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How do I check my Facebook level up status?

How do I check my Facebook level up status?

Facebook introduced the Level Up program in 2018 as a way for users to showcase their expertise and achievements on the platform. Level Up enables you to progress through different tiers, unlocking perks and customization options as your level increases. Checking your current Level Up status on Facebook only takes a few quick steps.

What is Facebook Level Up?

The Facebook Level Up program has a total of 5 levels: Apprentice, Journeyman, Craftsman, Master, and Legend. As you gain experience on Facebook and engage with different features, you earn progress points towards the next level. Each level unlocks the following perks:

  • Apprentice – Access to Level Up profile frames
  • Journeyman – Access to custom title backgrounds
  • Craftsman – Access to star icon stickers
  • Master – Access to animated intros
  • Legend – Access to special profile decoration unlocked at Legend

Progress points are earned by completing various actions on Facebook, such as posting statuses, commenting, reacting to posts, going live, and more. The requirements increase for each subsequent level. Reaching higher levels shows your Facebook expertise and time spent being an active member.

Steps to Check Your Current Level

Checking your Facebook Level Up status only takes a few steps:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or navigate to on a computer.
  2. Go to your profile page.
  3. Tap on the Level icon under your name and profile photo.

This will open up your Level Up status page, which shows your current level and progress to the next level. Your level icon will also be displayed on your profile.

Interpreting Your Level Up Status

The Level Up status page displays the following information:

  • Current level – This shows your current Level Up tier, from Apprentice to Legend.
  • Next level – The next level you can progress to and its icon.
  • Points until next level – How many more progress points are needed to reach the next level.
  • Points earned so far – Your total points earned across all levels.
  • Rewards unlocked – Perks you’ve unlocked so far based on your level.
  • Progress bar – Visual representation of your points earned out of the total needed for the next level.

Monitoring these details, especially the points needed until the next level, can give you an idea of your Facebook activity. If the progress seems slow, you may need to increase your engagement to level up faster.

Ways to Earn Progress Points

As mentioned previously, a wide variety of activities on Facebook will contribute points towards your Level Up progress. Here are some of the main ways to earn points:

  • Posting a status update – 1 point
  • Commenting on a post – 1 point
  • Reacting to a post (Like, Love, etc) – 1 point
  • Going live – 5 points
  • Posting a photo – 5 points
  • Posting a life event – 10 points
  • Making a Friendversary video – 10 points
  • Using a Level Up sticker in Stories – 5 points

Engaging consistently by posting, commenting, and reacting is key to earning points regularly. But participating in other activities like going live, posting photos, and using Facebook Stories will help you gain points faster.

Tips to Level Up Quickly

Here are some tips if you want to accelerate your Level Up progress and reach the next tier:

  • Post engaging status updates at least a few times a week.
  • Comment frequently on posts from friends, family, Pages, and Groups.
  • Go live at least once a week to get the bonus live points.
  • Post more photos using the Facebook mobile app.
  • Use News Feed filters to see the most relevant posts and engage more.
  • Share life events like new jobs, birthdays, weddings, etc for big points.
  • Participate actively in Facebook Groups to earn points for each post and comment.
  • Claim your free gift when prompted on the Level Up page to get a points boost.

Keep in mind that the points required for each level increase significantly. So you will need to actively increase your participation over time in order to reach the highest Legend level.

Level Up Challenges

In addition to regular points for engagement, Facebook also provides periodic Level Up Challenges. These are special events where you can earn extra points for specific activities relevant to the challenge.

For example, previous challenges have included:

  • Posting Throwback Thursday photos for bonus points
  • Going live with specific Level Up frames or effects
  • Posting a story using a Level Up sticker during a timeframe

Completing these challenges can give your points a nice boost. You’ll be notified of any active challenges at the top of your Level Up status page. Be sure to take advantage of them when they are available!

unlocking Perks and Customizations

Leveling up by reaching 300, 1000, 3000, 6000, and 10,000 lifetime points unlocks perks and customization options for your Facebook profile.

