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How do I convert Facebook profile to page?

How do I convert Facebook profile to page?

Converting a personal Facebook profile to a Facebook Page can be a great way for entrepreneurs, businesses, brands, public figures, artists, and other professionals to establish a presence on Facebook. While a personal profile is limited to 5,000 friends and is designed for individual personal use, a Facebook Page offers more customization options and can be followed by an unlimited number of people. Here are some quick answers about how to convert a Facebook profile to a Page:

Why Convert a Facebook Profile to a Page?

There are several key reasons you may want to convert your individual Facebook profile to a Facebook Page:

  • Pages allow unlimited followers – Profiles max out at 5,000 friends
  • Pages offer more customization options like adds, calls-to-action, and detailed analytics
  • Pages can represent businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, artists, or concepts rather than just individuals
  • Pages appear more professional and legitimate than individual profiles
  • Pages allow you to use Facebook advertising and promotional tools
  • Pages are public by default and designed to connect with audiences

In summary, converting to a Facebook Page enables you to grow a larger audience for your professional endeavors or interests and leverage more of Facebook’s features for connecting with people.

How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a Page

Here is a step-by-step overview of how to convert your individual Facebook profile into a Facebook Page:

  1. Go to and log into your individual profile
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right and select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose a Page category that best describes your purpose (ex: Business/Brand, Entertainment, Community, Public Figure, etc)
  4. Select a more specific subcategory to precisely define your Page’s focus
  5. Enter your desired Page name, typically your business or brand name
  6. Agree to Facebook’s Pages Terms and click “Get Started”
  7. Use the options on the left sidebar to customize your new Page – add a profile photo, description, call-to-action buttons, etc.
  8. Once your Page is published, select “Use Facebook as [Your Page Name]” from the left sidebar
  9. This will switch your interface over to managing your new Page rather than your individual profile

It’s that simple! Within a few clicks you can convert your personal profile into a full-fledged Facebook Page with room to grow your audience.

Things to Do Once You’ve Converted to a Page

Here are some tips for getting your new Facebook Page going:

  • Customize your Page completely – profile and cover photos, description, featured video, call-to-action buttons, contact info, etc.
  • Invite your existing friends/followers to like your new Page
  • Create your first few posts to establish content themes and your brand voice
  • Use Facebook advertising tools to promote your Page and reach new people
  • Engage with followers by responding to messages, comments, shares, and tags
  • Analyze your Page Insights to see your follower demographics and what content resonates best
  • Create content consistently to keep providing value for your audience
  • Promote your Page on other channels like your website, email lists, or other social media

Leveraging best practices for organic and paid growth will help get your Facebook Page found and followed by more of your target audience.

Benefits of Converting a Profile to a Page

Some of the key advantages of managing a Facebook Page rather than a personal profile include:

  • Increased credibility and professional appearance
  • Ability to easily separate personal and professional content
  • Access to Facebook analytics and insights about your audience
  • Unlimited followers and no friend limits
  • Improved customer service options
  • Option to create roles for collaborators and managers
  • Easier promotion across digital channels
  • More advertising and call-to-action tools

Overall, Pages deliver a more powerful presence and greater opportunities for connection than individual profiles.

Potential Drawbacks of Switching to a Page

However, there are a few drawbacks to weigh when deciding whether to convert your profile:

  • Pages have more limited privacy controls than personal profiles
  • Admins may need to manage collaboration with any other assigned Page roles
  • Building a following from scratch takes consistent time and effort
  • Pages must comply with Facebook’s policies for acceptable content
  • Some Facebook features work differently or are unavailable for Pages

For most professional needs though, Pages provide significant advantages over individual profiles.

What Happens to Your Profile After Converting?

When you convert your profile to a Page, here is what happens:

  • Your individual profile remains intact and unchanged
  • You admin both your original profile and new Page from the same account
  • You can switch between managing your profile and Page in the left sidebar
  • Friends from your profile are not automatically connected to your new Page
  • Any content posted before converting remains on your profile only

So your individual profile does not merge or move to the Page in any way. The two coexist independently while you administer both from the same Facebook account.

Can You Convert a Page Back to a Profile?

Facebook does not let you directly convert a Page back into a profile. However, you can:

  • Delete your Page if you no longer need it
  • Create a new personal profile to use instead of your original one
  • Manually re-friend people from your old profile to your new one

This process takes more effort but essentially lets you replace an old profile with a new one if you no longer wish to use a Page.

Best Practices for Managing a Facebook Page

Here are some top tips for administering your Facebook Page effectively after converting your profile:

  • Check notifications and messages daily to address follower inquiries
  • Respond promptly and transparently to all user comments and reviews
  • Analyze Page Insights to create content that your audience responds well to
  • Post at optimal times when your followers are most active on Facebook
  • Use high-quality photos, video, and multimedia content
  • Promote consistent brand messaging across your Page and other channels
  • Engage followers by asking questions, running polls, and encouraging shares
  • Tag relevant users and Pages to expand reach on your posts
  • Create and use Facebook events to promote special dates
  • Follow Facebook’s terms of service and content policies

Staying active, listening to your audience, and following best practices will help you succeed with your new Facebook Page.

How Do I Change My Page’s Category?

Facebook allows Page owners to change their Page category if needed to better reflect their purpose. To change your Page category:

  1. Go to your Page’s “About” section
  2. Click on the current category below your Page name
  3. Select “Update Public Category” in the dropdown menu
  4. Choose a new overall category that fits your Page better
  5. Select a specific subcategory within that category group
  6. Click “Update” to save your new Page category

This will change the category seen on your public Page. However, Facebook may require your Page to meet certain eligibility criteria for some restricted categories like small business.

