of what happens when you delete a story on Wattpad:

  • The story will be permanently removed from your Wattpad profile and cannot be recovered.
  • Any reads, votes, comments and activity on the story will be deleted.
  • The story will no longer show up in search results on Wattpad.
  • If added to reading lists, the story will be removed from all user’s libraries.
  • Any offline downloads of the story will no longer be accessible.
  • The story URL will lead to a ‘story not found’ page if clicked on.
  • Backup copies of the story text may still exist on users’ devices if downloaded previously.

In essence, the story will be completely erased from Wattpad as if it was never published in the first place. There is no way to retrieve it once deleted.

Should I delete my story on Wattpad?

There are a few main reasons you may want to delete a Wattpad story:

  • You no longer want the story associated with your account
  • The story contains content you no longer feel comfortable having published
  • You want to revamp the story and re-upload an improved version
  • The story is not getting engagement and you want to remove it
  • You intend to publish the story elsewhere and want it removed from Wattpad

Before deleting, make sure you have carefully considered the implications. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Many readers may have invested time into your story and will be disappointed if it is deleted.
  • Deleting prevents you from ever recovering or accessing the story again in future.
  • Consider improving the story instead of deleting if engagement is low.
  • Your followers may unfollow you if beloved stories are removed.

If you are set on removing a story from your profile, deletion is permanent so be 100% sure before proceeding.

Can I delete stories as a Wattpad Paid Stories author?

If you are a Paid Stories author on Wattpad earning money from your writing, there are limitations around story deletion:

  • You cannot delete paid stories once published – they remain permanently.
  • Removing a paid story requires contacting Wattpad support for assistance.
  • Paid stories removed from sale still remain on your profile but are unpublished.
  • Earnings and read data for the story will remain even if removed from sale.
  • Readers who paid can still access the story even after unpublished.

So in summary, Paid Stories authors have limited ability to remove content once published as paid content. Contact Wattpad support for guidance on removing paid stories.

Can I retrieve a deleted Wattpad story?

Unfortunately, once you delete a story on Wattpad there is no way to recover or retrieve it. The content is permanently erased from Wattpad’s servers and cannot be restored.

Some things to keep in note:

  • Even Wattpad support cannot restore deleted story content.
  • The only way to retrieve a deleted story is if you have a backup copy saved elsewhere.
  • Save/export your stories before deleting if you may want the content again.
  • Re-uploading is the only option if you do not have a backup copy.

So in short – no, there is no way to get back a deleted Wattpad story unless you have your own separate backup. The deletion is irreversible, so act with caution.

Best practices when deleting a Wattpad story

If you have decided to delete your story on Wattpad, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Let your readers know in advance that you intend to delete the story, giving them time to save/download copies if desired.
  • Save your own copy of the story text before deleting as a backup.
  • Consider unpublishing rather than deleting if you may want to re-upload the content again in future.
  • Delete any promotional material, trailers, casting calls etc related to the deleted story.
  • If revising the story, leave the original published until the new version is ready to avoid losing readers.
  • Respond to any comments from disappointed readers politely explaining your reasons for deleting.

Following best practices helps maintain your relationships with readers and minimizes disruption from removing content.

What if I change my mind after deleting a story?

If you delete a story then soon regret it or change your mind, there are a few options:

  • Re-upload the story – If you have a backup copy, re-posting is the easiest way to make the story available again. This will generate a new URL but you can promote the new link to your followers.
  • Post an explanation – Make a post explaining you deleted the story in error and will re-upload it soon to prevent losing engaged readers.
  • Contact Wattpad support – Although they cannot restore deleted stories, support may be able to offer guidance on republication.
  • Learn for next time – Consider unpublishing rather than deleting for temporary removals to avoid permanent loss.
  • Promote your other stories – Redirect fans of the deleted story to your other available content to retain readership.

While a deleted story cannot be recovered, you can take steps to make amends with readers if you change your mind after deletion.

Protecting your writing content

To avoid losing your hard work through accidental deletion, make sure to always keep backups of your writing.

Some tips for protecting your stories:

  • Save multiple copies in different locations – like external drives, cloud storage, email etc.
  • Export text files from Wattpad before deleting.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your Wattpad account to prevent unauthorized deletions.
  • Share files with a trusted friend for extra redundancy.
  • Clearly label story files to avoid confusion between drafts.
  • Avoid storing backups on easy-to-lose devices like phones or flash drives.

Taking precautions allows you to delete Wattpad stories freely without fear of losing your hard work permanently.

In Summary

  • Wattpad allows authors to fully delete stories from the platform, which is irreversible.
  • Deleted stories are completely removed and cannot be restored even by Wattpad support.
  • Paid Stories have limitations around deletion and require contacting Wattpad support.
  • Be absolutely certain before deleting, and always maintain your own story backups.
  • You can reupload a deleted story if you have a personal copy saved.
  • Explain to disappointed readers if you regret deleting a beloved story.

Deleting Wattpad stories is a permanent action, so weigh the decision carefully and protect your writing content before proceeding.