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How do I create a Facebook page and publish it?

How do I create a Facebook page and publish it?

Creating and publishing a Facebook page for your business, brand, organization or as a public figure can be a great way to establish an online presence and connect with your target audience. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a massive platform to share updates, photos, videos and other content. While creating a Facebook page is free and simple, publishing engaging content consistently takes strategy and time. Here is a step-by-step guide to creating and optimizing a Facebook page, followed by tips for publishing content that resonates with your followers.

Step 1: Create a Facebook Page

The first step is to create your Facebook page. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and either create a Facebook account if you don’t have one already or log into your existing account.
  2. Click on the upside down triangle icon in the top right and select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the category that best describes your page and click “Get Started.” Some options include Business/Brand, Community or Public Figure, Entertainment, Cause or Community.
  4. Enter your page name, which will also be your unique page URL on Facebook. Add a brief description. The name and description can be changed later.
  5. Click “Continue” and confirm your page category.

Once you click “Create Page,” your new Facebook page will be live, but there are still some setup steps to complete before publishing content.

Step 2: Add a Profile Picture and Cover Photo

The next step is to personalize your Facebook page with a profile picture and cover photo:

  • The profile picture appears next to your page name and throughout the Facebook platform. It’s ideal to use your company logo or a headshot if you’re a public figure.
  • The cover photo spans the top of your page. It should be relevant to your brand and capture viewers’ attention.
  • You can upload both photos by going to your page, clicking “Add Photo” on the left sidebar and following the instructions.

Having brand images helps make your page look more professional right from the start.

Step 3: Write Your Page Description

Take time to optimize your page description, which is a short paragraph summing up what your page is about. This is shown on your Facebook page itself as well as in search engine results.

  • Keep your description clear, concise and compelling. Get across your key messages and value proposition.
  • Include relevant keywords that your target audience may search for.
  • Keep your description under 155 characters so the full text is displayed.

An optimized page description gives people a reason to take interest in your page and follow you.

Step 4: Set Up Your Facebook Page Settings

Configure your page settings to give administrators control and highlight key information:

  • Admin Roles: Add other admins who can publish content and monitor engagement.
  • Page Visibility: Control whether your page is public or “closed” requiring approval to follow.
  • Messaging: Decide whether to enable messaging so users can message your page.
  • Notifications: Customize notifications to stay updated on page activity.
  • Preferred Page Audience: Select the country/language of your target audience.

Settings are accessible by clicking “Settings” in the bottom left of your page while viewing as an admin. Configure key options early on.

Step 5: Fill Out Additional Sections

Add relevant information to other sections of your Facebook page:

  • About: Share your story, mission, history and team bios.
  • Photos: Post albums showing your product, events, company culture, etc.
  • Videos: Share videos that engage viewers while promoting your brand.
  • Events: Post upcoming events, launches or promotions.

Providing in-depth company and product information builds customer trust.

Step 6: Connect Your Other Accounts

Link your other social media and website accounts to your Facebook page for an integrated online presence:

  • Go to your page’s General Settings and click “Connected Apps” in the left column.
  • Select the platforms you want to connect such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and your website.
  • Enter the URLs or handles for each account when prompted.

Connecting accounts makes it easier for you to share content across platforms.

Step 7: Create an Engaging Welcome Post

Your page is now ready to start publishing content! Make a strong first impression with an introductory post:

  • Welcome new visitors to your page and say what you’re about.
  • Encourage people to like your page and invite their friends to follow.
  • Set expectations for the type of content you’ll share.
  • Include visual elements like images, video or infographics.
  • Use an enthusiastic, conversational tone and native language.

A warm welcome post helps build your initial audience so more people see your future updates.

Tips for Publishing Great Content

Posting relevant, engaging content on a consistent basis is key to growing your Facebook page’s reach and keeping followers interested. Here are some best practices:

Post at Optimal Times

When you publish matters. Post when your target audience is most active:

  • Track your Facebook Insights to see when your existing followers are online.
  • Aim to post during typical high traffic times like around 11am-3pm on weekdays.
  • Avoid early mornings or late nights when fewer people will see updates.

Posting at peak hours increases the chances your content will be seen and interacted with.

Find the Right Posting Frequency

Determine your ideal posting cadence based on your resources and audience’s expectations:

  • 1-2 posts per day is effective for most brands and achievable for social media managers.
  • If you have limited time, start with 3-4 posts per week and assess what’s realistic.
  • Avoid posting too infrequently, as inactive pages suggest you’ve abandoned your audience.

Finding your optimal frequency takes testing. Social media platforms can mute accounts that post too much.

Use a Variety of Content Formats

Share diverse content types for greater user engagement:

  • Videos and live videos attract high visibility since they stand out in people’s feeds.
  • Images like photos, illustrations or infographics are visibly appealing and easy to consume.
  • Long-form text posts can tell stories or go in-depth on topics.
  • Links can highlight content hosted on your website or other media.

Multimedia content holds followers’ attention and provides many angles on your brand story.

Encourage Engagement

Prompt readers to interact through your post wording and formatting:

  • Ask questions to spur comments and discussion.
  • Run polls and contests to collect user-generated content.
  • Request shares, likes or reactions with clear call-to-actions.
  • Tag relevant accounts to expand reach and start conversations.

Driving engagement leads to greater distribution as Facebook’s algorithm favors interactive posts.

Promote New Content

Leverage other channels to broadcast your Facebook posts:

  • Share posts on your additional social media accounts.
  • Email subscribers with highlights and links to your page.
  • Feature Facebook content prominently on your website.
  • Mention recent posts in other marketing and communications.

Cross-promoting your Facebook content helps more potential followers discover your page.


Creating an engaging Facebook presence requires an investment of time, but the platform’s unrivaled user base makes it worthwhile for reaching your audience. Set up your page for success by personalizing the design, optimizing descriptions and settings, welcoming visitors warmly, and posting awesome content consistently. Follow these best practices, analyze your Facebook Insights, and keep refining your approach to grow your page’s following and become a trusted source.