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How do I claim consumer privacy user profile litigation on Facebook?

How do I claim consumer privacy user profile litigation on Facebook?

Facebook is facing multiple lawsuits related to its alleged violations of consumer privacy laws. In 2018, it was revealed that the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica improperly accessed the personal data of 87 million Facebook users without their consent. This led to a class action lawsuit alleging Facebook failed to protect its users’ data and privacy. If you had a Facebook account during the time of the Cambridge Analytica data breach, you may be eligible to join the class action lawsuit and claim a portion of any potential settlement.

What is the Facebook consumer privacy litigation about?

There are currently two main consumer privacy lawsuits against Facebook:

  • A class action lawsuit filed in California alleging Facebook violated consumer protection laws by allowing third parties like Cambridge Analytica to access its users’ data without consent. This is known as the “Facebook Data Breach Litigation.”
  • A lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleging Facebook engaged in deceptive practices by allowing access to user data beyond what was reasonably expected. This is known as the “FTC Privacy Litigation.”

Both lawsuits claim Facebook failed to protect the privacy of its users. The lawsuits cover different time periods, with the class action spanning from 2007-2014 and the FTC lawsuit covering 2012-2018. If you had a Facebook account during either of these time periods, you may be eligible to participate in the litigation.

Who is eligible to claim part of the Facebook settlement?

You must meet certain criteria to be eligible to claim part of a potential settlement from the Facebook consumer privacy litigation:

  • You must have had a Facebook account at any time between January 1, 2007 and September 25, 2018. This includes both active and inactive accounts.
  • Your data must have been impacted by the practices at issue in the lawsuits. This includes things like your public profile information being accessed without consent.
  • You must be a resident of one of the eligible countries. The class action covers all U.S. residents, while the FTC litigation covers U.S. residents plus residents of the United Kingdom and European Union.

If you meet these criteria, you can claim a portion of any settlement fund, provided you submit a valid claim by the deadlines imposed by the courts.

How can I file a claim in the Facebook litigation?

To file a claim in the Facebook consumer privacy litigation, you must complete and submit a claim form to the claims administrator. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the official settlement website for the specific lawsuit you want to file a claim under. For the class action, visit For the FTC case, visit
  2. Review the notice documents on the website so you understand your rights and options.
  3. Click on the “File a Claim” link and complete the online claim form with your name, contact information, and Facebook account details.
  4. Confirm you were a Facebook user who resided in an eligible country during the timeframe covered by the lawsuit.
  5. Provide any required supporting documentation to validate your identity and status as a class member.
  6. Submit your claim form by the stated deadline. For the class action, this is currently November 22, 2022. For the FTC case, claims are due on February 10, 2023.

Once you submit your claim, it will be reviewed for completeness and validity. You may need to provide additional information during the review process. If approved, you will be entered into the settlement fund for payment if the courts grant final approval.

How much money can I get from the Facebook settlement?

The specific settlement amounts are still being finalized by the courts. However, here are some estimates of the potential payouts:

  • For the class action settlement, individual payouts may be around $200-$400 per person. The total settlement fund is $650 million.
  • For the FTC settlement, individual payouts are likely to be around $20-$40 per person. The total settlement fund is $725 million.

Keep in mind these are estimates only. The final amounts depend on the total number of valid claims filed and other factors. Eligible class members may receive payments via check, PayPal, Venmo, or prepaid card.

When will I receive my payment from the Facebook settlement?

Both the class action and FTC settlements are still awaiting final court approval. Here is the current timeline:

  • Class action settlement: Fairness hearing scheduled for November 10, 2022. Potential payments in late 2022 or early 2023 if approved.
  • FTC settlement: Objection and comment period closes on October 25, 2022. Potential payments in mid to late 2023 if approved.

Dates may be subject to change. If the settlements are approved, payments will be distributed as soon as possible to validated claimants. The official settlement websites will provide updates on the timeline.

What if I don’t want to participate in the Facebook settlement?

If you don’t want to participate in the Facebook privacy litigation settlements, you have a couple options:

  • Do nothing – If you don’t submit a claim form, you won’t receive any portion of the settlement payouts. You won’t be bound by the settlement either.
  • Opt out – For the class action only, you can opt out of the settlement by submitting an exclusion request. You won’t receive any money but keep your right to file your own lawsuit against Facebook.
  • Object – For both settlements, you can have your objections heard by the court if you disagree with any portion of the proposed settlement terms.

Details on how to opt out or object to the settlements can be found on the official websites. You must act by the deadlines provided in the notices.

Can I sue Facebook separately for privacy violations?

If you submit a valid claim as part of these class action and FTC settlements, you give up your right to sue Facebook separately for the same issues. However, you may still have grounds for a personal lawsuit if Facebook violated your privacy rights in other ways outside the scope of these cases.

Before pursuing your own case against Facebook, be sure to consult with a qualified privacy lawyer. They can analyze the facts of your situation and whether you have viable legal claims beyond what is covered in the class action and FTC settlements.

Where can I learn more about the Facebook privacy litigation?

Here are some helpful resources to learn more about claiming your portion of the Facebook settlements:

  • Official settlement website for the class action:
  • Official settlement website for the FTC case:
  • Facebook’s statement on the litigation:
  • FTC press release on privacy lawsuit:
  • Contact class counsel or the claims administrator with any questions

This litigation process can be complex, so be sure to keep checking the official websites for deadlines, forms, FAQs and the most up to date information on claiming your Facebook privacy settlement.


Facebook users may be eligible for payments from class action and FTC settlements resulting from alleged privacy violations. By submitting valid claims by the deadlines, you can receive your portion of the settlement funds being offered. Be sure to review eligibility requirements, file your claim on the official websites, and check for updates on when payments will be distributed. This can provide important compensation to Facebook users whose personal data was impacted without their consent. Contact a lawyer if you have additional privacy violations that may warrant your own lawsuit against Facebook.