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How do I create a reaction video?

How do I create a reaction video?

Reaction videos have become hugely popular on YouTube and other video platforms in recent years. A reaction video typically involves someone recording themselves reacting to something – usually another video, but it could also be a news article, viral meme, or really anything else. The reacted content is usually displayed in a small box inset within the reaction video.

Some of the most popular kinds of reaction videos include reacting to music videos, movie trailers, video game playthroughs, food taste tests, and more. The reactor’s genuine first-time reaction to something entertaining or shocking is what draws viewers in.

Creating an engaging reaction video requires a bit more work than it may seem on the surface. You need to choose interesting content worth reacting to, set up your filming equipment properly, act naturally in front of the camera, and edit your footage effectively. Follow the steps below to learn how to make a reaction video that could go viral!

Choose What to React To

The first step in creating a great reaction video is deciding what you will be reacting to. You want to choose content that will elicit strong reactions from you – excitement, laughter, shock, fear, etc. Here are some things to consider when selecting your reacted content:

  • Popular or viral videos that are currently trending online
  • New movie or game trailers for upcoming releases
  • Music videos from your favorite artists
  • Classic TV or movie scenes that are exceptionally funny, cringey or scary
  • News stories or current events that you have strong opinions on
  • Popular food or consumer products you’ve never tried before

Look at what’s currently popular on YouTube and other social media sites. You can also ask your audience what they’d be interested in seeing you react to. Choose content that fits your brand and personality. Stay away from reacting to really long videos – you want short to medium length content that won’t take up your entire reaction video.

Set Up Your Equipment

Lighting, camera, and microphone quality really impact how professional your reaction video will look. Make sure you have the proper equipment setup before filming:

  • Camera – Use a HD webcam or high quality camera to record. Position it at eye level on a tripod.
  • Lighting – Position bright lights in front and/or on either side of you to properly illuminate your face.
  • Microphone – Use an external mic plugged into your camera for best audio quality.
  • Headphones – Wear headphones so you can hear the content you’re reacting to.
  • Screen capture – Use screen recording software to capture your screen displaying the reacted content.

Frame your camera shot so there is some space above your head in the frame. The reacted content video will be digitally inserted into this space later during editing. Make sure the background behind you is neat and attractive looking.

React Genuinely and Honestly

The key to a great reaction video is giving honest, authentic reactions. Exaggerating your emotions and hamming it up too much looks fake – viewers can easily tell when someone is putting on an act. The best approach is to simply react how you naturally would if you were watching the content for the first time off camera.

As you watch the video you’re reacting to, think of your genuine thoughts and feelings. Verbalize out loud the things running through your head. Don’t hold back laughter, yelling, or other visceral reactions if it’s warranted. Let your raw emotions shine through. Remain engaged with the video, analyze it thoughtfully, and share your opinions.

Stay centered in the camera frame as you react so viewers can see your face clearly. Gesture with your hands as you talk to add energy. Avoid staring blankly into the distance – keep your gaze focused in the general direction of the content video.

Edit Your Reaction Footage

With your reaction footage captured, it’s time to edit it all together into a compelling video:

  • Import your reaction footage and the content footage into your video editing software.
  • Trim down your reaction recording to the best parts – cut any dead space or dull reactions.
  • Leave gaps in your reaction recording where the content footage will be inserted.
  • Add graphics like your channel logo, video titles and subtitles as desired.
  • Insert the content video into the gaps in your reaction footage, resizing it appropriately.
  • Align audio peaks of both videos to prevent jarring volume shifts.
  • Add transitions, graphics and text overlays to highlight your best reactions.
  • Add an end screen with links to subscribe and watch more videos.

Thoroughly edit and polish your reaction video before uploading to make it as engaging as possible for viewers.

Promote Your Video

Once your reaction video is uploaded to YouTube or elsewhere, promote it heavily to get maximum viewership:

  • Share the video on all your social media profiles.
  • Post on relevant Reddit threads, forums and blogs your audience uses.
  • Run video ads to reach more of your target viewers.
  • Collaborate with creators of the original reacted content for cross-promotion.
  • Interact heavily with commenters – like, pin and reply to comments.
  • Consider making additional reaction videos on trending topics to increase uploads.

Diligent self-promotion will ensure your quality reaction content gets seen by a wide audience.


Creating a successful reaction video requires thoughtful planning, genuine reactions, professional editing, and solid promotion. Choose entertaining content to react to, set up quality filming equipment, be authentic on camera, polish the final product, and share it widely. Do this consistently, while staying true to your brand, and your reaction channel is sure to gain loyal subscribers.

Just remember – be yourself, have fun, and let your honest reactions shine through. This will let your unique personality and passion come across clearly to viewers.

Step Tips
Choose what to react to
  • Select trending, popular videos
  • Consider new trailers, music videos, viral content
  • Choose content relevant to your niche and personality
Set up equipment
  • Use good lighting, camera, microphone
  • Frame shot with space for content video above head
  • Have headphones to watch content
React genuinely
  • Give authentic, honest reactions
  • Verbalize your thoughts candidly
  • Don’t exaggerate emotions or overact
Edit reaction video
  • Trim footage to best parts
  • Insert content video into gaps
  • Add graphics, titles and subtitles
  • Align audio between videos
Promote video
  • Share on social media
  • Post on relevant forums and blogs
  • Run video ads
  • Collaborate with creators of reacted content