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How do I connect Zoho social to Facebook?

How do I connect Zoho social to Facebook?

Connecting Zoho Social to Facebook allows you to manage your Facebook pages and profiles directly from the Zoho Social platform. This integration provides a unified workspace to publish content, analyze metrics, manage comments and messages, and more. The connection process only takes a few minutes to set up.

What are the benefits of connecting Zoho Social and Facebook?

Some key benefits of connecting Zoho Social and Facebook include:

  • Manage multiple Facebook pages from one dashboard – You can connect unlimited Facebook profiles and pages to your Zoho Social account.
  • Schedule and publish content – Create posts and schedule them to go out at the best times for engagement.
  • Analyze page insights – Monitor page likes, post reach, engagement metrics, demographics, and more.
  • Respond to comments and messages – Reply to comments and private messages from your Facebook inbox in Zoho.
  • Create unified reports – Generate cross-channel reports to understand performance across social networks.
  • Collaborate with your team – Allow multiple team members to collaborate on your Facebook presence from the same Zoho account.

Connecting your Facebook presence to Zoho Social makes social media management more efficient. You can plan, publish, engage, and analyze all from one platform.

How do I connect my Facebook Page to Zoho Social?

Follow these steps to connect your Facebook Page to Zoho Social:

  1. Log in to your Zoho Social account and go to the ‘Channels’ tab.
  2. Click ‘Connect Channel’ and select ‘Facebook’ from the list.
  3. A pop-up window will open – click ‘Get Started’ to begin the connection flow.
  4. Enter your Facebook login credentials when prompted and click ‘Continue’.
  5. Select the Facebook Pages you want to connect by clicking ‘Add This Page’.
  6. Once finished selecting, click ‘Done’.
  7. You will be redirected back to Zoho Social, and a confirmation message will show the Pages connected.

Your Facebook Pages are now linked to your Zoho Social account. You can access and manage them from the left menu bar.

How do I connect my Facebook Profile to Zoho Social?

To connect your personal Facebook profile:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 above to log in and initiate the Facebook connection.
  2. When prompted to select Pages, click ‘Connect My Profile’ at the top of the window.
  3. Click ‘Done’ to confirm.
  4. Your Facebook profile is now linked. Access it from the left menu bar.

Connecting your profile allows you to manage your personal account through Zoho Social.

What content can I publish from Zoho Social to Facebook?

Zoho Social supports publishing a wide range of content types to Facebook including:

  • Text updates – Write posts with text, emojis, hashtags, and @mentions.
  • Images – Upload images and photo albums.
  • Videos – Post videos up to 4K resolution and 20 minutes long.
  • Live videos – Go live on Facebook directly from Zoho.
  • Links – Share external links with custom post text.
  • Events – Promote event details and reminders.

You can attach multiple images, videos, hashtags, and locations to each post. HTML formatting and emoji shortcuts can be used when composing updates.

How do I schedule posts in advance?

To schedule Facebook posts for later:

  1. Compose your post in Zoho Social as usual.
  2. Click the calendar icon to expand the scheduling options.
  3. Select your desired posting date and time.
  4. Click ‘Schedule’ to confirm.

Your post will be queued and automatically published at the set time. You can reschedule or unschedule posts at any point.

Can I analyze my Facebook metrics in Zoho Social?

Yes, connecting your Facebook Pages and Profiles to Zoho Social provides access to in-depth metrics and analytics including:

  • Post reach and engagement
  • Page likes and follower growth
  • Demographics and audience insights
  • Top performing types of content
  • Engagement by date, time, and post
  • Traffic sources driving actions

View metrics by visiting your Facebook Page or Profile in Zoho Social. Switch between data views and date ranges to analyze performance.

What types of Facebook analytics can I view?

Metric Description
Page Likes Number of new Page likes over time.
Reach Number of unique users who saw your posts.
Engagement Rate Percentage of people interacting with your content.
Clicks Number of clicks on links you shared.
Reactions Number of reactions like, love, wow, etc. on your posts.
Comments Number of comments on your posts.
Shares Times people shared your posts with friends.

Monitor these key Facebook metrics over time to identify high-performing content and opportunities for improvement.

Can I respond to Facebook messages and comments in Zoho Social?

Yes, Zoho Social’s integration with Facebook enables you to reply to comments and private messages without leaving the Zoho interface.

To respond to Facebook comments:

  1. Go to the post containing the comment.
  2. Click the comment icon to expand the comments.
  3. Hover over a comment and click the reply icon.
  4. Type your response in the box and click ‘Send’.

To respond to a Facebook message:

  1. Go to the Messages tab in the left menu.
  2. Click the message title to open it.
  3. Type your reply in the message box.
  4. Click ‘Send Message’ when done.

Responding from Zoho allows you to engage followers and customers without switching between apps.

Can I collaborate with my team on Facebook in Zoho Social?

Zoho Social has robust collaboration features to support teamwork:

  • Multiple logins – Add team members within your Zoho account.
  • User roles – Assign roles like Editor, Marketer, and Viewer.
  • Publishing controls – Limit publishing access as needed.
  • @mention colleagues – Notify others by @mentioning them in posts.
  • Assign posts – Assign draft posts for team members to edit and publish.
  • Shared calendar – Plan and schedule content together.

With collaborators and defined user roles, you can work together seamlessly while maintaining control over your business accounts.

How do I add collaborators in Zoho Social?

To add a collaborator:

  1. Go to Settings > Users
  2. Click ‘Add User’
  3. Enter their email address and set user role
  4. Click ‘Add’ to send an invite to the user
  5. They can sign up with the emailed link to access your account

Repeat to add more team members. Adjust roles or revoke access at any time.

What other social networks can I manage with Zoho Social?

In addition to Facebook, Zoho Social supports integration with these other top social networks:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Google My Business

Connect any combination of these channels to manage them from a unified dashboard in Zoho Social.

What special features are available per channel?

Network Notable Features
Twitter Tweet scheduling, analytics, audience insights
Instagram Post scheduling, Instagram stories, promotions
YouTube Video publishing, channel analytics, hashtag tracking
LinkedIn Company page publishing, employee advocacy
Pinterest Board organization, pin scheduling, engagement analytics

Tailor your Zoho Social experience by connecting the channels that matter most for your business goals.


Connecting Zoho Social and Facebook provides a powerful unified social media management experience. Key benefits include publishing content, monitoring analytics, engaging with followers, collaborating with teammates, and managing additional networks – all from one platform. The integration is quick and easy to set up. Follow the steps outlined above to get started connecting your Facebook presence and take your social media marketing to the next level with Zoho Social.