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How do I create a business page on Facebook if I already have one?

How do I create a business page on Facebook if I already have one?

If you already have a personal Facebook profile, you can easily create a Facebook business page for your company without needing to create a new account. Here are the steps to convert your personal profile into a business page:

Check if you already have a business page

Before creating a new business page, first check if you already have an existing one. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your personal Facebook profile
  2. Click on “Pages” in the left sidebar
  3. Look for any pages that are labeled as “Business or Brand”

If you see a business page already created under your name, you can simply update the existing page with your business information. There is no need to create a new one.

Create a Facebook business page

If you don’t already have a business page, follow these steps to create one:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Business or Brand” as the page type
  3. Enter your business name and contact details
  4. Click “Continue” and follow the on-screen instructions

It only takes a few minutes to create a new Facebook business page from scratch. You will need to add business information like your address, description, category and profile picture.

Convert personal profile to a business page

If you want to turn your existing personal profile into a business page, here are the steps:

  1. Go to your personal profile and click “Settings”
  2. Select “Page Settings” from the left sidebar
  3. Click on “Convert to Business Page”
  4. Choose a category that best represents your business
  5. Enter your business details and click “Continue”
  6. Review the preview and click “Confirm” to complete the conversion

Converting your profile only takes a few clicks. Your contacts, photos and posts will be retained on the new business page.

Things to note when converting profile

  • Your personal profile will be deactivated once converted
  • The business page username will be different from your personal profile
  • You can have only one business page connected to your personal account
  • All existing content on your profile will be publicly accessible on the business page

Add business information

After creating a Facebook business page, add key details like:

  • Profile & cover pictures
  • Description of your business
  • Contact details & address
  • Opening hours
  • Website URL

The more information you add, the more it will help people find and learn about your business. Make sure to fully optimize your page.

Tips for optimizing business page

  • Use keywords relevant to your business in the description
  • Include your products, services and brand story
  • List your key offerings and competitive differentiators
  • Use high-quality photos that represent your brand
  • Respond to messages and questions from visitors

Invite contacts to like your page

To quickly grow an audience for your new business page, invite your personal connections on Facebook to like the page. Here are some ways to get more likes:

  • Post about your new page on your personal profile
  • Send invites to friends directly from the business page
  • Offer discounts or perks for new followers
  • Share the page link on other social media accounts
  • Run Facebook ads targeting your customer demographic

Gaining more likes will increase the visibility of your page and content. Aim for 100+ likes initially to establish your page.

Set a username and custom URL

To make your Facebook business page easier to find and share, set a unique username and custom URL. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your page and click “Settings”
  2. Under “General” select “Username”
  3. Enter your desired business name as the Facebook username
  4. Once confirmed, you can get a custom URL with the username (

The simpler and shorter your custom URL, the better. This makes it easy for customers to find and remember your page.

Create business page content

Post relevant content regularly on your business page to engage followers. Use a mix of:

  • Product photos and videos
  • Company news and updates
  • Industry articles and tips
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • User-generated content and reviews
  • Poll questions and surveys

Keep the page active by posting daily if possible. Use analytics to see what types of content get the best response from your audience.

Content ideas for business pages

Content Type Example Posts Benefits
Product promotions New product launches, sales, discounts Drive sales, increase reach
Thought leadership Industry insights, business tips Establish authority and expertise
Behind-the-scenes Office culture, team events Build brand personality and connection
Community engagement Respond to comments, ask questions Strengthen relationships with followers

Analyze page analytics

Facebook offers detailed analytics on your business page performance. Track metrics like:

  • Page views
  • Post reach
  • Engagement rate
  • Follower demographics
  • Traffic sources
  • Most popular content

Monitoring analytics helps you understand what content resonates best with your audience. Use these insights to create more effective posts.

Finding page analytics

View analytics for your Facebook business page by:

  1. Going to your page
  2. Clicking “Insights” in the top menu
  3. Selecting metrics like “Likes”, “Reach”, “Visits” etc.
  4. Applying filters like date ranges, content types etc.
  5. Downloading reports as needed

Check your page Insights at least once a week to track growth and engagement over time. Compare against your marketing goals.

Promote your business page

In addition to posting content, use these tactics to extend the reach of your Facebook business page:

  • Paid ads – Create Facebook ads to target specific demographics
  • Hashtags – Use relevant hashtags in posts to appear in top posts
  • tagging – Tag location, products, brands and influencers in your posts
  • Facebook events – Host events on your page for in-person engagement
  • Instagram integration – Cross-post page content on Instagram
  • Facebook groups – Join related industry groups to share your page

Driving more followers and engagement for your page requires active promotion across Facebook’s various features and channels.

