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How do I connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio for free?

How do I connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio for free?

Connecting Facebook Ads to Google Data Studio allows you to visualize and analyze your Facebook advertising data alongside data from other sources. This gives you a more complete picture of your marketing efforts and makes it easier to optimize your ad campaigns. The best part is you can connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio for free without any paid tools or subscriptions!

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process of connecting your Facebook ad account to Data Studio. I’ll cover:

  • Why connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio?
  • How does the Facebook-Data Studio integration work?
  • Step-by-step instructions to connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio
  • Tips for analyzing Facebook Ads data in Data Studio
  • Limitations of the free Facebook-Data Studio connector

Whether you’re new to Data Studio or have used it before, this guide will help you successfully link your Facebook ad data and start unlocking powerful insights.

Why Connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio?

Here are some of the top reasons to connect your Facebook Ads account to Data Studio:

  • Analyze Facebook advertising performance alongside other marketing data for a unified view.
  • Create customized dashboards to monitor Facebook campaign metrics like impressions, clicks, and costs.
  • Compare the performance of multiple ad campaigns using graphs and tables.
  • Break down advertising results by key dimensions like ad creative, audience, geography, etc.
  • Optimize your ad targeting, bids, and budgets based on data-driven insights.
  • Share interactive reports with stakeholders across your business.
  • It’s completely free!

Connecting Facebook Ads to Data Studio brings all your key metrics into one place. Instead of jumping between Facebook Ads Manager and other platforms, you can get a holistic view of your marketing efforts within Data Studio’s customizable dashboards.

How Does the Facebook-Data Studio Integration Work?

Behind the scenes, Facebook has built a connector that allows Data Studio to directly access and import data from Facebook Ads via the Facebook Marketing API.

When you connect your Facebook ad account to Data Studio, you authorize Data Studio to pull data from the Facebook Marketing API on your behalf. The Marketing API serves as the bridge between the two platforms.

Here is a simple step-by-step overview of how the integration works:

  1. The Facebook Marketing API authenticates the connection between Facebook Ads and Data Studio.
  2. When you request data in Data Studio, the Marketing API fetches the latest stats from your Facebook ad account.
  3. Data Studio visualizes the data in reports and dashboards.
  4. The Marketing API continues syncing new data from Facebook Ads so your Data Studio reports stay up-to-date.

So in essence, the Facebook Marketing API powers the bi-directional transfer of data between Facebook Ads and Data Studio. This allows you to visualize and analyze your Facebook advertising data directly within Data Studio.

Step-by-Step Guide to Connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio

Ready to connect Facebook Ads to Data Studio? Here is a simple step-by-step guide:

1. Log in to Data Studio

First, log in to your Google Data Studio account at If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up for free.

2. Create a new Data Studio connector

Once logged in, click on the arrow beside the “Create” button and select “Connectors” from the dropdown menu.

Alternatively, navigate to the Connectors section using the left navigation bar.

This will open the Connectors page.

3. Search for “Facebook Ads”

In the search bar, type in “Facebook Ads” and select the Facebook Ads connector.

4. Authorize & configure the connector

You will be redirected to the Facebook login page. Enter your Facebook credentials to authorize Data Studio.

Next, you will need to choose which Facebook ad accounts you want to connect. Select the appropriate account(s) and click Continue.

Finally, adjust any configuration settings like date range and hit “Connect”.

Once the authorization is complete, the Facebook connector will be added to your Data Studio account.

5. Create a new Data Studio report

Go back to the main Data Studio page and click on the “Blank Report” option to create a new report:

On the next screen, select the Facebook Ads connector as your data source.

You can now build out your report and analyze your Facebook Ads data!

Tips for Analyzing Facebook Ads Data in Data Studio

Here are some tips to help you effectively analyze and optimize your Facebook Ads in Data Studio:

  • Build one overview dashboard for all your Facebook campaigns, then create individual dashboards for each campaign.
  • Add metrics like clicks, impressions, CTR, CPC, and conversions to benchmark performance.
  • Break down campaigns by ad creative, audience, geography, placement, and other dimensions.
  • Compare performance across multiple campaigns using a table or graph.
  • Set up filters to analyze campaigns by date range, ad account, campaign objective, and more.
  • Add percentages to compare metrics over time or across segments.
  • Create dashboards focused on specific goals like brand awareness, video views, lead generation etc.
  • Share dashboards with other teams to align on goals and optimize together.

The Facebook connector makes it easy to visualize all your important advertising metrics in one place. Take advantage of Data Studio’s customizable dashboards and reports to uncover insights that help improve your Facebook ad performance.

Limitations of the Free Facebook-Data Studio Connector

While the standard Facebook connector is free and provides access to a wide array of advertising data, there are some limitations to be aware of:

  • Data is limited to the last 90 days.
  • No support for Facebook’s multi-account structure.
  • No breakdowns by creative versions or individual ads.
  • Limited segmentation capabilities.
  • Only standard campaign metrics available. No support for custom conversions data.
  • No ad level start and end times available.
  • Sync runs only once per day after the integration is set up.

For marketers that need expanded historical data, customization, and more advanced features like attribution modeling, Facebook offers a paid integration between Ads Manager and Data Studio 360.

However, the free connector provides more than enough data for most advertisers to analyze campaign performance and unlock impactful insights. Just keep the limitations in mind as you build out your data analysis.


Connecting Facebook Ads to Google Data Studio is a highly valuable integration for any marketer running Facebook ad campaigns.

With just a few clicks, you can authorize the free Facebook connector and start visualizing your advertising data within Data Studio. This unlocks powerful reporting and analysis capabilities to optimize your ad performance.

While the standard connector has some limitations, it provides comprehensive access to your recent Facebook Ads data. Combine this with Data Studio’s customizable dashboards, and you have an excellent free solution to analyze your Facebook advertising efforts.

So if you’re looking to better understand your Facebook Ads results, improve campaign management, and make data-driven decisions, implementing the Data Studio integration is a must.