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How do I delete Facebook friends quickly?

How do I delete Facebook friends quickly?

Having too many Facebook friends can lead to a cluttered and overwhelming news feed. Over time you may add friends that you no longer interact with regularly. pruning your friends list periodically can make your Facebook experience more manageable. Here are some tips on how to delete Facebook friends efficiently.

Why You May Want to Delete Facebook Friends

Here are some common reasons for deleting Facebook friends:

  • Your news feed is filled with irrelevant or uninteresting updates from people you hardly know or no longer interact with.
  • You want to limit Facebook access to only your closest family and friends.
  • You wish to delete old connections like childhood friends or coworkers from previous jobs that you are no longer close with.
  • You want to declutter your friends list.
  • Someone has posted offensive or negative content you don’t want to see.
  • You suspect someone is not who they claim to be or may be scouting your profile for the wrong reasons.

How to Delete Facebook Friends Individually

Here are step-by-step instructions to delete Facebook friends one at a time:

  1. Click on the Friends link on your Facebook page. This will take you to your friends list.
  2. Scroll through your list and hover over the name of the friend you want to delete.
  3. Click on the Friend Options that appear next to their name and select Unfriend.
  4. A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm you want to unfriend this person. Click Confirm.
  5. That friend has now been removed from your friends list.
  6. Repeat these steps for each individual Facebook friend you want to delete.

How to Delete Facebook Friends in Bulk

Deleting friends one by one can be very time consuming if you want to remove a lot of connections. Luckily Facebook provides some tools to help you prune your friends list more efficiently in bulk.

Using the Friends Page

You can delete multiple friends faster by using the Manage List tool on your Friends page:

  1. Go to your Facebook Friends page.
  2. Click on the Manage List button in the upper right of the page.
  3. A sidebar will appear with editing options. Click on the box next to each friend you want to remove.
  4. Once you have selected all the friends you want to delete, click on the Unfriend button at the bottom of the sidebar.
  5. Confirm you want to remove all the selected friends.

Using the Activity Log Tool

Facebook’s Activity Log provides another quick way to delete friends in bulk:

  1. Go to your Facebook Activity Log page.
  2. Click on the Friends section in the sidebar.
  3. This will display a list of your current friends. Click on the box next to each friend you want to remove.
  4. Once you have selected all the friends to delete, click on the Unfriend button at the top of the page.
  5. Confirm that you want to remove all the selected connections.

Using Facebook Friend Cleaner Services

There are online services like Social Book Post Manager that provide a Facebook Friend Cleaner tool to delete friends in bulk. The advantage of using a service like this is you can filter which friends to delete based on criteria like keywords, groups, and location. For example, you could use it to delete all friends who currently live in a certain city, or unfriend connections who have specific hobbies or interests.

Other Ways to Quickly Remove Facebook Friends

Download Your Facebook Data

You can download an archive of your Facebook data which includes your complete friends list. You can open this archive file on your computer and efficiently sort through the list deleting multiple friends at once rather than scrolling through your Facebook friends page.

Use Facebook’s Contacts Tool

The Contacts tool under Settings allows you to view a list of all your Facebook friends who are also in your phone or email contacts. This provides an easy way to do a mass deletion of Facebook friends who you are not actually friends with in real life and are not contacts.

Review Suggested Friends

Often the Suggested Friends section contains connections you may want to remove like old coworkers or distant acquaintances. Review this list and delete these suggestions in bulk.

Filter News Feed Posts

If your main goal is to clean up your news feed, you can filter posts rather than deleting friends. Click the three dots above a friend’s post then select Unfollow or Snooze to remove their content from your feed temporarily or permanently.

How to Block a Facebook Friend

Instead of just deleting a friend, you may want to take the extra step of blocking them to prevent them from viewing your profile or contacting you on Facebook.

Here is how to block a Facebook friend:

  1. Go to your Facebook friend’s profile page that you want to block.
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner next to Message.
  3. Select Block from the dropdown menu.
  4. Confirm that you want to block this friend.

Once blocked, that friend will no longer be able to search for you or see any of your Facebook content. Any existing messages between you will also be deleted.

Important Considerations When Deleting and Blocking Facebook Friends

  • Deleted friends can send a new friend request in the future unless you block them.
  • Friends will not be notified when you delete or block them.
  • Deleted friends may still be able to see any public posts you have made in groups.
  • Messenger conversations will be deleted when you block someone.
  • You can still message someone you have blocked by using their user ID number.
  • Deleted friends could notice if you suddenly disappear from their friends list.
  • You can delete a friend but keep following them to still see public posts.


Trimming your Facebook friends list by deleting or blocking connections you no longer interact with regularly can make your Facebook experience less cluttered. Use the individual deletion method for getting rid of just a few friends. Take advantage of bulk deletion options like Manage Friends, Activity Log, and Friend Cleaner services if you want to remove a larger number of friends at once.

Always be thoughtful about who you choose to delete or block. Do not remove connections solely based on criteria like location or interests. Carefully consider each individual friend before cutting them from your social network.