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How do I check my monetization?

How do I check my monetization?

Checking your YouTube monetization status is important to make sure you are getting properly compensated for your videos. Here are some quick answers to common questions about checking YouTube monetization:

What is YouTube monetization?

YouTube monetization allows creators to earn money from their videos. When a video is monetized, ads play before, during, or after the video. Revenue from these ads is shared between YouTube and the video creator.

How do I know if my videos are monetized?

You can check if your videos are monetized in YouTube Studio. Go to YouTube Studio and click on “Monetization” in the left menu. This will show you a list of your videos and whether monetization is on or off for each one.

Why would my videos not be monetized?

There are a few reasons why your videos may not be monetized:

  • You don’t meet YouTube’s monetization requirements – You need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months.
  • Your video was claimed by someone else – If someone files a copyright claim on your video, monetization is turned off.
  • Your video was demonetized – YouTube may disable monetization if your content violates their guidelines.
  • You turned monetization off – You can choose to disable monetization on individual videos.

How do I turn on monetization for my videos?

To turn on monetization:

  1. Make sure you meet the monetization requirements of at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months.
  2. Go to YouTube Studio and click “Monetization” in the left menu.
  3. Find the video you want to monetize and click the toggle to enable monetization.
  4. Agree to the YouTube Partner Program terms.

It may take up to 24 hours for monetization to fully activate on your video.

How can I check individual video monetization status?

To check monetization status for a single video:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Content” in the left menu.
  3. Find the video you want to check.
  4. Look at the “Monetize” column – this will show whether monetization is on or off.

How do I see my overall monetized playbacks?

To see your overall monetized playbacks:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Analytics” in the left menu.
  3. Click on “Revenue” at the top.
  4. Scroll down to the “Top videos, ads, and other revenue” section.
  5. Look for the “Monetized playbacks” metric – this shows your total monetized views.

Can I check monetized playbacks for a specific video?

Yes, you can check monetized playbacks for a single video:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Content” in the left menu.
  3. Click on the video you want to analyze.
  4. Under “Analytics” click on “Revenue”.
  5. Look for the “Monetized playbacks” metric.

How often is YouTube revenue paid out?

YouTube pays out revenue on a monthly basis provided you’ve earned more than the payment threshold. Here are the details:

  • Payment threshold – Must earn $100 or more in revenue to receive payment.
  • Payment processing – YouTube pays out earnings from the previous month on the 21st of the current month.
  • Payment methods – You can receive payment via direct deposit, physical check, or wire transfer.

How do I check my upcoming YouTube revenue payment?

You can check your upcoming estimated YouTube revenue payment by following these steps:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Monetization” in the left menu.
  3. Click on “Revenue reports”.
  4. This will show your estimated earnings for the current period.

Why is my estimated revenue different than actual payment?

There are a few reasons why your estimated earnings may be different than your actual YouTube payment:

  • Unpaid views – Views that have not been monetized yet due to processing delays.
  • Invalid clicks – Clicks determined to be invalid are not included.
  • Currency differences – Estimates are made daily based on current exchange rates.
  • Partial month data – Estimates only include data up to the current date.

How do I know if I received a YouTube payment?

You will receive an email notification from YouTube when your monthly payment is processed. To check if you received a payment:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Monetization” in the left menu.
  3. Click on “Transactions”.
  4. This will show your YouTube earnings transactions.

Why didn’t I get a YouTube payment?

If you did not receive a YouTube payment, here are some potential reasons:

  • You did not meet the payment threshold – Must earn over $100.
  • There are issues with your AdSense account – Payments go through AdSense.
  • Your payment method is invalid – Make sure your payment info is correct.
  • You missed the monthly deadline – Payments are processed on the 21st.

How do I change my YouTube payment method?

To change the payment method for your YouTube earnings:

  1. Go to YouTube Studio.
  2. Click on “Monetization” in the left menu.
  3. Click on “AdSense account”.
  4. This will open your AdSense account – go to Payments to update.

What should I do if I have a YouTube payment issue?

If you have an issue receiving YouTube payments, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check your payment method is valid in AdSense.
  • Make sure you are still meeting monetization requirements.
  • Look for policy violation notifications that may restrict payment.
  • Double check your monthly earnings in Analytics to confirm you met the threshold.
  • Contact YouTube Creator Support for assistance investigating.

How much revenue can I earn on YouTube?

The amount of money you can make on YouTube depends on several factors:

  • Views – More views means more potential ad impressions and revenue.
  • Watch time – Longer videos and audience retention help increase revenue.
  • Ad rates – Advertiser demand impacts the CPM rates your ads earn.
  • Ad placements – More ads placed in a video increase potential revenue.
  • Content type – Some content types attract more valuable ads than others.

