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How do I control who can see my Marketplace listing?

How do I control who can see my Marketplace listing?

When listing an item for sale on Facebook Marketplace, it’s important to understand how to control who can view and access your listing. Facebook provides sellers with options to manage visibility and reach for Marketplace listings. Here’s an overview of how to control your audience on Facebook Marketplace.

Making Your Listing Public or Private

The first setting to understand is the “Who can see your listing?” option when creating or editing a Marketplace post. There are two options:

  • Public: Anyone on or off Facebook can see your listing
  • Private: Only people you choose can see your listing

Making a listing public expands the potential audience and reach for your product. Any Facebook user or non-registered guest visiting Marketplace will be able to see and engage with your post. This is the best option if maximum exposure is your top priority.

A private listing is only visible to people you select. This is ideal if you prefer to limit visibility or have a specific buyer in mind. For example, you may want to only share a listing with local neighbors interested in the product. Private listings won’t appear in Marketplace feeds and can only be seen if you directly share the link.

Limiting Visibility with Location Settings

In addition to the overall privacy setting, sellers can also limit visibility based on location. There are a few options for location-based availability:

  • Same city or town: Listing can only be seen by people in your city or town
  • Same region: Expands visibility to your county/state
  • Nearby areas: Listing can be seen within approximate 50 mile radius
  • Same country: Listing is visible nationwide to others in your country
  • Worldwide: Anyone globally can see your listing

Choosing a narrower geographic radius like city/town or region adds another layer of control over who can view and engage with your listing. This is useful if you’d prefer to sell locally or want to price items based on local demand.

Limiting Interactions with Comments

By default, anyone can comment on public Marketplace listings. As the seller, you can limit this feature if you only want interested buyers to contact you directly. Here’s how:

  1. Click the 3-dots icon in the top right of your Marketplace listing
  2. Select Edit Settings
  3. Toggle off the option for Allow others to comment on your item

This will prevent random users from asking questions or leaving remarks on your listing. Only you and interested buyers who you share contact info with will be able to communicate.

Using Tags to Target Specific Groups

Facebook allows Marketplace sellers to add tags to listings to make them discoverable to certain groups or communities. You can use this feature to fine tune visibility.

Some examples include:

  • Local neighborhood name
  • School name
  • Industry terms like “photography” or “textbooks”
  • Group names like “moms group” or “classmates”

Adding relevant tags will expose your listing to members of those groups or people interested in related topics. It’s an easy way to get your listing in front of targeted niches without making it fully public.

Limiting to Facebook Friends Only

If you want to limit visibility exclusively to people you’re connected with on Facebook, there is an option to show your listing to friends only.

When creating a new listing, select “Private” for the privacy setting. Then check the box for “Only show to friends”. This ensures that only people on your Facebook friends list will ever see your Marketplace content.

The downside is that you are severely limiting potential reach and engagement. But for high value items or situations where you only want to sell to people you know, this friends-only setting may be ideal.

Using Marketplace Groups to Target Locations or Interests

Facebook Marketplace Groups provide another way to publish listings to specific audiences. Groups are focused around location, interests, schools, occupations, and other niches.

For example, you could join groups for:

  • Your city, neighborhood, or county
  • Local moms, students, or hobbyists
  • Selling specific item types like cars, real estate, or textbooks

Posting your listing in relevant groups exposes it only to group members. This lets you tap into targeted communities who may have interest without publicly listing the item in main Marketplace.

Restricting Pickup or Delivery Area

For listings involving local pickup or delivery, you can define the geographic radius where you’re willing to conduct the transaction. Set a reasonable area based on how far you’re willing to drive.

This filters out buyers outside your pickup zone. You can adjust the radius wider if you want more visibility or narrower for a more convenient local transaction.

Asking Questions to Qualify Buyers

On high value listings like cars, real estate, or antique items, you may want to add screening questions to qualify interested buyers.

In the listing description, you can ask interested buyers to respond with answers to specific questions before you provide more info or arrange a sale.

Some examples of pre-qualifying questions:

  • What’s your intended use for this item?
  • Do you have financing already arranged?
  • Are you able to pick up the item yourself?
  • Please confirm your contact information

Serious buyers will thoughtfully answer your questions. It adds a layer of vetting to filter out lookie-loos or fake accounts. You gain more confidence that interested respondents have means and intent to follow through.

Avoiding Scams and Bad Buyers

Here are some additional tips to avoid problem buyers and keep your Marketplace transactions safe and secure:

  • Review buyer profiles – Check that interested buyers have authentic looking Facebook accounts with real history and connections.
  • Avoid shipping – Don’t ship high value items. Require local pickup so you can meet buyer in person.
  • Meet in public – Arrange the transaction at a safe public place like a shopping center or police station parking lot.
  • Accept payment securely – Avoid wire transfers, checks or cash. Opt for secured electronic payments through Facebook or services like PayPal.
  • Trust your instincts – If anything seems suspicious, move on. There are plenty of legitimate buyers out there.


Facebook Marketplace gives sellers a lot of control to manage visibility and engage only interested buyers. Start with overall privacy settings, location options, and local pickup radius to limit the audience. For high value listings, add buyer screening and vetting processes. Following Facebook’s tips and your own common sense goes a long way in Marketplace safety.