Creative ways to promote your page

  • Run Facebook ad campaigns with special offers for new page followers
  • Partner with influencers in your industry to share your page
  • Add a link to your Facebook page in your email signature
  • Include the Facebook page URL on your business cards and brochures
  • Ask existing customers to like your page and leave reviews

Facebook business page settings

Optimize your page settings to manage notifications, permissions and more:

  • Notifications – Get alerts about messages, comments, tags and other activity
  • General – Update page name, category, description and other details
  • Messaging – Configure autoreply messages and response time
  • Publishing – Enable post review, restrict posting, moderate comments
  • Page Roles – Add and manage admin roles

Take time to go through all the page settings options available to customize it to your business needs.

Key settings to configure

Here are some key Facebook business page settings you should configure:

  • Notification preferences
  • Auto-replies for common questions
  • Post approval for restricted accounts
  • Age restrictions if applicable
  • Comment moderation rules
  • Admin roles and permissions

Properly configuring these settings will help you manage interactions and content more effectively on your page.

Add a Messenger chat plugin

Integrating Facebook Messenger for business allows customers to chat directly with your company. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to the Messenger Platform in your Facebook page admin
  2. Click Set Up Messenger
  3. Choose a welcome message and default quick replies
  4. Select platform preferences like chat color and logged-in greeting
  5. Get page access token to connect Messenger API
  6. Generate the chat plugin code and add it to your website

Having Messenger available on your site provides another convenient contact channel for customers.

Messenger Tips

  • Customize auto-reply messages for FAQs
  • Set up Welcome and Away messages
  • Add Call-to-Action button to engage visitors
  • Appoint team members as admins
  • Monitor chat metrics in Page Insights

Optimizing Messenger will enable seamless communication between your business and customers.

Create a Shop on Facebook

If you sell products online, add a Shop section to your Facebook business page. This allows customers to browse and purchase right on Facebook.

To set up a Facebook Shop:

  1. Go to “Settings” and select “Shops”
  2. Click “Set Up Shop”
  3. Add product catalogs from your website or import products
  4. Customize shop sections like product highlights and collections
  5. Select a checkout process – Facebook checkout or external
  6. Turn on cart notifications and shopping ads

Having a Shop makes it easier for interested site visitors to become paying customers.

Tips for optimizing your Shop

  • Showcase products through tags, videos and targeted ads
  • Curate products into thematic collections
  • Offer special discounts for purchases made on Facebook
  • Retarget visitors who abandoned cart with ads
  • Analyze product performance insights

Share your page with Google

To help people find your Facebook business page on Google search, add it to Google Search Console:

  1. Sign in to Google Search Console and click add property
  2. Enter your page URL and select Facebook Business Page as the type
  3. Verify ownership of the page
  4. Submit sitemap of page URLs in Search Console
  5. Check crawl stats, clicks and impressions

Submitting your page to Google Search Console can help boost visibility and traffic to your Facebook presence.

Benefits of connecting Facebook page with Google

  • Improves page SEO and discovery
  • Provides insights on external traffic sources
  • Helps fix indexing issues
  • Shows clicks and impressions data
  • Monitors crawl errors

App permissions

Manage what information your Facebook business page can access from people who interact with it:

  • Page Public Content Access – Posting ability and admin roles
  • Page Private Replies – Read and respond to private messages
  • Instagram Basic Display – Connect Instagram account
  • Instagram Content Publishing – Cross-post to Instagram
  • WhatsApp Business Management – Manage WhatsApp account

Control app permissions from the Settings > Advanced > Apps and Websites menu. Only enable what is necessary.

Important app permission tips

  • Review currently enabled apps and their permissions
  • Revoke access to any unnecessary or unused apps
  • Only allow Pages Public Content Access if required
  • Disable Instagram and WhatsApp if not needed
  • Get notifications when new apps try accessing your page

Use Facebook business tools

Facebook offers various tools to help manage and promote your business page:

  • Page manager app – Manage page on the go from your smartphone
  • Creative Hub – Create customized visual assets
  • Content suggestions – Get AI-recommended content ideas
  • Creator studio – Advanced analytics and publishing
  • Ad tools – Create and manage Facebook ads

Familiarize yourself with all the options available in the Tools menu at the top. They can save you time and effort.

Top Facebook business tools

Some particularly useful Facebook business tools include:

  • Page Manager – Manage page on mobile
  • Creator Studio – Analyze performance
  • Content Suggestions – Ideas for engaging posts
  • Creative Hub – Make graphics and videos
  • Ad Center – Run targeted ads

Leverage these tools to manage, promote and track your Facebook business page more effectively.


Creating and optimizing a Facebook business page provides a robust online presence for companies to reach and engage customers.

Make sure to completely fill out your business details, post consistently, promote the page across channels, monitor analytics and take advantage of Facebook’s tools.

With an active and optimized Facebook business page, you can build meaningful connections with your audience and drive real business growth.