Can I Merge Multiple Profiles Into One Page?

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow merging multiple individual profiles into a single Page. Each profile can only be converted into its own separate Page. If you administer multiple profiles that you wish to consolidate into one presence, you have a couple options:

  • Manually invite followers from the other profiles to like your main Page
  • Share and promote your new Page on the other profiles to reach their audiences
  • Post from your main Page as your other profiles and direct people there
  • Use Facebook advertising tools to target the other profiles’ friends and followers

With some effort, you can transition audiences from multiple profiles over to a centralized Page. But the profiles themselves cannot merge during the conversion process.

Can I Convert My Private Profile?

Facebook requires profiles to be public in order to convert to Pages. If your profile is private, you must first change your privacy settings to make your profile public before being able to convert it.

Here are the steps to make your profile public:

  1. Go to your profile and click the three dots in the top right corner
  2. Select “View As…” from the dropdown menu
  3. This will preview your profile as a member of the public sees it. Click “Back to Profile”
  4. Go to your profile menu and choose “Settings & Privacy”
  5. Click on the “Privacy” tab and then “Activity Status”
  6. Under “Who can see your future activity?” select “Public”

Once your profile is fully public with no restrictions, you will be able to convert it to a Page as desired.

Can I Have Multiple Pages?

Yes, there is no limit to the number of Facebook Pages you can administer from a single profile. You can create and manage as many Pages as you want representing different brands, businesses, initiatives, etc.

To set up multiple Pages:

  1. Convert your profile to your first Page following the normal steps
  2. Use the left sidebar to switch back to your personal profile
  3. Click “Create Page” again to make another one
  4. Repeat to create additional Pages for all your needs
  5. Quickly access and switch between your Pages from the left sidebar

Running several Pages from the same account allows great flexibility for both personal and professional use of Facebook.

Can I Pass My Converted Page to Someone Else?

Yes, Facebook Pages have tools that allow transferring ownership of a Page to another person if desired. As the admin of a Page converted from your profile, you can:

  • Give other editors, moderators, advertisers, etc. specific roles and permissions for your Page without passing full control
  • Make another Facebook user an admin on your Page to jointly manage it
  • Remove yourself as an admin, leaving someone else as the sole admin and owner
  • Delete the Page if you no longer want it to exist

Using Page roles and admin tools allows you to transfer control of your Page to someone else while retaining your original profile.

What’s the Difference Between Personal and Professional Accounts?

With a personal Facebook account you get:

  • News feed based on friends and family
  • Profile focused on personal identity and connections
  • Ability to have up to 5,000 friends
  • Limits on promotions and advertising
  • More privacy controls on content
  • Features catered to individual personal use

With a professional Facebook account as a Page you get:

  • News feed based on followers and engagement
  • Profile focused on representing a brand, business, or public figure
  • No limit on number of Page followers
  • More options for advertising and promotions
  • Public-facing content
  • Features tailored for organizations, companies, and broadcasts

Pages facilitate professional public outreach, while personal profiles enable private connections with friends and family.

Should I Create a New Profile for Professional Use?

Rather than maintain separate profiles for personal and professional use, most users find it easier to just convert their existing profile into a professional Page. Maintaining two separate profiles on the same account often creates confusion. A single profile alongside your converted Page simplifies management and segmentation.

Dedicated business marketing profiles also have downsides like:

  • Unable to interact with existing personal friends/followers
  • Difficulty remigrating audiences to new profile
  • Starting professional presence from scratch
  • Juggling multiple profiles on one account

For most users, converting your current profile to a Page rather than creating an entirely new professional profile makes best sense.

Can I Have Both a Public Figure and Business Page?

Yes, you can certainly have both a public figure Page and a business Page on the same Facebook account. These two types of Pages are used for slightly different purposes:

  • Public figure Page – Promotes an individual in arts, sports, media, etc. Focused on personal brand.
  • Business Page – Represents an organization, company, or brand. Focused on commercial activities.

Many entrepreneurs, celebrities, and thought leaders maintain both a public figure Page highlighting their work and persona as well as a business Page for commercial ventures associated with their personal brand. You can efficiently manage both Pages from the same profile.

Should My Personal Profile Follow My Own Page?

It’s generally recommended not to “Like” your own Facebook Page from your individual profile. Your personal profile and Page will remain connected regardless. Having your individual profile follow your Page:

  • Looks promotional or inauthentic to some followers
  • Can clutter your personal profile’s news feed with Page updates
  • Provides little incremental benefit for your Page

However, you can Like and Follow your own Facebook Page from other Pages you administer to help cross-promote your initiatives. Just avoid linking your personal profile and Page to keep things clean.

Can I Revert My Page Back to a Profile?

Once you convert your personal Facebook profile into a Page, there is no direct way to convert the Page back into a profile again natively through Facebook. However, you do have a couple options to essentially recreate your old personal profile:

  • You can create an entirely new profile using a different name
  • Manually re-friend request your contacts from your original profile
  • Delete your old profile that was converted into a Page

This process allows you to effectively replace a Page with a new personal profile. Just be aware that content from your original profile will not transfer over.


Converting your personal Facebook profile to a professional Page opens up more opportunities for branding, advertising, audience growth, and business presence. Take advantage of the flexibility Facebook offers to tailor both a personal profile and professional Page to suit all your social media needs on the same account. With the right strategy, converting to a Page can take your Facebook presence to the next level.