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How do I claim my Facebook settlement?

How do I claim my Facebook settlement?

In July 2022, Facebook agreed to pay $90 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it violated users’ privacy by tracking their internet activity even after they logged off the Facebook platform. If you had an active Facebook account between April 2010 and September 2011, you may be eligible to claim part of this settlement.

What is the Facebook settlement about?

The lawsuit alleged that Facebook violated federal and state privacy and wiretapping laws by continuing to track users’ browsing activity even after they logged out of Facebook. This affected users who visited websites that included Facebook “like” or “share” buttons. Facebook claimed it unintentionally collected this data and fixed the issue in 2011.

While Facebook denies any wrongdoing, it agreed to the $90 million settlement to avoid further litigation. The settlement class includes all Facebook users in the U.S. who between April 22, 2010 and September 26, 2011 visited non-Facebook websites that displayed the Facebook “like” button.

Who is eligible for a payment?

You are likely eligible for a payment if you:

  • Had an active Facebook account at any time between April 22, 2010 and September 26, 2011
  • Visited a website during that time period that displayed a Facebook “like” button

Unfortunately, there is no easy way for claimants to definitively prove they visited an affected website. Unless you maintained browsing history records from 2010-2011, you likely must self-certify your eligibility.

How much will payments be?

The $90 million settlement fund will be divided among all class members who file valid claims. Attorneys in the case will also receive up to 20% of the fund as fees.

Because the ultimate number of claimants is still unknown, there is no way to predict precise payment amounts. However, based on past similar settlements, payments are expected to be relatively small, likely ranging from $5 to $50. The final amount will depend on how many class members participate.

How can I file a claim?

You can quickly and easily file a claim by going to the official Facebook settlement website at [settlement website URL]. The filing deadline is [deadline date].

As part of the claim process, you will need to provide:

  • Your name
  • Current mailing address
  • Current email address
  • Facebook username/email used between 2010-2011 (if different than current)

You will also need to certify under penalty of perjury that you were a Facebook user between April 2010 and September 2011 and visited sites displaying the Facebook “like” button during this time.

After submitting your claim, you will receive a confirmation email. Your payment will be issued if the claims administrator verifies your information.

When will I receive my payment?

Payments will be distributed after the claims period ends and all claims are reviewed and approved. This process could take several months. Claimants will be notified by email when payments are ready for distribution.

Payments will be made either by:

  • Electronic deposit into your bank account
  • Paper check mailed to your address

You will not need to take any additional action once your claim is approved to receive your settlement payment.

What if my claim is rejected?

You will receive notification if there are any issues with your claim that would lead to rejection, along with an opportunity to correct any errors or provide additional information. Reasons a claim could be rejected include:

  • Incomplete claim form
  • Unverified or inaccurate personal information
  • Failure to certify regarding Facebook use and site visits
  • Attempt to file duplicate claims

As long as you provide accurate information and certification on your claim form, you should not run into any issues receiving a settlement payment.

What am I giving up to get a payment?

By filing a claim and receiving settlement compensation, you give up your right to sue Facebook separately for the same alleged privacy violations. This includes joining any other lawsuits against Facebook over this issue.

However, your participation in this settlement will not impact any other claims you may have against Facebook unrelated to this particular lawsuit. The settlement does not release Facebook from liability for any other conduct or matters.

Can I exclude myself from the settlement?

Yes, you can opt-out of the settlement class if you do not wish to participate. By excluding yourself, you retain the right to file your own lawsuit against Facebook for the privacy issues alleged in this case.

To opt-out, you must submit a written request to the claims administrator by [exclusion deadline]. Your letter must include:

  • Your name and address
  • A clear statement that you want to be excluded from the Facebook settlement
  • Your signature

You must mail your exclusion request with a postmark no later than [deadline date] to:

[Claims Administrator Address]

If you opt-out, you will not receive any settlement payment nor release Facebook from liability.

Do I have a lawyer representing my interests?

Yes. The Court appointed attorneys from the firms Edelson PC, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, and Labaton Sucharow LLP to represent the class as “Class Counsel.” You will not be charged directly for these lawyers; their fees will be paid from the settlement funds.

You also have the right to hire your own attorney at your own expense if you want individual representation in the case. Your own lawyer does not need to file an appearance at this time for you to participate in the settlement.

How do I object to the settlement?

If you do not opt-out but wish to object to the terms of the settlement itself, you must submit a written statement to the Court explaining why you believe the settlement is unfair, unreasonable, or inadequate.

Your objection must include:

  • Your full name, mailing address, email, and signature
  • The specific grounds for your objections and any supporting documents
  • Proof that you are a class member

You must mail your objection postmarked by [objection deadline] to each of these addresses:

[Court address]

Class Counsel:
[Notice of Class Counsel contact info]

Counsel for Facebook:
[Counsel for Facebook contact info]

You may also hire your own attorney to represent you in your objection at your own expense.

When is the final approval hearing?

The Court will hold a final approval hearing on [final approval hearing date] to determine whether to approve the settlement as fair, reasonable, and adequate. The hearing will take place at [hearing location].

Class members who do not opt-out can ask to speak in Court regarding the settlement, though written objections are also accepted. To speak at the hearing, you must submit a written notice of your intent to appear along with your objection.

How do I get more information?

You can get complete details about the settlement, view court documents, and get claim filing assistance by visiting the Facebook settlement website at [settlement website URL].

You can also call the claims administrator at [phone number] or email [email address] with any questions.

This summary provides the key details, but be sure to visit the settlement website to get comprehensive information on eligibility, filing claims, opting out, objecting, important deadlines, and more. The full legal Class Notice is also available for review.

With a settlement this large, you should consider participating to get your share of the $90 million fund. But act quickly – make sure to file your claim for your cash payment by [deadline date]!

Settlement Benefit Details
Settlement Fund $90 million
Estimated Individual Payment $5 – $50
Claim Filing Deadline [deadline date]
Exclusion (Opt-Out) Deadline [deadline date]
Objection Deadline [deadline date]
Final Approval Hearing [hearing date]


To receive a settlement payment, you must:

  • Have been a Facebook user between April 2010 – September 2011
  • Visited a website with Facebook “like” button during that timeframe

Settlement Website

[settlement website URL]

Contact for More Information

Email: [email address]

Phone: [phone number]