Here is an overview of the perks unlocked at each level:

Level Perks Unlocked
Apprentice Level Up profile frames
Journeyman Custom title backgrounds
Craftsman Star icon stickers
Master Animated intros
Legend Special profile decorations

These perks let you show off your Facebook expertise and give your profile more custom personality. The frames, title backgrounds, stickers, animations, and decorations are all exclusive unlocks for reaching each tier.

Using Profile Frames

When you reach the Apprentice level, Level Up profile frames become available to use. To use a frame:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Tap on your profile picture
  3. Tap “Add Frame”
  4. Browse the Level Up frame options and select one
  5. Tap “Use as Profile Picture” to set the frame

This will overlay the frame graphic around your profile picture. Frames are a great way to showcase your Level Up status whenever someone views your profile.

Applying Title Backgrounds

Upon reaching Journeyman, you can apply colorful backgrounds behind your profile title. Here is how to use them:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Tap on your title under your name
  3. Tap the background icon
  4. Browse and select a title background
  5. Tap “Save” to apply it

Title backgrounds help your name stand out. Be sure to pick one that matches your personality and interests!

Using Star Icon Stickers

When you get to Craftsman, star icon stickers become available for decorating your profile. You can add them by:

  1. Going to your profile page
  2. Tapping “Add Sticker” under your intro
  3. Choosing one of the star sticker options
  4. Dragging and dropping it where you want

The stickers are great for highlighting or drawing attention to parts of your profile. Get creative with where you place them!

Creating Animated Intros

Upon reaching the Master level, you can create custom animated intros for your profile. These are short videos that play automatically when someone visits your profile.

To make an intro:

  1. Go to your profile and tap “Create Intro”
  2. Select a template and edit the text, colors, etc
  3. Tap “Preview Intro” to view it
  4. Tap “Save Intro” once you are happy with it

The intros are a great way to grab attention and show some personality. Take the time to make yours stand out!

Using Legend Profile Decorations

When you’ve made it all the way to the Legend level, special profile decorations become available. These include unique layouts, backgrounds, and other visual treatments for your profile.

To use the Legend decorations:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Tap “Decorate Your Profile”
  3. Browse the different Legend decoration options
  4. Tap “Preview” to view a decoration
  5. Select “Save” to apply it

The Legend decorations offer a great way to showcase your ultimate Facebook mastery. Try out different looks to find one that represents your personality!

Maintaining Your Level Status

Your Level Up progress won’t decrease, but you will stop earning points towards your next tier if you become inactive on Facebook. To maintain an upward trajectory, aim to participate consistently.

Here are some tips for staying active and continuing to gain Level Up points over time:

  • Check Facebook daily and engage with posts from your connections
  • Post updates, photos, or videos at least a few times a week
  • Join new Facebook Groups around your interests to find fresh content
  • Engage with Facebook Pages by reacting, commenting, and sharing posts
  • Participate in Facebook Events to earn points for involvement
  • Claim point rewards when you see prompts in your News Feed
  • Complete any Level Up Challenges that become available

Making Facebook part of your regular social media routine will ensure you are touching the different parts of the platform where you can earn progress points. Stay diligent and you will keep moving up!


Facebook’s Level Up program provides an enjoyable way to showcase your expertise and achievements on the platform. Checking your status and watching your progress can be addictive and motivating.

The key takeaways for maxing out your Level Up tier are:

  • Check your Level page to monitor points earned and needed
  • Engage actively by posting, commenting, and liking
  • Take advantage of challenges and bonuses when available
  • Have fun customizing your profile with unlocked perks
  • Stay consistent with involvement to keep earning points

With the right strategy, anyone can reach the top Legend status with enough commitment and participation. Level Up allows super fans to stand out and prove their Facebook prowess.