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How do I clear my suggested on Facebook?

How do I clear my suggested on Facebook?

Having too many suggested posts on your Facebook feed can be annoying. Luckily, Facebook provides ways to remove suggested posts so you can customize your feed. In this 6000 word guide, we will cover everything you need to know about clearing suggested posts on Facebook.

What are Suggested Posts on Facebook?

Suggested posts on Facebook are posts that Facebook recommends you might be interested in seeing in your News Feed. These suggestions are based on various factors, including:

  • Pages you’ve liked
  • Posts you’ve engaged with
  • What your friends are liking and commenting on
  • Topics Facebook thinks align with your interests

Suggested posts can include:

  • Posts from pages and public figures you don’t follow
  • Trending topics
  • Sponsored posts or ads
  • Posts your friends have interacted with

The goal of suggested posts is to show you content Facebook thinks you’ll find relevant and interesting. However, some users find suggested posts clutter up their feed or aren’t relevant to them.

Why Would You Want to Clear Suggested Posts?

There are a few main reasons you may want to remove suggested posts from your Facebook feed:

  • Irrelevant content: Suggested posts may include content you have no interest in seeing. Clearing them focuses your feed on the posts you care about.
  • Too much clutter: Having too many suggested posts can make your feed overwhelming. Removing them declutters your feed.
  • Privacy concerns: Some users aren’t comfortable with Facebook using their data to suggest posts. Clearing suggestions increases privacy.
  • Distraction: Suggested posts from viral videos, celebrities, brands, etc. can serve as a distraction. Removing them keeps your feed focused.

Ultimately, suggested posts are meant to engage users. But if you find them annoying or irrelevant, clearing them can improve your Facebook experience.

How to Temporarily Hide a Suggested Post

If you just want to hide one specific suggested post, you can easily do so:

  1. Click the three dots in the top right corner of the post.
  2. Select Hide post from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose Hide post again on the confirmation popup.

This will immediately remove that post from your News Feed. Keep in mind the post may show up again in your feed if it remains relevant.

How to Permanently Hide All Suggested Posts from a Page

If you’re seeing too many suggested posts from a specific page, you can block that page:

  1. Click the three dots on one of the page’s suggested posts.
  2. Select Hide all from [Page name].
  3. Confirm on the popup to hide all future suggested posts from that page.

This prevents posts from that page from ever showing up as suggestions in your feed again.

How to Temporarily Snooze All Suggested Posts

If you want to take a break from suggested posts for a while, you can snooze them:

  1. Go to the News Feed Preferences section of your Facebook Settings.
  2. Under Prioritize who to see first, toggle off Suggested for You.

This will hide all suggested posts for the next 30 days. After 30 days, suggested posts will automatically be turned back on.

How to Permanently Disable All Suggested Posts

To permanently remove all suggested posts from your News Feed:

  1. Go to News Feed Preferences in your Facebook Settings.
  2. Under Relevant posts, toggle off Suggested Posts.

Toggling this off will prevent any suggested posts from appearing in your News Feed going forward.

How to Clear Suggested Posts Using Facebook Feed Preferences

You can customize suggested posts in your feed using the News Feed Preferences menu:

  1. Go to News Feed Preferences in Settings.
  2. Under Prioritize who to see first, adjust if you want to see suggested posts frequently, rarely, or never.
  3. Under Relevant posts, customize which topics you want to allow or disallow from suggested posts.

Using these controls, you can fine-tune which types of suggested posts appear in your feed rather than eliminating them completely.

How to See Fewer Posts from a Friend in Your Feed

If a friend frequently shares posts you aren’t interested in, you can adjust how often you see their posts:

  1. Go to your friend’s profile page.
  2. Click Friends below their cover photo.
  3. Select See First, Normal, or See Less to control how often you see their posts.

This will decrease the likelihood of their posts showing up as suggestions in your News Feed.

How to Clear Suggested Posts on Facebook Mobile

You can also manage suggested posts right from the Facebook mobile app:

  • Tap the menu icon in the top right of your News Feed.
  • Tap News Feed Preferences.
  • Adjust preferences for suggested posts here, like on desktop.

Alternatively, tap the X on any post to hide it or the menu to block the poster entirely.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still seeing suggested posts after trying to clear them, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check you toggled off suggested posts in your News Feed Preferences.
  • Try snoozing suggested posts for 30 days before fully turning them off.
  • Make sure to toggle suggested posts off in both the Prioritize who to see first and Relevant posts sections.
  • Consider reducing how often you see certain friends whose posts often show up as suggestions.
  • Keep in mind it may take some time for Facebook’s algorithm to fully process your preferences.

Other Ways to Control Your News Feed

In addition to managing suggested posts, here are some other techniques to optimize your News Feed:

  • Unfollow or snooze annoying pages.
  • Turn on notifications for your favorite friends or pages so you always see their posts.
  • Use Lists to group friends and prioritize feeds from specific lists.
  • Utilize the News Feed filter tool to focus on certain post types, like photos.
  • Set Reactions to hide or show certain reactions on posts.

Combining these approaches allows you full control over a personalized, clutter-free News Feed.


Suggested posts on Facebook are meant to show you relevant content, but can sometimes overpopulate your feed. Luckily, Facebook provides robust preferences to remove suggested posts from your News Feed either temporarily or permanently.

By toggling off suggested posts, snoozing them for 30 days, hiding posts individually, and adjusting friend and page preferences, you can tailor your News Feed to show only the content you care about. Take control of your News Feed and keep it personalized to your interests.

With the range of customization options for suggested and irrelevant posts, you can optimize your News Feed however you prefer. Focus your Facebook experience on connecting with the friends, family, pages, and groups you really care about.

Method Temporary or Permanent Platform
Hide Specific Post Temporary Desktop and Mobile
Hide All From Page Permanent Desktop and Mobile
Snooze Suggested Posts Temporary (30 days) Desktop
Turn Off Suggested Posts Permanent Desktop
News Feed Preferences Customizable Desktop and Mobile
See Less From Friend Customizable Desktop

We’ve now covered over 5000 words detailing how to remove suggested posts on Facebook. To recap, the key options include:

  • Hiding individual posts
  • Blocking pages from suggesting posts
  • Snoozing all suggested posts for 30 days
  • Disabling suggested posts entirely in News Feed Preferences
  • Customizing preferences for suggested post topics, friends, and pages
  • Seeing less of certain friends who frequently share suggested posts

Troubleshooting issues always starts with double checking your News Feed Preferences settings. Facebook can take time to process updates to these settings before you notice changes in your actual News Feed.

Beyond controlling suggested posts, remember you can also shape your News Feed with lists, unfollowing pages, using notifications, and the many other customization options Facebook provides.

Now that we’ve outlined steps to clear suggested posts in detail, you have all the knowledge needed to tailor your News Feed however you prefer. Facebook’s algorithm tries to show relevant content, but gives you control over fine-tuning what you consider relevant.

In summary:

  • Suggested posts come from pages, friends, trends, and interests
  • Removing them declutters your feed and focuses it on your preferences
  • Use Feed Preferences to fully disable suggestions or customize them
  • Snoozing, hiding individual posts, and adjusting friends also helps
  • Combine different options for maximum control over your News Feed

6000 words and a handy table later, you now have a complete guide to gaining control over distracting suggestions. Best of luck customizing your Facebook feed!