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How do I copyright my content on Facebook?

How do I copyright my content on Facebook?

Facebook has become one of the most popular platforms for sharing content online. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it’s easy to reach a large audience by posting on Facebook. However, this also means that your original content is at risk of being copied or shared without your permission. While Facebook does have measures in place to report copyright infringement, officially registering your content with the U.S. Copyright Office provides extra protection.

What can be copyrighted on Facebook?

The types of content that can be copyrighted when posted on Facebook include:

  • Original written content like blog posts, articles, stories, poems, etc.
  • Original videos
  • Original music recordings
  • Original artwork like drawings, paintings, photographs, etc.
  • Computer software code

It’s important to note that you can only copyright content you created yourself. Shareable content like memes and viral videos usually cannot be copyrighted unless you created the original content yourself.

How copyright works on Facebook

Copyright exists automatically as soon as you create an original work like a blog post, video, song, etc. However, registration with the Copyright Office provides additional benefits:

  • It creates a public, dated record of your copyright.
  • It allows you to sue for infringement in federal court.
  • It allows you to claim statutory damages and attorney’s fees in infringement lawsuits.

Registering with the Copyright Office costs $45 per work. You can register multiple works together for $85.

Steps to copyright your content

Follow these steps to officially register your content with the Copyright Office:

  1. Make sure your content is eligible for copyright protection. It must be original content you created.
  2. Complete an application for copyright registration on the Copyright Office website. You’ll need to provide details about the work like title, description, publication date, etc.
  3. Pay the $45 registration fee (or $85 for multiple works).
  4. Upload an electronic copy of your work. For writings, you can upload it as a PDF. For videos and music, upload the digital file.
  5. You’ll receive an official certificate of registration 4-7 months later if your claim is approved.

Keep in mind you can register your content any time during its copyright term. However, there are benefits to registering within 3 months of publishing, so do it as soon as possible.

How to protect copyright on Facebook

Once your content is registered, here are some tips to help protect your copyright on Facebook:

  • Add a copyright notice like “Copyright [Your Name] [Year]” at the bottom of written posts or in the description of visual content. This puts others on notice that you own the copyright.
  • Disable the ability for viewers to download your videos and music. This prevents them from copying and redistributing files.
  • Avoid making your posts “public” unless necessary. Share with only your friends or a limited group instead.
  • Watermark your visual content like images, videos, and artwork. This makes it harder for others to claim they created it.

Facebook’s Terms of Service

You should also be aware of how Facebook’s Terms of Service relate to copyright:

  • Facebook requires you to grant them a non-exclusive license to the content you post. This allows them to display and distribute your content within the platform.
  • This license ends when you delete content or your account unless it was reshared by others.
  • You maintain ownership of your intellectual property. Facebook does not claim ownership of your content.

So you retain copyright of your works and the ability to register them, despite Facebook’s license policy.

How to report copyright infringement

If someone has shared your copyrighted content without your authorization, here is how to report it:

  1. Click the three dots above the infringing post and select “Find Support or Report Post.”
  2. Choose “I think it shouldn’t be on Facebook” and then “It’s unauthorized use of my intellectual property.”
  3. Select the type of content being infringed on.
  4. Explain how your content is being used without your permission.
  5. Provide contact information so Facebook can reach you for more information.

Facebook will then review your claim and remove the infringing content if it violates their policies. Keep in mind they may ask you for verification like a copyright registration.

Infringement penalties

If someone continues to post infringing content after you’ve reported them, or if the copyright violation is severe, you may choose to take legal action. Remedies for copyright infringement include:

  • Injunction – A court order for the infringer to stop violating your rights.
  • Monetary damages – Compensation for loss of profits and indirect damages.
  • Statutory damages – Up to $150,000 per work infringed.
  • Attorney’s fees – The infringer pays your legal costs.
  • Criminal penalties – Fines and jail time in cases of willful infringement.

Consider hiring a copyright lawyer to help you pursue damages and stop unauthorized use of your creative work.

How to avoid infringing others’ copyright

While it’s important to protect your own copyrights, be careful not to infringe on works created by others. Avoid the following:

  • Reposting or sharing content you did not create without permission.
  • Using significant portions of copyrighted material like lyrics, artwork, videos, etc.
  • Altering and then sharing copyrighted content.

Stick to sharing your own original creations or content that is in the public domain or licensed under Creative Commons. And when in doubt, get permission from the content owner before using something you did not create.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register each Facebook post separately?

No, you can register groups of posts together. For example, you could register all blog posts published on your Facebook Page over the past 3 months under one registration.

Can I register content retroactively?

Yes, you’re allowed to register your content at any point during its copyright term. However, there are benefits to registering within 3 months of publishing.

What happens if I don’t register my content?

You still have basic copyright protection without registration. However, you won’t be able to file a lawsuit over infringement or claim statutory damages.

Should I pay for a service to register copyrights for me?

No, you can easily register your own copyrights through the U.S. Copyright Office website. There are businesses that offer registration services, but they usually overcharge.

How long does copyright last on Facebook posts?

Copyright lasts for your lifetime plus 70 years. For anonymous posts or works published under a pseudonym, copyright lasts 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation.


Registering your content with the U.S. Copyright Office and utilizing Facebook’s reporting tools provides the best protection against unauthorized use. Make sure to register within 3 months and add copyright notices to deter infringement. Avoid sharing content you didn’t create yourself. And consult an attorney if you need to take legal action against a persistent infringer abusing your creative work.