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How do I choose a Facebook cover?

How do I choose a Facebook cover?

Choosing the perfect Facebook cover photo can be tricky. Your cover photo is one of the first things people will notice on your profile, so you want it to make a good impression. Here are some tips to help you pick out the ideal cover photo that represents your personal brand on Facebook.

What are the Facebook cover dimensions?

The first thing to know when choosing a Facebook cover is the recommended dimensions. Facebook cover photos display at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktop, and 640 x 360 pixels on smartphones. You’ll want an image that is at least those dimensions to avoid pixelation or cropping.

Keep in mind that when choosing a cover photo, the most important central area is 820 x 312 pixels on desktop and 640 x 360 pixels on mobile. This central zone is always displayed, even on varying screen sizes. The rest of the left and right sides of the image may be cropped depending on the device.

What makes a good Facebook cover photo?

Once you know the size your image needs to be, the next step is choosing a photo that represents your personal brand and the impression you want to give on your profile. Here are some tips for choosing the best Facebook cover photo:

  • Select an eye-catching image that will stand out in the News Feed
  • Use a photo with bright, vibrant colors
  • Feature something you’re passionate about like travel, family, pets, hobbies, etc.
  • Include text sparingly – the focus should be on the visuals
  • Avoid cluttered or heavily filtered photos
  • Make sure the central focus area contains essential details
  • Choose a horizontal photo to avoid cropping

Should I include text on my Facebook cover?

You can include text on your Facebook cover photo, but it’s best to keep it minimal. Any important text should be in the central 820 x 312 pixel area so it’s always visible. Some best practices for text include:

  • Add your name and/or professional role
  • Include a inspirational quote or slogan
  • Promote special events, sales, or offers
  • Limit text to 20% or less of the overall image
  • Use a bold, clear font that stands out
  • Make sure text contrasts well with the photo

Avoid long blocks of text that are hard to read. The cover image itself should take priority over text.

How do I customize my Facebook cover for holidays and events?

Customizing your Facebook cover photo for holidays, events, and special occasions is a great way to show off your personality and interests. Here are some tips for seasonal and event covers:

  • Use holiday-themed images like fireworks on July 4th or a wreath on Christmas
  • Create a collage of photos from an event or vacation
  • Overlay text wishing friends a “Happy Birthday” or “Happy New Year”
  • Include the dates of an upcoming event or trip
  • Promote seasonal businesses like lawn care or tax prep
  • Use solid background colors representing the holiday like orange and black for Halloween

Change up your cover photo frequently to stay fresh and relevant. This encourages people to keep checking back to see your latest photos.

Should I include my profile picture on my cover photo?

It’s generally best not to include your profile picture on the cover photo. Your profile pic is already featured prominently on your timeline, so embedding it in the cover image usually looks repetitive and distracting.

However, some creative ways to potentially include a profile pic are:

  • Use a small profile pic in the bottom left corner
  • Create a collage with multiple photos including a profile pic
  • Overlap the profile pic with muted opacity over the cover photo

In most cases though, choose a compelling cover photo without your profile image. This creates more visual separation between the two elements.

How do I coordinate my Facebook cover and profile picture?

While your cover and profile pictures don’t have to match, coordinating the two can create a cohesive and professional look. Here are some tips for coordinating both images:

  • Feature the same person/people in both photos
  • Use images taken at the same event or location
  • Select a matching color scheme or pattern
  • Focus on a similar theme like nature, travel, etc.
  • Edit photos to have similar filters and effects
  • Pick photos with complementary lighting and atmosphere

Having some continuity between your cover and profile pictures looks more intentional than random images. Just don’t go overboard to the point of looking repetitive.

Should I include text on my profile picture too?

Unlike cover photos, text should be avoided on Facebook profile pictures. Some reasons to keep profile pictures text-free:

  • Text draws attention away from you
  • Harder to read small text on a small pic
  • Can conflict with Facebook’s text and design
  • Looks unprofessional
  • Cover photo has more room for text

The profile picture should simply focus on showing your face clearly to friends and connections. Any text is unnecessary and distracting here.

What if I don’t have many high-quality photos to choose from?

If you don’t have many suitable Facebook cover photo candidates in your personal collection, here are some options:

  • Take new photos. Stage a mini photo shoot of you or things you enjoy.
  • Use stock photos. Royalty-free sites like iStock and Shutterstock offer great images.
  • Try Canva templates. Canva has pre-made Facebook cover layouts you can customize.
  • Design an inspirational quote image. Create a shareable quote graphic using design tools.
  • Search Flickr’s Creative Commons. Find CC-licensed images you can use for free.

With some creativity, you can make a memorable Facebook cover photo without professional images. The most important thing is that it represents your unique personal brand.

Should I ask friends to tag themselves in my cover photo?

Tagging friends in your Facebook cover photo is generally not recommended. Here are some reasons to avoid it:

  • Can appear cluttered with multiple tag boxes
  • Draws attention away from the overall image
  • Not as visible on mobile devices
  • People may untag themselves
  • You can only tag up to 10 friends

Instead of tagging, thank friends for any photos they contributed via a status update or comment on the cover image post. Keep the cover clean for optimal visual impact.

What are some common Facebook cover mistakes?

To ensure your cover photo looks great, avoid these common cover mistakes:

  • Pixelated or blurry images from poor sizing
  • Too much clutter and text
  • Random cropping from using a non-horizontal image
  • Pictures that are too dark or light
  • Outdated photos that no longer represent you
  • Hard-to-read font colors and styles
  • Spelling and grammar errors in text
  • Using unofficial Facebook branding

Proof your cover photo choice carefully before uploading it. A cover that follows Facebook’s best practices will make the best impression.

How often should I change my Facebook cover photo?

There’s no set rule for how frequently to change your Facebook cover, but monthly is a best practice. Here are some benefits of changing it up regularly:

  • Lets you showcase fresh content over time
  • Keeps your profile looking updated
  • Allows you to tie covers to events/holidays
  • Engages followers who want to see new images
  • Improves your photography/design skills

Aim for at least one new cover photo per month, or anytime you have exciting new visual content to share. Don’t get stuck with the same cover for ages.

Should I pay for a professional Facebook cover designer?

While you can certainly hire a graphic designer to create custom Facebook covers, it’s not essential for most personal profiles. Here are some tips if you want to get a professionally designed cover:

  • Consider if it’s worth the cost for your needs
  • Look for affordable designers on Fiverr and Upwork
  • Provide clear direction on your goals, tastes, and brand
  • Ask to see samples of their Facebook cover work
  • Make sure you get the high-res image file

Even without hiring a pro, you can make great covers on your own with practice and consistent branding. Focus on highlighting your unique personality.


Picking the perfect Facebook cover photo is a fun way to showcase your brand and talents. Focus on eye-catching images featuring things you love, and don’t be afraid to change it up monthly, or for relevant events and holidays. With an awesome cover photo, you can make a stellar first impression on your Facebook profile.