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How do I contact Facebook directly to restore my account?

How do I contact Facebook directly to restore my account?

Having your Facebook account disabled or deactivated can be extremely frustrating. Facebook accounts can be disabled for a variety of reasons, such as suspicious activity or violating Facebook’s terms of service. While automated systems disable most accounts, you may be able to appeal the decision and restore access if you contact Facebook directly and provide additional information.

Understanding Facebook Account Disables

There are a few key things to understand about disabled Facebook accounts:

  • Account disabled vs. account deactivated – A disabled account is one that Facebook has proactively suspended for violations or suspicious activity. A deactivated account is one that the user chose to temporarily delete but can be restored.
  • Length of disabling – Accounts may be disabled temporarily (1-7 days) or indefinitely. Temporary disables allow users to restore access after the time period by logging back in. Indefinite disables require going through the appeals process.
  • Reasons for disable – Common reasons include suspicious/unusual activity, fake accounts, hate speech, bullying, nudity, terrorism, sexual exploitation, violence/harm, spam, and more.
  • Appeals – Users can appeal disabled accounts by providing additional information via the Facebook Help Center.

Contacting Facebook Directly

If your Facebook account has been disabled, you have a few options for contacting Facebook directly to appeal the decision and restore access:

Submit an Appeal Through the Facebook Help Center

The Facebook Help Center allows users to submit appeals if they believe their account was wrongly disabled. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Help Center and search for “disabled account.”
  2. Click “My Personal Account is Disabled.”
  3. Select “I think my account was disabled by mistake.”
  4. Choose the reason your account was disabled based on Facebook’s message.
  5. Provide additional details on why you believe the account was wrongly disabled.
  6. Upload a photo of yourself to confirm identity.

This is the recommended way to submit a direct appeal to Facebook. It may take 1-2 weeks to hear back after submitting the appeal.

Use the Facebook Disabled Account Contact Form

Facebook also has a specific contact form for disabled accounts that goes directly to their Disabled Account Review Team. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address associated with the disabled account.
  3. Enter the text shown in the captcha image.
  4. Click “Search.”
  5. Select your account in the dropdown if it appears.
  6. Explain why you believe the account was wrongly disabled.
  7. Provide any other details that can help with the investigation.
  8. Click “Send.”

This goes directly to a specialized team at Facebook for disabled accounts. However, it may take longer to receive a response than submitting an appeal through the Help Center.

Use the Facebook Account Reactivation Form

If your account was self-deactivated but you want to restore it, you can use the reactivation form:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address associated with the deactivated account.
  3. Click “Search.”
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your identity.

This form is specifically for reactivating self-deactivated accounts – it won’t work to appeal disabling by Facebook.

Call Facebook Support

If the above options don’t work, the last resort is to contact Facebook by phone. The number for account support is 1-650-543-4800.

A few tips for calling:

  • Double check that the number is current before calling.
  • Call during normal business hours for faster response.
  • Write down details about your case ahead of time.
  • Be prepared to verify your identity and account ownership.
  • Clearly explain why you believe the account disable was a mistake.
  • Take notes on what the representative says.
  • Stay calm and polite to get better assistance.

Calling takes more time and effort, but you’ll get to speak directly to a Facebook representative who may be able to reactivate your account if you provide the right details.

Tips for Avoiding Disabled Accounts

The best way to avoid having your Facebook account disabled is to prevent violations and suspicious activity in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Use your real name and information when setting up the account.
  • Only connect with people you know – don’t accept random friend requests.
  • Don’t purchase followers, likes or other engagement.
  • Avoid spam, hate speech and bullying.
  • Don’t violate Facebook’s Terms of Service.
  • Secure your account with two-factor authentication.
  • Don’t click suspicious third-party links.
  • Report fake or imposter accounts when you see them.
  • Limit third-party app permissions and sharing.

Following Facebook’s guidelines closely, securing your account, and reporting suspicious activity can help prevent involuntary disables that require going through the appeals process.

What to Do If You Can’t Restore Your Account

If you go through all the recommended steps but still can’t get Facebook to restore access to your disabled account, there are a few options:

  • Wait and re-appeal – Sometimes accounts are temporarily disabled for violations. You can try waiting 1-2 weeks and going through the appeals process again.
  • Create a new account – Make sure not to violate policies with the new account. Do not try to replicate the old account as this appears suspicious.
  • Use an alternative – Consider similar platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or TikTok for connecting with friends if you can’t restore your Facebook access.
  • Request data from Facebook – You can request archives of your data and posts for memories and records even if the account stays disabled.

Losing access to Facebook can be upsetting, especially if you invested time cultivating connections and content. But in some cases there are limited options for regaining access to disabled accounts.


Having your Facebook account disabled can be frustrating, but you have options for contacting Facebook to appeal the decision and restore access. Submitting an appeal through the Help Center is the recommended first step. If that doesn’t work, try the disabled account contact form, reactivation form, or calling support. Preventing violations and securing your account from the start makes disables less likely. If you still can’t regain access, wait and re-appeal, create a new account, use alternatives, or request your data archives from Facebook.