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How do I create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook?

How do I create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook?

Facebook provides a simple way for users to create online fundraisers for their birthdays. By setting up a birthday fundraiser, you can raise money for a cause you care about while letting your friends and family celebrate your special day.

What is a Facebook birthday fundraiser?

A Facebook birthday fundraiser allows you to raise money for a nonprofit organization of your choice. Your friends and family can donate to your fundraiser as a way to celebrate your birthday. The donations will go directly to the nonprofit organization, not to you personally.

Facebook birthday fundraisers have become increasingly popular over the past few years. They provide a seamless way for people to give back on their birthdays. According to Facebook, over $1 billion has been raised for nonprofits through birthday fundraisers since the feature launched in 2017.

Benefits of a Facebook birthday fundraiser

There are several benefits to setting up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook:

  • It’s an easy way to fundraise for a cause you care about. You don’t have to plan and organize a big fundraising event.
  • 100% of the donations go to your selected nonprofit. Facebook covers the processing fees.
  • Your friends get a notification about your fundraiser, making it easy for them to donate.
  • You can share your impact with friends and family after your fundraiser ends.
  • It’s integrated with Facebook, so setup only takes a few minutes.

How to set up a birthday fundraiser

Setting up a birthday fundraiser through Facebook is easy and only takes a few steps:

  1. Go to Facebook and click “Fundraisers” in the left menu.
  2. Click the “Raise Money” button.
  3. Select the “Birthday” option.
  4. Select the nonprofit you want donations to go to. You can search for a specific organization.
  5. Customize your fundraiser title and story explaining why you’re fundraising.
  6. Set a fundraising goal amount.
  7. Select a cover photo and customize other settings.
  8. Click “Create” to publish your fundraiser.

Once your fundraiser is live, share it with friends and family to spread the word. The fundraiser will automatically close on your birthday, so there’s no additional work needed on your end.

Tips for a successful birthday fundraiser

Here are some tips to run a successful birthday fundraiser on Facebook and raise more money for your cause:

  • Set an achievable fundraising goal. Aim for an amount you think your network can reasonably donate.
  • Pick an organization and cause you genuinely care about. Your passion will show through.
  • Use a customized cover photo and description. Share why this matters to you.
  • Promote your fundraiser widely leading up to your birthday. Post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Send personalized messages to close family and friends who can donate. They often give the most.
  • Post updates and thank donors throughout your campaign.
  • Consider matching donations to incentivize giving. For example, commit to matching the first $100 raised.

Can I create a fundraiser for myself?

No, Facebook birthday fundraisers must be set up to benefit a registered nonprofit organization. You cannot create a fundraiser that deposits the money into your personal bank account. The fundraiser is intended as a charitable gift on your behalf, not personal fundraising.

If you try to create a birthday fundraiser benefiting yourself, your page, or anyone that’s not a nonprofit, Facebook will remove the fundraiser for violating their terms. All donations must go to an eligible tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charitable organization.

What nonprofits can I fundraise for?

You can raise money for any nonprofit organization that’s registered with Facebook as a valid 501(c)(3) charity. To get started, search for the organization you want when setting up your fundraiser.

Here are some types of organizations commonly selected for Facebook birthday fundraisers:

  • Medical research organizations, like the American Cancer Society
  • Humanitarian aid groups, like UNICEF
  • Animal welfare charities, like ASPCA
  • Environmental organizations, like the Sierra Club
  • Youth development nonprofits, like Boys and Girls Clubs

You can also fundraise for local community foundations, food banks, women’s shelters, or any cause that has meaning for you.

Do I need to prove it’s my birthday?

No, you do not need to provide proof of your birthday to Facebook when setting up a birthday fundraiser. Facebook trusts users to provide accurate birthday information.

In some cases, Facebook may require ID verification if they suspect fundraiser abuse. But in general, no documentation is needed unless requested.

Can I extend the end date past my birthday?

When you first create your birthday fundraiser, the end date is automatically set to your birthday. However, you can choose to extend the end date up to 30 days beyond your initial fundraiser close date.

Here are instructions to extend a Facebook birthday fundraiser:

  1. Go to your fundraiser and click “Edit Fundraiser” at the top.
  2. Click “Extend End Date” and choose a new end date up to 30 days after your birthday.
  3. Click “Confirm” to apply the new end date.

Extending your end date gives your supporters a little more time to see and donate to your fundraiser after your birthday has passed.

Can I cancel or delete a fundraiser?

Yes, you can cancel or delete a Facebook birthday fundraiser any time before your birthday. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your fundraiser and click “Edit Fundraiser” at the top.
  2. Select the option to cancel or delete your fundraiser.
  3. Confirm that you want to cancel/delete the fundraiser.

Once confirmed, your fundraiser will immediately stop accepting new donations and will be removed. Any donations already made will still go to your selected nonprofit.

However, once your birthday passes, you can no longer cancel or delete the fundraiser. At that point, all donations will be finalized and sent to the nonprofit.


Launching a Facebook birthday fundraiser is an easy and effective way to celebrate your special day while making a positive impact. With Facebook’s large platform, you can quickly raise money from friends and family for your chosen nonprofit.

To recap, here are some tips to create a successful birthday fundraiser:

  • Pick a meaningful cause and set a reasonable goal
  • Tell your story to share why you’re fundraising
  • Promote your fundraiser leading up to your birthday
  • Send personalized outreach to close connections
  • Post updates and thank donors during your campaign
  • Extend your end date if needed to keep momentum going

By putting in some effort, your birthday can make a bigger impact. The funds you raise through your Facebook fundraiser will support much-needed programs and services provided by nonprofit organizations.