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How do I convert a VB file to FB?

How do I convert a VB file to FB?

Converting a VB (Visual Basic) file to FB (FileBuilder) format allows you to edit and manipulate VB files in the FileBuilder program. FileBuilder is a visual programming tool that enables developers to build applications without writing code. By converting VB files to FB, you gain access to FileBuilder’s drag-and-drop interface and editing capabilities.

What is a VB file?

VB (Visual Basic) is a programming language developed by Microsoft. VB files contain source code written in the VB language. These files are typically used to create apps, software, and programs for Windows operating systems.

Some key characteristics of VB files include:

  • Have a .vb file extension
  • Contain VB source code with classes, procedures, variables, etc.
  • Used for developing apps, desktop programs, macros, and websites
  • Run on Windows and in the .NET framework
  • Compatible with Visual Studio IDE

In summary, VB files store source code in the Visual Basic language. Developers use them to write and edit VB programs on Windows platforms.

What is FileBuilder?

FileBuilder is a visual programming platform used to build desktop and web applications. It utilizes a drag-and-drop interface that allows developers to insert and arrange pre-built code modules instead of writing code from scratch.

Some key features of FileBuilder include:

  • Drag-and-drop interface for building apps visually
  • Pre-built code modules for tasks like reading files, connecting to databases, etc.
  • Generates source code in languages like VB, C#, Java, PHP, etc.
  • Requires no traditional coding knowledge
  • Desktop and web app development capabilities
  • Community library with shared modules

In summary, FileBuilder provides a code-free way to develop apps by arranging visual blocks rather than typing code yourself. It outputs source code files like VB that can then be compiled into executable programs.

Why convert VB files to FB format?

There are a few key reasons why a developer may want to convert their VB files into FB format:

  • Edit VB code visually – In FileBuilder, you can visually manipulate the elements of your VB program using drag-and-drop editing.
  • Generate VB code – FileBuilder allows you to generate and export VB source code files from your visual project.
  • No coding knowledge needed – FileBuilder’s visual interface means you don’t need to know VB syntax and coding to build apps.
  • Rapid application development – You can quickly develop apps by arranging visual code blocks instead of writing code line-by-line.
  • Community code modules – Access FileBuilder’s module library for ready-made VB code snippets and controls.

In summary, converting VB to FB allows developers to visually edit, manipulate, and generate VB code using FileBuilder’s intuitive drag-and-drop tools.

How to convert a VB file to FB format

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to convert a VB file to FB format:

  1. Install FileBuilder – Download and install FileBuilder on your Windows computer from
  2. Open FileBuilder – Launch the FileBuilder app and start a new visual programming project.
  3. Import VB file – In your FileBuilder project, go to Project > Import Source Code and select your .vb file.
  4. Edit visually – The VB project will now be imported into the visual editor. You can drag-and-drop code modules to manipulate the project visually.
  5. Add modules from Library – Enhance your project by adding visual modules from the Community Library.
  6. Generate VB code – When ready, go to Project > Export Source Code to generate an updated .vb file with your changes.

Once in FB format, you can continue editing and enhancing your VB project visually using FileBuilder. The drag-and-drop interface makes it much easier to develop and modify VB applications visually rather than editing code.

Convert VB to FB using the FileBuilder API

FileBuilder also offers an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to automate the conversion process from VB to FB programmatically:

  1. Reference API libraries – Add references in your project to the FileBuilder API libraries.
  2. Create FB object – Initialize a new instance of the FileBuilderMain class.
  3. Load VB project – Call the LoadVBProject method, passing your .vb file path.
  4. Export FB project – Convert the VB project to FB format using the ExportFBProject method.

This will programmatically load the VB project into memory and export it out as an FB file without needing to use the visual FileBuilder interface.

Here is some example C# code for using the FileBuilder API to convert from VB to FB:

// Reference the FileBuilder API 
using FileBuilder;

FileBuilderMain fb = new FileBuilderMain();

// Load VB file

// Export to FB  

This provides an automated approach to convert VB to FB using a few lines of code instead of manual steps.

Pros and cons of converting VB to FB

Some pros of converting VB files to FB format include:

  • Visual drag-and-drop interface
  • Easier to understand code structure
  • Enhanced with pre-built modules
  • Rapid application development
  • Develop apps without coding knowledge

Some cons to consider:

  • Loss of some code nuance and control
  • FB projects take up more memory
  • Complex VB projects may be hard to visualize
  • Steep learning curve for FileBuilder platform


Converting VB files to FB format enables developers to edit projects visually using FileBuilder’s intuitive interface. It removes the need to manually code in VB and allows you to drag-and-drop modules to construct an application.

To summarize, here are the key steps to convert a VB file to FB format:

  1. Install FileBuilder
  2. Create a new FB project
  3. Import the VB file
  4. Visually edit the imported code
  5. Add modules from the Library
  6. Export updated VB source code

The API can also automate VB to FB conversion programmatically. Overall, converting to FB provides visual tools but loses some code control. Evaluate your needs to decide if a visual paradigm like FileBuilder suits your VB application development.