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How do I delete a Facebook account I manage?

How do I delete a Facebook account I manage?

Deleting a Facebook account you manage can be a bit tricky, as you need to follow Facebook’s specific steps. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process of permanently deleting a Facebook account you manage step-by-step.

Can I delete someone else’s Facebook account?

If you are a parent or legal guardian, you can delete a Facebook account belonging to someone under your supervision. You’ll need to provide proof that you have the authority to delete the account.

If you manage social media for a business, you can delete a Facebook Page or Group you manage. Business managers have full access to make changes to company Pages and Groups.

However, you cannot delete another person’s personal Facebook account unless you have their explicit permission and login credentials. Even with their username and password, deleting someone else’s account without their knowledge raises ethical issues.

Should I delete a deceased person’s Facebook account?

If you are a verified immediate family member or executor, you can submit a special request to have a deceased person’s account permanently deleted. This is an irreversible process.

Some families prefer to memorialize the account to allow friends to share memories. But deleting it completely removes all account data from Facebook.

How do I request the deletion of a deceased person’s Facebook account?

To delete a deceased family member or friend’s Facebook account:

  1. Click the Help & Support link in the upper right dropdown menu.
  2. Select the Memorialization or Deletion of Account option.
  3. Choose to Permanently Delete Account and click Let Us Know.
  4. Fill out the online form providing:
    – The deceased person’s name and email address or phone number associated with their Facebook account
    – Your relationship to the deceased
    – An obituary or memorial card to confirm your relationship
  5. Click Send to submit your deletion request.

Facebook will review your request and contact you if any other verification is needed. The account is typically deleted within 10 business days after approval.

What’s the process to delete my business’s Facebook Page?

To permanently delete a Facebook Page for your business, organization, or brand:

  1. Go to the Page you want to delete.
  2. Click Settings at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  3. Select Templates and Tabs from the menu.
  4. Click Delete Page near the bottom.
  5. Confirm you want to permanently delete the Page.

Once deleted, the Page and all its data will be completely removed from Facebook. This cannot be undone.

How can I delete a Facebook Group I created or manage?

Managers and administrators can delete any Facebook Group they are responsible for. Here is the process:

  1. Go to the Group page.
  2. Click Group Settings at the top of the right sidebar.
  3. Select Delete Group near the bottom.
  4. Choose to Delete Group to confirm.

The Group will be permanently erased along with all content and members. Unlike Pages, there is no option to archive or restore deleted Groups.

Can I temporarily deactivate someone’s Facebook account?

No, there is no option to temporarily deactivate another person’s Facebook account without deleting it. The closest option is to temporarily suspend your own account if you own it.

Suspending your account removes your profile and hides your data for a period of 1 day to 30 days. You can reactivate whenever ready. But this doesn’t work for accounts you manage.

What steps do I take to permanently delete my Facebook account?

If you want to delete your own Facebook account permanently, here is what to do:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right and select Settings & Privacy.
  2. Go to Settings and click on Your Facebook Information in the left menu.
  3. Select Deactivation and Deletion.
  4. Choose Permanently Delete Account instead of temporarily deactivating.
  5. Click Continue to Account Deletion to proceed.
  6. Enter your password to confirm your identity.
  7. Click the Permanently Delete Account button.

Once your account is deleted, it should disappear within 90 days along with your data, posts, photos, messages, etc. This deletion is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Can I download my data before deleting my Facebook account?

Yes, you can and should download a copy of your Facebook data before permanently deleting your account. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Your Facebook Information in the left menu.
  3. Select Download Your Information.
  4. Deselect anything you don’t want to include.
  5. Click Create File to request your download.

Facebook will prepare a download of your data and notify you via email when it’s ready. The download includes your posts, photos, videos, messages, profile info, and more.

Can I retrieve data from a deleted Facebook account?

No, data from a deleted Facebook account cannot be recovered. Once your account is permanently deleted, all your information is removed from Facebook’s servers and backups within 90 days.

This is why it’s critical to download a copy of your Facebook data before deleting your account. The data download allows you to preserve photos, posts, conversations, and other personal information.

Is it possible to reactivate a deleted Facebook account?

Unfortunately, no. Once your Facebook account is permanently deleted, there is no way to retrieve or reactivate it. The deletion cannot be reversed.

You can open a new account with the same name and email address. But your old account, along with all its data and friends, will be gone forever.

What happens to my Facebook messages if I delete my account?

When your Facebook account is deleted, all your Facebook messages are erased from both your account and your conversations with others. People will no longer be able to see any messages you previously exchanged.

Before deleting your account, consider downloading your data which includes a history of your conversations. Or if you want to preserve messages, take screenshots or forward them to another platform.

Will my Facebook photos be deleted if I delete my account?

Yes, all photos you uploaded to Facebook will be permanently deleted if you delete your account. Your photos will be inaccessible to anyone you shared them with.

To preserve your Facebook photos, make sure to download them by requesting a copy of your Facebook data before deleting your account. The download will include all your photos and videos.

Can someone else still tag me in photos if I delete my Facebook account?

No, you can no longer be tagged by anyone in new Facebook photos once your account is deleted. Any tags linking to your deleted profile will also be removed from existing photos and posts.

Essentially, it will be like you never existed on Facebook at all. All traces of you will be erased, along with your profile and account data.

What happens to my Facebook events if I delete my account?

