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How do I delete my commerce account on Facebook?

How do I delete my commerce account on Facebook?

With the rise of social media, many businesses have turned to platforms like Facebook to expand their e-commerce presence. Facebook’s commerce capabilities allow you to easily set up a Facebook Shop and sell products directly through Facebook and Instagram. However, you may eventually decide you want to delete your Facebook commerce account.

There are a few reasons why you might want to delete your Facebook commerce account:

  • You want to consolidate your e-commerce efforts onto a dedicated platform like Shopify or BigCommerce.
  • Your business is no longer active.
  • You are unhappy with the results from selling on Facebook.
  • Facebook commerce doesn’t integrate well with your other systems.

Whatever the reason, deleting your Facebook commerce account is a straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to fully delete your Facebook commerce account.

Step 1: Remove Your Payment Account

Start by removing the payment account connected to your Facebook commerce account. This ensures any pending transactions are canceled before deleting the account.

To remove your payment account:

  1. Go to your Facebook Shop manager.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Payment Account.
  4. Click on the trash icon to delete your connected payment account.
  5. Confirm you want to delete the payment account.

Once your payment account is deleted, any pending transactions will automatically be canceled within 24 hours.

Step 2: Delete All Products

The next step is to delete all products from your Facebook Shop. This removes all your items so nothing is left being sold once the account is deleted.

To delete all products:

  1. Go to your Facebook Shop manager.
  2. Click on Products in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the box checker at the top to select all products.
  4. Click on the trash can icon to delete all selected products.
  5. Confirm that you want to permanently delete all products.

Once all your products are removed, your Facebook Shop will show as empty.

Step 3: Remove Your Commerce Account

With your products and payment account deleted, you can now fully remove your Facebook commerce account.

To delete your commerce account:

  1. Go to your Facebook Shop manager.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Advanced.
  4. Click on Remove Shop.
  5. Confirm that you want to permanently delete your Facebook Shop.

It may take a few minutes for Facebook to process the request. But your commerce account and all associated data will be completely removed.

Step 4: Remove Facebook Shop from Your Business Page

Once your Facebook Shop is deleted, you’ll likely want to remove it from appearing on your business Facebook page as well.

To remove the Facebook Shop:

  1. Go to your business Facebook page.
  2. Click on More in the left sidebar.
  3. Select Manage Shop.
  4. Toggle Shop Tab off.
  5. Click Save.

This will remove the Shop section from your business page so customers know you no longer sell through Facebook.

Other Considerations When Deleting Your Commerce Account

Here are some other things to consider when fully deleting your Facebook commerce account:

  • Past order data: Any completed orders will remain in your commerce account sales history for 180 days before being permanently deleted.
  • Pixel tracking: If you installed a Facebook pixel, you’ll need to manually remove it from your website after deleting your commerce account.
  • Remaining ad credits: Any unused advertising credits will be forfeited when you delete your account.
  • Page followers: Deleting your Shop won’t impact followers on your business page. But you may see decreased engagement after removing e-commerce features.
  • Instagram Shop: If you connected your Instagram account, you’ll need to manually disconnect and remove the Instagram Shop as well.

Why You Should Archive Order Data Before Deleting

Before fully deleting your Facebook commerce account, it can be smart to archive your Facebook Shop order and sales data for your records.

Here are some reasons you may want to archive your commerce data before deleting your account:

  • Maintain transaction records for accounting purposes.
  • Fulfill any outstanding customer inquiries or disputes.
  • Retain order information for tax reporting.
  • Preserve sales data to inform future business decisions.
  • Have a complete history of your Facebook commerce activities.

Facebook does not give you the ability to export all your order data. But you can manually compile reports to keep this information prior to deletion:

How to Archive Facebook Commerce Data

  1. Go to your Facebook Shop manager.
  2. Click on Orders in the sidebar.
  3. Adjust filters to view all order history.
  4. Export filtered orders by clicking Export at the top.
  5. Select desired order details to export.
  6. Download the CSV file with your order data.

In addition to exporting your orders, consider downloading any other relevant Facebook Shop reports or information you may want for records. This data will no longer be available after your commerce account is deleted.


Deleting your Facebook commerce account is a straightforward process of removing your payment account, deleting all products, and fully removing the Shop. This permanently eliminates your e-commerce presence from Facebook and Instagram.

Be sure to archive any sales or order data prior to deletion. And double check that your Shop is fully disconnected from your business pages and ads accounts after removal. With these steps completed, you can successfully close your Facebook commerce account.

Step Action
1 Remove Payment Account
2 Delete All Products
3 Remove Commerce Account
4 Delete Shop from Business Page

Deleting your Facebook commerce account allows you to fully remove your e-commerce presence from Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to archive important data before the account is deleted. With these steps completed, you can successfully disconnect from Facebook Shopping.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m here to help walk through disconnecting your Facebook Shop in more detail if needed.