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How do I create a featured collection on Facebook Lite?

How do I create a featured collection on Facebook Lite?

Facebook Lite allows users to create featured collections to showcase products, services, or content in a visually appealing way. Featured collections are a great way to organize and promote items to Lite users. Creating a featured collection is easy and can be done right from the Facebook Lite mobile app.

What is a Facebook Lite featured collection?

A Facebook Lite featured collection is a curated group of products, services, posts, or other content. It allows you to hand pick items you want to showcase and display them together in a collection format. This gives them more visibility and makes them easy to find.

For businesses, featured collections are a useful way to promote products, services, offers, or content. They can highlight new arrivals, sales items, or anything else you want your audience to see. The collection appears as a module on your Facebook page that followers can easily access.

For personal users, featured collections can be used to organize your favorite posts, photos, videos, and more. You can make themed collections with related content. Featured collections are visible on your profile and make it easy for friends to find your curated content.

Benefits of Facebook Lite featured collections

There are a few key benefits to using featured collections on Facebook Lite:

  • Increased visibility – Items in a collection get more exposure which can lead to more engagement.
  • Better organization – Collections help you group and arrange content in a logical way.
  • Promotional tool – Easily highlight important products, posts, videos, etc.
  • Visually appealing – Collections have an aesthetically pleasing visual design.
  • Accessible format – The module design makes collections easy to find.
  • Flexible usage – Featured collections can be used by businesses, organizations, and personal profiles.

How to create a Facebook Lite featured collection

Creating a Facebook Lite featured collection is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps:

  1. Open Facebook Lite – Launch the Facebook Lite app on your mobile device. You must access Facebook Lite to create collections.
  2. Go to your Page or Profile – Navigate to either your Facebook Page if you’re a business/creator or to your personal profile.
  3. Tap “+” icon – Tap on the “+” button located in the top right of the screen. This will open a dropdown menu.
  4. Select “Create Featured Collection” – From the dropdown menu, choose the “Create Featured Collection” option.
  5. Name the Collection – You will be prompted to name your collection. Choose a name that reflects the theme or purpose of the collection.
  6. Add content – Start adding posts, products, photos, videos, or other content to your collection. You can select from existing posts on your profile or page. Or create new posts directly within the collection.
  7. Organize and arrange – Drag and drop to organize the content in an appealing order. Remove anything you don’t want.
  8. Adjust settings – Tap the 3 dots at the top within the collection to adjust privacy and notification settings.
  9. Publish Collection – Once you’ve added and arranged content, tap “Publish” to make your collection live. Share it so others can see!

And that’s it! Your featured collection will now be live and visible to your audience. You can access and manage all your created collections from the Collections tab on your Facebook Lite profile or page.

Tips for creating great featured collections

Follow these tips for making the most effective and engaging Facebook Lite featured collections:

  • Choose a specific theme – Fashion, fitness, recipes, etc. Keep collections focused.
  • Use relevant, high-quality content – Ensure photos and videos look great.
  • Optimize the order – Arrange items in a logical flow that makes sense.
  • Write clear descriptions – Add text to explain what’s in the collection.
  • Limit notifications – Don’t overdo it, set notification frequency wisely.
  • Promote the collection – Share it, link to it, run ads to it.
  • Refresh content – Update collections periodically with new content.
  • Analyze performance – See which collections drive the most engagement.

Use cases for Facebook Lite featured collections

Facebook Lite collections are versatile and can be used in many ways by businesses, organizations, creators, and personal users alike. Here are some examples of great use cases:

  • Highlight new products – Promote launches, arrivals, or best sellers.
  • Showcase thought leadership content – Collect articles, ebooks, videos into one place.
  • Curate holiday gift guides – Help followers shop by recipient or price point.
  • Group event photos – Keep all event pics together in one collection.
  • Create content bundles – Offer fitness plans, recipes, tutorials in a collection.
  • Promote sales & offers – Display current deals and promotions.
  • Organize work samples – Photographers, designers, etc. can show their portfolios.
  • Share themed recipes – Food collections like “healthy dinners” or “kid-friendly lunches”.

Editing and managing featured collections

You can continue to edit and manage collections even after they’ve been published and shared. To edit a collection:

  1. Go to the Collections tab on your profile/page
  2. Tap into the collection you want to edit
  3. Add, remove or rearrange content as needed
  4. Update the title, description or other settings
  5. Hit “Save Collection” when you’re done editing

You can also change the visibility between public, friends, or only me. Or delete the collection entirely when needed.

Analytics for Facebook Lite collections

To see performance analytics for your featured collections on Facebook Lite:

  1. Go to the Collections tab
  2. Tap into the specific collection
  3. Tap the “Insights” tab at the top of the screen
  4. Review metrics like reach, engagements, clicks, and more

Analyzing the metrics can help you gauge which collections perform best. Use the insights to refine your content and promotional strategy.

Differences from Facebook featured collections

Facebook Lite and the main Facebook app both offer featured collections. However, there are some differences:

  • Simpler interface – FB Lite collections have a more streamlined, mobile-friendly interface.
  • Less customization – Lite has fewer design and layout options than regular Facebook.
  • No Shop Collections – Only the main Facebook app supports Shop Collections for ecommerce.
  • Limited insights – Lite provides only basic analytics compared to Facebook’s more robust metrics.

The benefits of Facebook Lite for small businesses

Facebook Lite offers a few key advantages for small businesses and startups:

  • Lightweight app – Works well even on slow connections and low-end devices.
  • Fast performance – Quick loading times and smooth operation.
  • Reduced data usage – Compressed content consumes less mobile data.
  • Easy to use – Intuitive interface with simpler options.
  • Engaged user base – Over 1 billion active Lite users around the world.
  • Key features – Includes essential tools like pages, ads, and featured collections.

Lite provides a quality Facebook experience for the next billion users coming online. It presents a big opportunity for small businesses to access engaged users without needing cutting-edge devices and connections.

Should you use Facebook Lite or regular Facebook?

Deciding whether Lite or regular Facebook is better depends on your needs:

  • Facebook Lite pros:
    • Smaller app size
    • Fast performance
    • Less data usage
  • Facebook Lite cons:
    • Fewer features
    • Less customization
    • Limited insights data
  • Facebook pros:
    • Robust set of features
    • In-depth analytics
    • More controls and options
  • Facebook cons:
    • Larger app size
    • Potential performance issues
    • Higher data usage

In general, Facebook Lite is great for regions with limited connectivity and slower devices. The main Facebook app provides a richer experience for markets with strong mobile infrastructure.


Facebook Lite featured collections provide an easy way to curate, organize, and promote content to engage your audience. The streamlined collections module makes showcasing products, articles, images, videos, and more both visually appealing and accessible.

When creating featured collections focus on choosing specific themes, showcasing high-quality content, optimizing the arrangement, writing useful descriptions, and promoting the collections across your Facebook presence. Analyze performance to refine your approach over time.

Featured collections can aid businesses, organizations, content creators, and personal users alike. They provide versatile functionality for highlighting items in a dynamic format that followers can readily discover and enjoy.

While Facebook Lite has some limitations compared to the full Facebook app, it excels in markets where connectivity and device performance are constrained. Its lightweight approach makes it accessible to the next billion users in emerging regions around the world.