Deleting your Facebook account removes all events you created, along with any events you responded to or were invited to. Essentially:

  • Events you created will be deleted.
  • You will be removed from any events you RSVP’d to.
  • You will be deleted from any guest lists you were on.
  • Other attendees will no longer see you listed.
  • The host can recreate any deleted events, but without your involvement.

So your entire history of event interactions will be wiped from Facebook once your account is deleted.

Can people still message me if I delete Facebook?

No, it will be impossible for anyone to message you on Facebook once your account is deleted. Your Facebook profile will no longer exist, so there is nowhere for messages to be received.

When someone tries to message your deleted account, Facebook will show an error saying the message couldn’t be sent. They would no longer be able to see past message history either.

What happens to my Facebook friends if I delete my account?

Deleting your Facebook account removes you from your friends’ friend lists. It’s like you disappear completely from their social network.


  • You will be removed as a friend/follower on all connections’ accounts.
  • Friends will no longer be able to tag you, view your profile, post on your Timeline, etc.
  • Your birthday will disappear from friends’ calendars.
  • Friends may still be able to see posts you were tagged in, but not new tags.
  • Messenger conversations with you will end with an error message.

Essentially, it will be like you were never friends on Facebook at all. All connections are severed.

Can I temporarily deactivate my Facebook account first?

Yes, you have the option to temporarily deactivate your Facebook account for up to 30 days before permanently deleting it.

Deactivating gives you time to download your data and say goodbye to friends. Your profile won’t show, but you can easily reactivate your account during the deactivation period.

When ready, you can permanently delete your account. Deactivating first is recommended, but optional.

Should I let people know I’m deleting Facebook?

It’s a good idea to let close friends and family know you plan to delete Facebook. This allows them to:

  • Download or save any photos, videos, or posts they may want to keep.
  • Export their message history with you.
  • Download contact info like your phone number or email address.
  • Plan another way to connect with you.

Giving advance notice ensures people aren’t surprised when you suddenly vanish from their social network.

How do I explain my reasons for deleting Facebook?

Be honest about why you’re deleting Facebook. Reasons might include:

  • Too much drama or conflict
  • Privacy concerns
  • Too distracting or time consuming
  • Mental health break
  • Too many irrelevant posts
  • Moving interactions to more personal platforms

Assure concerned friends you aren’t deleting your account because of them. Explain how they can stay in touch after you leave Facebook, like through phone, email, other social media, or in person meetups.

Should I post about leaving Facebook before deleting it?

Some people post a farewell message explaining they are deleting their account. This broadcasts the notice to all connections at once.

If you want to post, keep it positive. Thank people for being friends, share favorite memories, and explain your reasons for leaving. Ask others to download anything they may want to keep.

However, a post isn’t required. You can notify your closest connections personally. The choice is yours.

How do I save data from a Facebook account before deletion?

Before deleting your Facebook account permanently, be sure to:

  • Download a copy of your Facebook data – This contains your posts, photos, videos, messages, profile info, etc.
  • Save photos/videos – Download any files you uploaded or get screenshots.
  • Export conversations – Copy or screenshot your messaging history.
  • Save profile info – Your bio, work history, education, etc. Screenshot or copy text.
  • Export your friend list – Copy names so you know your connections.
  • Back up events – Take screenshots of events you created or attended.

Saving this data ensures you have copies even after the account is gone. You pick what’s most important to preserve before deleting Facebook forever.

What are some alternatives to communicate with friends after deleting Facebook?

Consider setting up accounts on other platforms to connect with friends after deleting Facebook:

Platform Benefits
Email Send messages, photos, documents, etc.
Messaging apps WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, etc. Chat, call, share media.
Photo sharing apps Instagram, Snapchat. Share visual content.
Group messaging GroupMe, Slack, Discord. Communicate in groups.
Microblogs Twitter, Tumblr. Post short updates.

And of course, nothing beats in-person interactions. Schedule times to meet up with local friends after leaving Facebook.

How do I deal with FOMO after deleting Facebook?

It’s normal to experience “fear of missing out” (FOMO) after deleting your Facebook account. Here are some tips to cope with FOMO:

  • Remember the reasons you left Facebook in the first place.
  • Stay busy with hobbies, activities, and offline interactions.
  • Schedule get-togethers to keep up with friends in real life.
  • Let go of comparing yourself to carefully curated social media feeds.
  • Focus on enjoying the present moment, not what you might be missing online.
  • Talk to supportive friends when you feel FOMO strongly.
  • Keep your mind occupied with books, games, work, or other offline interests.

The initial adjustment period takes time. But you can absolutely have an active social life and stay up-to-date without Facebook. The anxiety will pass!

What should I do if I change my mind after deleting Facebook?

Since deleting your Facebook account is permanent, you’ll need to create a brand new account if you change your mind. Use the same name and contact info to make it easy for friends to reconnect.

Resume sharing photos, giving life updates, and interacting with your network. Add old friends as you come across them again. With time, you can rebuild connections.

But consider what made you quit Facebook in the first place. Those issues may resurface. Evaluate if rejoining will be better long-term before coming back.


Deleting your Facebook account or one you manage is a permanent, irreversible process. Take time to download any data you want to retain and notify close connections.

Remember there is no going back once the account is gone. All data, connections, photos, and conversations will be erased.

But many people feel liberated after leaving Facebook for good. Stay active socially in the real world and on other platforms. You can leave Facebook behind while still nurturing meaningful relationships.