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How do I create a questionnaire in FB group?

How do I create a questionnaire in FB group?

Creating a questionnaire in a Facebook group can be a great way to gather information and feedback from your group members. Questionnaires allow you to easily survey your group about their opinions, interests, needs and more. The data you collect can provide valuable insights to help you improve your group, plan events, create content and make other decisions.

While Facebook doesn’t have a built-in questionnaire feature, there are a few easy methods you can use to create a questionnaire directly within your Facebook group. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the steps and best practices for developing an effective questionnaire for your Facebook group.

Why Create a Questionnaire for Your Facebook Group?

Here are some of the key reasons you may want to create a questionnaire or survey for your Facebook group:

  • Gather feedback from members – A questionnaire allows you to easily gather opinions, suggestions, concerns and feedback from your group members to help improve the group.
  • Learn about member interests and needs – Survey questions can reveal more about what your members are interested in and what types of content or discussions they want to see in the group.
  • Plan events and meetups – You can use a questionnaire to ask members what meetup topics, times, locations and formats they prefer to help plan successful events.
  • Understand member demographics – Demographic questions allow you to better understand who your members are, including location, age, gender, occupation etc.
  • Test ideas and concepts – Float new ideas, products or changes and gauge member reaction with a survey before moving forward.
  • Spark engagement and discussion – Posting a questionnaire can motivate members to engage with the group and start discussions about the topics.
  • Identify issues and concerns – Open-ended questions may reveal common issues members are having that you can address.
  • Segment members – Questionnaire responses can help you segment members for more targeted content and discussions.

In short, questionnaires allow you to pick your members’ brains and turn those insights into actions that improve your Facebook group.

How to Create a Questionnaire in a Facebook Group

There are a few different options for creating a questionnaire or survey directly within your Facebook group:

Post a Poll

The simplest option is to use Facebook’s native polling feature to post a poll question in your group. Here’s how:

  1. When composing a new post in your group, click on the “Poll” icon.
  2. Enter your poll question.
  3. Click “Add Option” to add up to 6 poll answer options members can vote on.
  4. Optional: Add an image to your poll post.
  5. Click “Post” to publish the poll to your group.

Group members can then vote on the poll answers and see real-time results.

Post a Text-Based Survey

For more than 6 options or open-ended questions, you can create a text-based survey directly in a post.

  1. Draft a new post with the survey questions written out.
  2. Number or bullet each question for clarity.
  3. Instruct members to reply to the post with their answers.
  4. Optional: Upload an image or include additional info to explain the purpose of the survey.
  5. Post it in your group and ask members to comment their responses.

You can then manually compile the questionnaire responses from the comments.

Use Google Forms

For longer questionnaires with multiple question types, Google Forms is an excellent option.

Here is how to create a questionnaire with Google Forms:

  1. Go to Google Forms and click the “+” button to start a new blank form.
  2. Enter a title and description for your questionnaire.
  3. Add and customize different question types like multiple choice, checkboxes, dropdowns, ratings, etc.
  4. Click the settings icon to configure options like requiring login, limiting to 1 response, and more.
  5. Click “Send” and choose “Get shareable link”.
  6. Copy the link to your Google Form.
  7. Paste the link into a new post in your Facebook group asking members to respond.

Members can then click the link to open the Google Form and submit their responses. All submissions will populate a response spreadsheet.

Leverage External Survey Tools

There are also many robust online survey tools you can use to create questionnaires, like SurveyMonkey, Typeform, SurveyLegend and more. Most allow you to share a survey link into your Facebook group. Just be sure to choose a secure platform that protects members’ privacy.

Questionnaire Question Types and Examples

When creating your questionnaire or survey, consider using a mix of different question types:

Multiple Choice

Allow respondents to select one answer from a set of options:

How often do you access this Facebook group?

– Once a day
– A few times a week
– Once a week
– A few times a month
– Once a month or less


Allow selection of multiple answers from a set of options:

What topics are you most interested in learning about in this group? (Select all that apply)

[ ] Topic 1
[ ] Topic 2
[ ] Topic 3
[ ] Topic 4
[ ] Topic 5

Dropdown/Rank Order

Allow ranking or rating options in priority order:

Rank the following ideas in the order you’d like to see them implemented:

1. [Idea 1]
2. [Idea 2]
3. [Idea 3]
4. [Idea 4]

Linear Scale

Collect ratings on a linear agree-disagree scale:

On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with this statement?

1 = Completely Disagree, 5 = Completely Agree


Comments / Open-Ended

Gather open, qualitative feedback:

What suggestions do you have to improve this Facebook group?

Demographic Questions

Gather data on member attributes like:

– Location
– Age
– Gender
– Occupation
– Education Level
– Etc.

Best Practices for Facebook Group Questionnaires

Follow these tips to create effective, successful questionnaires for your Facebook group:

  • Explain the purpose – Let members know how the data will be used to provide transparency.
  • Make it anonymous – Don’t ask for names or emails to allow anonymous responses.
  • Keep it short – Aim for 10 questions or fewer to maximize completions.
  • Use a mix of question types – Leverage options like multiple choice, scales, rankings and open-ended.
  • Ask one question at a time – Avoid double-barreled questions that ask two things at once.
  • Randomize options – Display options in random order to reduce bias.
  • Make completion optional – Say responses are voluntary to increase response rate.
  • Allow multiple responds – Let members respond more than once to reach new members.
  • Follow up – Share results and follow up on feedback with updates in the group.

Following survey best practices will yield higher quality data you can actually use.

Analyzing Questionnaire Responses

Once your survey is complete, you’ll want to analyze the responses to gain insights:

  • Tally single-select responses like multiple choice and rank orders.
  • Review multi-select checkbox answers to see which options were most popular.
  • Calculate averages for numerical scale questions.
  • Group and summarize open-ended feedback by theme.
  • Analyze response patterns by demographic factors if relevant.
  • Identify outlier responses that differ from the majority.
  • Create charts and graphs to visualize key data points.

Online survey tools will do much of this analysis automatically, or you can compile the data manually in a spreadsheet. Look for key trends and themes that provide actionable insights.

Using Questionnaire Feedback and Results

The point of running a questionnaire is to collect data you can actually use, not just store in a spreadsheet. Here are some ways to take action based on your survey findings:

  • Make improvements people suggested in open-ended feedback.
  • Offer more content on the topics that members expressed interest in.
  • Plan events and activities around popular ideas from the survey.
  • Engage less active members based on segments revealed.
  • Address concerns that many members reported.
  • Highlight findings members would find interesting.
  • Thank members for feedback and update on changes being made based on results.

Putting the questionnaire insights into action shows members their opinions matter and encourages future participation.


Creating questionnaires, polls and surveys within your Facebook group provides an easy way to gather valuable feedback from engaged members. You can use the native Facebook polling feature or create text-based surveys directly in posts. For more advanced questionnaires, leverage tools like Google Forms or dedicated survey platforms and share the link in your group.

The key is asking meaningful questions, following survey best practices, analyzing the data thoughtfully, and actually using the insights to improve your community. This process helps strengthen engagement, trust and member satisfaction over time.

So next time you’re looking for member opinions, needs and interests don’t just ask – create a well-crafted questionnaire to collect structured feedback you can really use to enhance your Facebook group.