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How do I delete a community chat in Messenger?

How do I delete a community chat in Messenger?

Facebook Messenger allows users to create community chats with multiple participants. This can be useful for keeping in touch with friends, family, coworkers, classmates, and more. However, there may come a time when you want to delete a community chat that you no longer need or use.

Can I delete a Messenger community chat?

Yes, it is possible to delete a Messenger community chat that you created. However, there is no option to delete a community chat within the Messenger app itself. Deleting a community chat requires accessing Facebook through a web browser.

How to delete a Messenger community chat

Here are step-by-step instructions for deleting a Messenger community chat that you created:

  1. Open Facebook in a web browser and log into your account.
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook and select “Groups.”
  3. This will take you to a page showing all of your Facebook groups. Click on the “More” tab at the top of the page.
  4. Select “Your Communities” from the dropdown menu.
  5. You will now see a list of all the community chats you have created. Find the chat you want to delete in the list.
  6. Hover over the name of the community chat and click on the “More” button that appears.
  7. Select “Delete” from the dropdown menu.
  8. A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the chat. Click “Delete” to confirm.

The community chat will then be permanently deleted. All members of the chat will lose access once it has been deleted.

Important notes about deleting Messenger community chats

Here are some important things to keep in mind when deleting a Messenger community chat:

  • Only the creator of a community chat can delete it.
  • When you delete a community chat, it is permanently erased and cannot be recovered.
  • All members of the chat will lose access to its messages and content.
  • You can only delete a Messenger community chat through Facebook on a web browser, not in the Messenger app.
  • Deleting the chat does not remove members from your friends list or Messenger contacts.
  • If you regret deleting a chat, you will have to create a new one and add members again.

Reasons to delete a Messenger community chat

Here are some common reasons you may want to delete a Messenger community chat:

  • The chat is no longer active or relevant to the members.
  • You want to reduce clutter in your Facebook Groups page.
  • The chat was created for a specific short-term purpose that has ended.
  • You no longer want all members to be able to communicate in the chat.
  • You want to remove the chat history and content.
  • The chat has become redundant due to a new chat or Facebook Group.
  • You are concerned about privacy or security of the chat.

How members are affected when a community chat is deleted

When you delete a Messenger community chat as the admin, here is what happens for members:

  • They will no longer see the chat in their Messenger app chats list.
  • All previous messages and content shared in the chat is erased.
  • They will not be able to access the chat or search for messages/files exchanged.
  • No new messages can be sent in the deleted chat.
  • Members are not notified when the chat is deleted.
  • They can still message each other individually if they are connected on Messenger.

Essentially, the entire chat history and access to the chat will be removed for all members once you delete it as the admin.

Comparison of deleting vs. leaving a community chat

Action Deleting Chat (Admin only) Leaving Chat (Members)
Removes chat from list Yes Only for member leaving
Erases chat history/content Yes, for all members No
Allows rejoining chat No Yes
Notifies other members No Yes

As you can see, the main difference is that only deleting a chat permanently erases the content and prevents any rejoining. Members can voluntarily leave a chat, but it will still be accessible.

How to leave a Messenger community chat

If you are not the admin of a Messenger community chat, you cannot delete the entire chat. However, you can remove yourself as a member by leaving the chat:

  1. Open the Messenger chat you want to leave.
  2. Tap on the name of the chat at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap on “Exit Chat.”
  4. Confirm that you want to leave the chat.

You will no longer be able to access the chat. The admin and other members will be notified that you have left.

Reasons members may want to leave a community chat

Here are some reasons you may decide to leave a Messenger community chat:

  • The chat is no longer useful or interesting to you.
  • Too many notifications from the busy chat.
  • You are not active in the chat anymore.
  • You want to reduce clutter in your Messenger app.
  • Concerns about privacy, security, or chat content.
  • Conflicts with other members or the admin.
  • The chat purpose or topic has changed over time.

Although you won’t have access after leaving, you can rejoin if the admin allows it. Leaving is a good option if you just need a temporary break.


Deleting a Messenger community chat is a permanent action that can only be done by the admin through the Facebook website. All members will lose access to the chat and content. Reasons to delete a chat include inactive chats, chat privacy concerns, or chat purpose ending.

Regular members can leave a chat if they want to remove access for themselves only. This will notify the admin and other members. The chat can still be rejoined later unless the admin has prohibited that.

Hopefully this guide has helped explain how to fully delete a Messenger community chat as the admin, as well as how to leave a chat you no longer want to participate in. Taking these actions can help you manage your chats and keep your Messenger app clutter-free.