Top creators can earn over $5 per 1,000 views, but averages are $0.10 – $0.30 per view. With 1 million monetized views per month, you could potentially earn $100,000 or more per year.

How many views do I need to make money on YouTube?

As a rough estimate, you’ll need at least 1 million views per year to start earning meaningful revenue from YouTube. Here’s a breakdown:

Views per month Annual Views Potential Earnings
10,000 120,000 $12 – $36
100,000 1.2 million $120 – $360
500,000 6 million $600 – $1,800
1 million 12 million $1,200 – $3,600

Note that these are estimates only. Your actual revenue depends on many additional factors.

How can I increase my revenue on YouTube?

Here are some tips to help maximize your YouTube earnings:

  • Optimize your titles, tags, and descriptions to rank higher in search results.
  • Increase watch time by making engaging content and promoting it effectively.
  • Join the YouTube Partner Program to access all monetization features.
  • Analyze your top videos to understand what content resonates with viewers.
  • Produce content consistently to build your subscriber base over time.
  • Use Cards, End Screens and Playlists to promote other videos.
  • Leverage YouTube Analytics to understand your audience and performance.

What are the YouTube monetization requirements?

To enable monetization on YouTube and earn revenue, you need to meet these requirements:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months
  • AdSense account linked to YouTube channel
  • Content follows all YouTube monetization policies

YouTube will review your channel once you meet the thresholds. If approved, you can turn on monetization and be eligible for revenue.

Can I monetize without 1,000 subscribers?

No, having at least 1,000 subscribers is a firm requirement from YouTube to monetize your content. There are no exceptions to this rule. Some things to keep in mind:

  • You cannot enable monetization until you reach 1,000 subscribers.
  • There are no workarounds – this requirement must be met honestly.
  • Buying subscribers will get your channel terminated.
  • The best way to grow is making great content consistently.

Focus on producing quality videos, engaging your audience, and promoting your content. This will help you organically gain subscribers over time so you can eventually monetize.

What watch time do you need for monetization?

Along with 1,000 subscribers, you need 4,000 public watch hours in the last 12 months to enable monetization. Important notes:

  • Watch time refers to the total time viewers have watched your content.
  • Only public videos count towards watch time.
  • Live stream archives, unlisted, and private videos don’t qualify.
  • You can see your total watch time in YouTube Analytics.

Aim to make engaging videos that keep viewers watching for longer. This will help you accumulate watch time so you can monetize sooner.

How long does YouTube take to approve monetization?

It can take YouTube up to a month to review and approve a channel for monetization after meeting the requirements. Here is the typical process:

  1. Reach 1,000 subs and 4,000 watch hours.
  2. Apply for monetization in YouTube Studio.
  3. YouTube reviews channel for compliance with policies.
  4. Approval usually takes 1-4 weeks.
  5. Get email once approved and can enable monetization.

Have patience as YouTube thoroughly vets channels to protect advertisers. Focus on creating quality content in the meantime.

Why is my monetization still under review?

If your YouTube monetization has been stuck under review for a while, here are some potential reasons:

  • Long queue of applications – Can take up to a month to get reviewed.
  • Manual reviews – Complex channels require more thorough vetting.
  • Policy violations – Issues like copyright claims must be resolved first.
  • Suspicious activity – Unusual traffic sources or patterns raise flags.
  • Strikes on your account – Strikes need to expire before approval.

Unfortunately there is little you can do except wait patiently. Avoid uploading questionable content that may further delay approval.

My channel was demonetized – what next?

If your formerly monetized channel loses access to earning revenue, here are some steps to take:

  1. Review the email from YouTube explaining the demonetization.
  2. Understand what policy was violated or terms broken.
  3. Remove any content that led to the violation.
  4. Submit an appeal explaining how you have fixed the issue.
  5. Wait for YouTube to review the appeal.

The appeal process can take 30 days or more. Multiple violations will make it harder to get re-approved, so tread carefully moving forward.

Should I run ads on non-monetized videos?

Running ads on non-monetized videos can be risky. Since YouTube won’t share revenue from those ads, here are the downsides:

  • You will not earn any money from the views.
  • Viewers may find ads annoying and leave.
  • YouTube may disable your ability to run ads.
  • It appears like you are trying to profit without authorization.

It’s best to only run ads on videos that are authorized to be monetized by YouTube. Focus on creating content that meets all monetization guidelines.


Monitoring your YouTube monetization status and earnings is crucial to get properly compensated as a creator. Use YouTube Studio to check if your videos are monetized, view analytics, and see your estimated revenue. Make compelling videos, engage your audience, and comply with all policies to maximize your earnings on YouTube.